"Sylvanas won't be like Garrosh"

What do you expect from incompetent writers? They did the best they could.

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thrall literally appointed him as warchief when he went too go do shaman things

and having a reason doesn’t mean it’s justified.

Justified means if it was done “For greater good”, even if it was an evil deed.
but i doubt mountain of skulls and rivers of blood is good
 unless its a khorne thing but this is wow not warhammer.

But anyways, words and treatment can affect how one reacts in the future

Well, that’s honestly a little worse than them making him two-dimensionally bad on purpose.

It absolutely does feel like they thrust characters into situations that’ll look ‘cool’ without any thought as to how it would impact the character themselves, or the story going forward - just a huge emphasis on these big, epic setpieces which, when it comes down to it, end up completely meaningless.

I’d rather have some interesting character interactions than big epic moments personally. 
 'Cause being invested in these characters makes those moments, when they come, a lot more interesting!

I didn’t say he didn’t get appointed. i said Garrosh wasn’t forced into it. He accepted the role.

That’s not what that means.


Unless you’ve written over 50 novels, or even one for that matter, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.

It takes nothing to write a novel. All it takes is putting words together and you have a book. Anyone can write 50 novels.


Well that’s what it said in the dictionary.

but regardless he did get all that way by how people treated him and were quick to judge him instead of being any bit of supportive.

unlike sylvanas who just ends up being evil again even though she could of just ended it after legion

Ah so you must also be an artist aren’t you? I bet you’re on the level of Picasso, since clearly by your own logic it takes nothing to paint since painting is just putting paint on a canvas.

So Garrosh is excused for all of his actions because other people were mean to him?




Ah hahahahahahahaha

Are you comparing Christie Golden and other Blizzard writers to Picasso?

oh man thanks you made my day.

I have seen more creative and inspired writing on the bathroom stalls.


I always looked at that as a good sense of character for what he was signifying: a power hungry individual

He was aware of the Fel and knew what it did. However he never bothered to really think about his actions, and, much like his ancestors, decided he would be able to remain in control after “Imbibing” of this other power source.

It was, to me, a more subtle nod at “the more things change (ha! Garrosh!) the more they stay the same.”

On the one hand, it does help to have some knowledge of a subject before critiquing it - visiting a fancy restaraunt and slamming all their food when all you’ve ever eaten is McDonalds and thus have no point of reference would be silly.

But on the same card, you don’t have to be an expert to be critical of something.
Different people have different interpretations of Blizzard’s story - there’s always going to be this sort of discussion, especially around its villains.


I’m not. I’m saying that writing isn’t as easy as you think. It’s an art just like painting, not everyone can just write a novel.

now you are putting words in my mouth and they aren’t even cherry flavored

his reasoning for his emotions are one thing and how it effects him.
but doing said actions that harms others is entirely his fault.

you get the feelings of anger from the actions of another is one thing, but acting on it, is another.

 you see
 the Siege of Orgrimmar used to boot Garrosh was an actual raid
 while the Siege of Orgrimmar to boot Sylvanas only played out in a cutscene.


That is where you are incorrect. Everyone -CAN- write a novel and as Christie Golden has proven again and again. Just because you can does not mean you are good at it or should.

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Sylvanas is Garrosh 2.0 and picking apart the OP doesn’t change that. My favorite comparison is flip they did with both characters. In Stonetalon we got a glimmer of the “honorable” Garrosh and in the BfA trailer we got a glimmer of the Sylvanas that cared about the Horde.

The woman we seen in that trailer wasn’t someone that said “the Horde is nothing” and the Saurfang we seen wasn’t someone planning a rebellion against her. I wonder how far ahead of the xpac it was made and what made them change their mind.


Good point that I didn’t really think about
 the Saurfang in the trailer wasn’t someone looking for his death
 it was someone honestly trying to win the battle.


in way, he did.

Yep. Think about the cinematic “The Old Soldier” (or whatever it was called) now go back to the BfA trailer. It’s two completely different Saurfangs even though all that supposedly happened in one day :roll_eyes: