Sylvanas' reaction (Spoilers)

What do you think that facial expression Sylvanas made in the new cinematic means, exactly?

Does she suddenly feel guilt and doubt now that she’s helped take away Anduin’s free will? But if so, why didn’t she feel guilt and doubt over the other people who’s free will she’d taken away lately?

Or maybe that expression is meant to convey something else entirely that I failed to pick up? I’d love to hear some speculation from all of you!


It’s probably just sinking in.

Sylvanas never actually stole anyone’s free will before now. It’s what she tried to do with Derek, it’s the reason why Baine acted against her, since it was a foundational value of the Forsaken that she had betrayed for the first time.


Oh ok, so if she had succeeded in brainwashing Derek then she’d probably have the same reaction upon seeing him do her bidding as she’s having now watching mind-controlled anduin?

I don’t know. Derek was supposed to be a manchurian candidate so it’s possible Sylvanas wouldn’t have seen any of that directly. She’s seeing Anduin and what he’s become up close.


I think Sylvanas was uncomfortable with mindslave!Anduin due recalling her own time as being forced to serve Arthas and being faced with the fact that she’s not so different from the one person she hated above all.


She can smile while commiting genocide and sending thousands of innocents to the maw, but when she does it to 1 more person she’s suddenly sad and supposed to be symphatetic and we’re supposed to feel bad for her…


Hopefully nothing that matters. She is more than a bit late to have second thoughts about her actions.

There’s something that is bothering me. If they wanted Sylvanas to be sympathetic and have a redemption arc, well they failed hard at the former, and Tyrande is still shown as being 100% in the right for wanting her revenge. It’s like two very contrasting messeges being sent here.

My fears, is that somehow, Sylvanas will be able to scapegoat the Jailer, so that he becomes the sole target for Tyrande’s vengeance. It would be dumb as fook, but that hasn’t stopped Blizzard before.


a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic

you will suffer the death of a close one harder than the death of several strangers, personally i dont find this “oh crap im actually the baddie” realization very… interesting since i dont care about her character but i guess some people do, im more interested in beating up anduin in the upcoming raid, that is, if he shows up.


Screenshot or timestamp, please?

I don’t have either but you see it in her expression during Old Soldier before Saurfang yells at her.

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you are not supposed to feel anything, sylvanas is a horde character. You are supposed to go and cry for the perfect tyrande.


1:22 old soldier, its not liek she is cackling mad but yeah she looks quite pleased.

edit: weird, shes like… tearing up? or is that just the tree on fire? correct me if im wrong someone first time i look at this particular scene detail.

Anduin physically resembling Arthas probably helps, as well as the fact that she had to personally do it herself to someone actively pointing out the comparison.

This is not an answer to OP’s question, please stay on topic thanks.

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You mean the same way that you always stay on topic when you attack people based on the characters they post on?

Besides, I’m not seeing how my comment was off topic as it just added a bit to this:

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She feels guilt, and it’s SO STUPID!!! Why feel anything over Anduin? She was ready to kill him last expansion to further her cause. She had to problems letting her Farstriders die to hold off Arthas it using the Forsaken as a way to keep her from going to the Maw. What happen to the whole “arrows in the quiver” mindset? Keep the damn character consistent!


I must say, this is consistent with how she was on the book war crimes, since then…well… she was still feeling stuff there, however everything went off the rails on bfa and legion where we didnt saw squat from her except mustache twirling.

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I thought the whole point of the “arrows in her quiver” mindset was that the metaphor was supposed to be turned on its head by the end of the short story, going from “expendable tools,” of which she also viewed herself, to “each one is valuable and should not be spent frivolously.”

Anyway, it’s weird but not expected at this point. But there is one thing that separates Derek from Anduin, and it’s that Derek was being fed lies while being tortured, whereas Anduin is being directly puppeted while conscious and unable to control himself.

Both are obviously forms of mind control, but it’s specifically the latter that Sylvanas experienced directly. And it’s the latter that she’s helped force on Anduin. Maybe that’s supposed to be the difference.

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I’m not feeling it.

After all that she has done in bfa alone, why care now? Why all of a sudden start having this moral dilemma that was never present at all before? And why with Anduin?

This just isn’t a well thought out story at all concerning Sylvanas herself.


Derek Proudmoore


arguably all those people freshly raised on battlefields, for less important characters the free will thing goes back and forth