edited content
depends how crazy she gets
Well I’m sold.
Burning a tree full of people just to gain a psychological advantage in upcoming battles was pretty left-field in my book.
Honestly, Sylvanas is the strongest and best warchief the Horde has ever had. It would be a crime to not keep her as warchief.
She should. It more or less justifies and leads credence to the fact that the Horde is consistently written as complacent genocidal psychopaths doing the will of the Burning Legion.
- Draenor
- First War
- Second War
- Third War
- Wrathgate
- Various areas of Cata
- Stormheim
Cant argue with the consistency. Let Sylvanas stay dang it.
Fixed that
Reasons to keep Sylvanas as Warchief.
- Morally grey
- Military genius
- Unparalled in her kill count
- Has most loyal badass pet
- Strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies
- Very sassy and Elf
- Is not infected by dumb honor
Reasons to not have her as Warchief:
- Some sad honorable Orcs will be sad and crying.
Sylvanas is the best Warchief Horde ever had and there’s no reason to change it. #VoteSylvanas2018
Something is wrong here, what are you all hiding?
An illusion?
Sylvanas isn’t racist, in fact she encourages other races to join the Horde (i.e. allied races) and she’s actually done way more for the Horde in 2 expacs than Garrosh ever had. Oh and she’s actually interesting.
As much as I don’t want to agree with this, it’s kinda true. Pior to this expansion I had a good amount of respect for the character, I didn’t really care for her actions in Gilneas either though. It’s unfortunate that the character feels a bit butchered.
Morally grey I can deal with, but that’s not what she is anymore. I think prior to this war this she was the best, but I’m sure that during this war she may cause some fractures within the faction. I may be though.
Oh and I think either Alleria or Shandris have a kill count that’s just as high as Sylvanas’.
Yea I doubt it since she just about killed the entire night elf race LOL and the only reason hordies are turning their back on her is because that big ol’ brown turd Saurfang is getting all the edgelord players all riled up.
Well I for one, would like to have a Warchief - For more than Two expansions… Atleast.
That and I’d also like the Horde to stop having faction leaders die. I mean it’s like Blizzard has a fetish for it now.
< Drunkishly > “Letsh play Russian roulette with teh Horde leadersh againsh…
< Shoots twice > Aw yish I got Vol’Jin… AW NO, I HIT VARIAN I SOWWY.” lol
I was speaking on the number that they personally killed with their own hands, or bows in this case. She didn’t just about kill the entire elvan race, but a large enough number. But that’s not an argument I want to get into, it’s too early.
I agree, and while I have many personal reasons, one objective reason is that we currently have no competent replacement for Horde players to rally upon to be next Warchief?
Vol’jin is doing Spirit crap
Saurfang is apparently working with Anduin rendering whatever potential rebellion 2.0 story to be stupid
Nathanos is just Sylvanas-lite
Lor’themar… I like this one, let’s not kill him off as Warchief plz
Baine “Taurajo is a legitimate military target” Bloodhoof
Gallywix, while memewrothy is still just a meme
I swear this isn’t me guys, I have no quarrels about posting any of that on DiF.
I agree.
As much as I would love to see a Golden Age of Sindorei Rule over Azeroth, it would end just as the relatively successful and peaceful reign of the Trolls, the rampaging reign of the Orcs, and vicious reign of the Forsaken.
Warchief is a death sentence.
I wonder if thats why the “Dark Force” put Sylvanas as Warchief. She has been a Champion of the Horde and a defender of Azeroth as a racial leader. The best way to get a person like her killed - get them to be Warchief.
She’s a poopy head.
Sylvanas should remain Warchief because.
Changing warchiefs again just proves that the warchief position is unsustainable because for every good warchief that does fudge all in the position, you are equally likely to get a crazy monster who will run the Horde into the ground.
Sylvanas should be given a Horde focused character arc that develops her as a character and the Horde as a whole. For Sylvanas’ case, her moving past evil for selfish sake into someone who can actually care about other people not named Windrunner, and for the Horde at large so that it can actually hold true to it’s own creed of being the faction for the underdogs, the ones that don’t fit in outside but together we all family blah blah Vin Diesel. Removing Sylvanas and putting a orc, troll, or tauren just makes the Horde itself look like “Thrall’s Horde and their Amazing Friends.” which I doubt anyone really wants.