Sylvanas should remain warchief

You mean the thread that you posted with nothing but “Change my mind” in the first place? The thread that you posted alongside the thread you admitted was a troll post? Get off your troll thread?

Only when it’s 404’d.

I’m sorry I don’t victimize myself like other people on here. So I’m not even going to read the rest of your post.



God forbid you see something that’s actually incriminating against you.

You have no good faith. That’s why you’re unwelcome here.

OK, that would be another example of bad faith discussion. It seems to me that you are not, as of yet, prepared to participate in this sort of forum. I think everyone would be better off if you just followed Grandblade’s advice, and find another place to stir up internet controversy. Have a good afternoon.


Well it’s a good thing this is not a private forum just for you and your silly friends.


What are you, Team Rocket?

Besides, we’ve already seen one of your troll posts closed, and you’ve shown zero signs of changing. In fact, you blame me for getting it shut down. Odds are we just have to out wait you, little girl.

I’ll keep posting here. Thank you.


For as long as you can…

Probably won’t be long.

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How to edit posts without it showing that you are editing posts.

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Hm. I sometimes I think you are a relatively nice and fair poster. And then you unleash that Human Potential.

You do you.

However, to me it seems an equally Troll move to intentionally seek to get a thread removed because you dislike the subject matter.

Blizz has been active on this forum and thread. They allowed the premise thus far.

I am all for insults and debate and all that - its an internet Forum. As long as we all stay on topic.

But to outright engender toxicity to get a thread you don’t agree with removed is a Troll tactic if I ever saw one.

Pot… You have already met kettle.


Thankfully for him, I don’t report trolls. All are welcome in my threads!!!


Hey, it wasn’t my intention the first time. That was all Borgia.

You mean like self-admitted trolling? Outright saying “I made this post to make people mad?”

Do you really wanna defend the troll who admitted he was a troll? Is that the stance you wanna take right now?

y’know Grandblade. The guy has a point. You are coming off as a troll.


Only to him and the troll, which I mean… that fits your victimization narrative.

Oh lort haveth mercy


The stance I am taking is:

The OPs opinion is as legitimate as any others on this forum. It is not RP. It is their stated opinion as a fan and player of Warcraft. I find that as valid as any opinion on this forum - especially because he has in game events to back his interpretation. Whether anyone agrees with his view or not.


To attempt to actively post insults in threads in order to get the thread removed is a Troll tactic.

Those are not a defense of “the Troll” or their position. Only a defense of their choice to express their view.

Sure, the OP’s opinion was legitimate.

Then they admitted that they post only to make people mad. Hell, this thread used to just be “Change my mind” and nothing else. Borgia is not expressing their view for the sake of discussion. They are expressing a view for the sake of reaction.

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For a guy lamenting snowflake reactions and censorship, Borgia, you really do take notable exception to a guy probably simply doing a Harrison Ford impression.


I’m not insulting people and spamming “get off my story forums, fiend”

YOU are the only troll here, my friend.


Umm, Rothiron never even trolled you. He politely advised you to read the forum rules, so you don’t violate them. That is not trolling, in any sense.

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