Sylvanas should remain warchief

I was clearly talking to Grandblade. The only one insulting and spamming in my post.


Your post was directly under Rothiron’s, and did not show that it was replying to Grandblade. It may have been a simple oversight when you made the post.

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You know
 Practical benefits.

Not for nothing, Sylvanas has killed two Alliance nations at this point.

M’bad. Thought I made it loud and clear when I said he was spamming


Get off my Story Forums, fiend.

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That Sylvanas! She really gets dem Alliance goats!

I wonder if at least one or two people in the universe would consider discussion about her remaining Warchief?

Such a subject would be anathema to the Story Forum echo chamber. It must be RP or a purely Troll remark.



How dare they? We must condemn them!! Get all the pro-sylvanas people’s posts taken down bc they are clearly trolls.


Not at all. Plenty of people have made well thought out arguments for keeping Sylvannas as warchief. Baby boy brought some of them up in his “herp derp change my mind” troll post. But those people don’t openly admit to having started a discussion solely to get people mad, nor do they somehow bring Staghelm not having Malfurion’s approval to prove the nelves had it coming.

Those are things trolling edge kids do when they want to say something edge, hoping to be the edgiest edgekid around for the former, or for the latter
 I got nothing. Maybe when someone wants to be an amateur WoW conspiracy theorist?


Now that we’ve identified the trolls can this thread get back to the original discussion at hand? Or are we done here.


I would enjoy some well-founded WoW conspiracy theories in the Story Forum if they had canon events and information as support. Sounds fun, if it could have roots based in canon fact.

The Story Forum would be the place for such ruminations, I imagine. Unless you are RPing a conspiracy theorist - then WET for sure.

Sure. But unfortunately, that original discussion was “change my mind” before you edited it, with a copy-paste from some other thread (your own admission). When a counter to one of those copied points is brought up, your own counter has amounted to “lol idiot elves”. Curse up there has done more to create a discussion, even if it amounted to just his personal Fandrel-Malfurion conspiracy theory to justify Sylvannas burning the tree. Still more to defend your points than you’ve done.

So yes, let’s actually discuss something. You should start since you started the thread.

Beautiful baby boy.


Actually, it was a point from this same thread. Scroll down.

the burning of the tree discussion was an entirely different thread that has since been removed due to excessive trolling by other folk cough

If you’re going to try and dispute then you should at least have the ability to read efficiently.


Scroll up, baby boy. You must have missed it.


Still not what this thread was about.


No, it’s about you trying to be edge, starting with your now-edited “change my mind” initial post. There’s nothing to discuss, so if you want this to be a discussion, then give us something to actually discuss. Make points in favor of your argument. Defend those points with a reasoned explanation.

Or just keep saying things like “lol idiot elves” and think that’s a discussion.


I can’t make an actual discussion because of people like you who just spam and troll the same thing over and over again, whether it be “oh baby boy my sweet baby boy” or “get on ur forsaken fiend get off my forums l0l0l xD”


That can be a discussion.

Sylvanas is an Elf. She power slid into Frostmourne. She burnt a massive population center because someone suggested she might not get what she wants.

Damn Elves.


That power slide into Frostmourne made me cringe a little but all in all that was a good animation.

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It’s tautological. You feel you can’t make a discussion because when you don’t make a discussion, people troll. People troll because you claim to be discussing things but you admit to trolling.

Poor argument, baby boy. If you actually wanted to make a discussion, we wouldn’t be “spamming and trolling”. We’d be discussing. But since that’s not what you want, and all you want is attention, I’m taking back mine. You’ve finally bored me, and I’m kind of hoping Cursewinds goes through with it and starts a WoW conspiracy thread.


This is the most constructive thing I’ve heard you say