If you haven’t killed Denathrius, don’t continue. Spoiler.
I unfortunately need to eat my words in regards to the Sylvanas and her reactions. I’ve made a few comments in the forums about how Sylvanas appears to feel about what she is doing in regards to Anduin, such as…
and even my own thread in regards to what I saw in the Torghast scene.
And now I need to walk ALL of this back. Why? I just watched the final scene in Tourghast after killing Denathrius and now everything makes sense. That’s what I get for commenting without knowing everything.
Sylvanas has no regrets about what she’s done, not one. What she is hesitating about is making Anduin a slave, the way she was! In what she’s doing she is seeing herself in Anduin and herself as Arthas. It clicked when Anduin said that her hesitation is about the a spark of the Ranger General still being alive in her, causing doubt and trying to hold onto hope and that makes complete sense. She has become exactly what she hated most.
Let not forget exactly what Arthas did. Not only did her turn her into the Banshee but her forced her to watch as he killed her people and made her kill them as well. Her cries over Anasterian’s death killed a bunch of people in the area. He did this to further his own ends, and now she’s doing the same thing to him.
So what about Sira, and Delaryn? They don’t count in this particular situation. Why? Because even though she forcibly raised them and others into undeath, she didn’t strip them of their free will, she didn’t need to. She had already done to them what she was hoping to do to Anduin, kill their idea of hope. Once dead she knew they were going to the Maw and knew what that would do to them, so her offer of new “life” or torment in the Maw was an easy choice. Yes, she did help to engineer their suffering so that they would only have one real choice, but in her mind, and in actuality, they did in fact have a choice, which is what was stripped from her. There is still a consistency issue concerning Derek. We don’t know how she would have eventually reacted and I’m guessing they didn’t think that one through before doing it. Wasn’t he burned alive anyway?
This isn’t even the first time that the Ranger General has shown herself. She felt real emotion when Veressa went to her during the trial and real pain when Veressa abandoned her. Which is why she refused to open up to either sister in the comic.
I get it now. I don’t agree with it and I still hate what she did to Teldrassil, but now I’m conflicted. As I Night Elf fan I should hate her entirely but as someone who loves a good complex villain, so I cant bring my self to really despise her. It’s kind of what drew me to her in the first place. That coldness and the ability to make a harsh decision that you may not like and stick with it, because you cant go back and the only way out is through.
I don’t think she should be redeemed, she’s gone way to far and will go further to win. I could however see her doing something redeeming in the end. That said I think she should die and her end should be final and Tyrande should be the one to do. If and when they do kill her, (sorry fellow NE fans) I can’t say that I’ll be completely happy.