Sylvanas Ordered the Wrathgate Attack: Murdered Horde Troops

I'm hoping that comment about Sylvanas plotting Wrathgate was only a slip of the mind.

Plot twist, Alex is a dreadlord.
11/10/2018 12:41 PMPosted by Shyeer
Plot twist, Alex is a dreadlord.

Jaina was merely a diversion.

Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?

I might be missing something, but, she did not have anything to do in the original story at the warthgate it was the professor guy and the dreadlord that tried to instill a rebellion.

Also, just want to say this conversation has illicited such wonderful nostalgia. It’s also a fun one, too. Keep the theories coming!
Just want to put my two cents in here since i played thru wrathgate, the quests before and after. I don't remember every word exactly mind you.

From my understanding varimathras was still plotting with balnazzar after he pledged allegiance to sylv, he had some control over part of the forsaken, he still had orders from up high (the burning legion) to kill Arthas and bring about the return of the legion. During his tenure as vizier for sylv he was using her desire for vengeance to accomplish this goal. A messenger for sylv named Kalasan found evidence of a traitor in the undercity who was in communication with strathholme, he went to tell i tell her of this betrayal and provide evidence but varimathras was waiting for him. I am pretty sure most of this information comes from books/comics, i can't remember off-hand tho.

Adding onto this i remember when you went to the undercity to retake it and kill varimathras as the horde you can hear someone communicating with him before you enter the room. Something about his failure and him begging his master (who ever that was in the legion).
Not only did they, mistakenly or not, say she ordered wrathgate they also said her fans are the kind who will follow her no matter what. Which pretty much says to me that they think the only reason Sylvanas fans like her is because she is a cool zombie elf girl.

Great, I thought it was just the forums that thought that.
11/09/2018 02:34 PMPosted by Matildâ
Unless she ordered them to do it. Which was implied by Varimathras. I had this pegged since Wrath.

Lost Saurfang the younger in that attack too.

Big Daddy Saurfang is not going to be pleased when he finds out about this.

Felt bad, back in the day, when you had to bring his son's armor to him out in Borean Tundra afterwards.

Conversely, it felt really GOOD to re-kill him inside of ICC when the reward was the Deathbringer's Will trinket back when it still had armor pen on it.
11/09/2018 02:32 PMPosted by Bipzi

Yeah...I can't take that article seriously when I KNOW what really happened.

This isn't about the article itself, it's about what WoW creative director Alex Afrasiabi said. Googling it, it's been suspected by never confirmed that Sylvanas ordered the Wrathgate blighting, but denied doing so. Alex just confirmed the suspicions, she ordered the Wrathgate and used Putress and the Dreadlord as scrapegoats. This means essentially that Sylvanas ordered the Blighting of Horde troops at the Wrathgate when she wasn't even Warchief.

You’re reading too much into it, I think. What happened in effect after the Wrathgate? Sylvanas led the Horde in deposing Putress and Varimathras to take Lordaeron back. I think this is what he’s referring to.
Just the story team attempting to justify their bad storytelling. Instead of keeping Sylvanas cruel and cunning. Doing what is best for the Horde. She now just does things to be a mustache twirling villain. With the story team thinking they are doing a good job because the fans are angry with them.
11/10/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Granfaloon
Not only did they, mistakenly or not, say she ordered wrathgate they also said her fans are the kind who will follow her no matter what. Which pretty much says to me that they think the only reason Sylvanas fans like her is because she is a cool zombie elf girl.

Great, I thought it was just the forums that thought that.

I mean they're not wrong. I'm going to follow her no matter what because I simply hate whatever it is they're trying to do to her at the moment. I've been a fan ever since I started playing over a decade ago. Try to take my favorite character down and I'm just going to dig my heels in deeper. I think there's a name for this (other than spite).
11/10/2018 01:42 PMPosted by Forgebrew
11/09/2018 02:34 PMPosted by Matildâ
Unless she ordered them to do it. Which was implied by Varimathras. I had this pegged since Wrath.

Lost Saurfang the younger in that attack too.

Big Daddy Saurfang is not going to be pleased when he finds out about this.

Felt bad, back in the day, when you had to bring his son's armor to him out in Borean Tundra afterwards.

Conversely, it felt really GOOD to re-kill him inside of ICC when the reward was the Deathbringer's Will trinket back when it still had armor pen on it.

Saurfang the Younger was already dead when Putress had his moment of glory. Arthas had just one-shot him and sucked his soul into Frostmourne. Watch the video.

Boom. Down in one shot. Whoosh, Orc soul up in the sword. The look on Bolvar's "I'm Next?" face was priceless. And then Bolvar, true to character, is about to charge anyway.

Despite the aging graphics it's one of the best cutscenes Blizzard has ever done. Putress gets in what was probably the best line ever spoken in-game up to that point.
11/10/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Granfaloon
Not only did they, mistakenly or not, say she ordered wrathgate they also said her fans are the kind who will follow her no matter what. Which pretty much says to me that they think the only reason Sylvanas fans like her is because she is a cool zombie elf girl.

Great, I thought it was just the forums that thought that.

i mean that kind of the description could also be used for Garrosh fans.

They would love to see the horde split into just orcs with some goblins on one side and the rest of races on the other if that saved their beloved.
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi
I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress.

This is how its established in Chronicles Volume 3, so if this is true, Blizzard is already retconning the book series that was written specifically to clearly define the Warcraft lore.

11/10/2018 07:30 PMPosted by Kiingah
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi
I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress.

This is how its established in Chronicles Volume 3, so if this is true, Blizzard is already retconning the book series that was written specifically to clearly define the Warcraft lore.

im surprised they haven't retconned more of the retcons
11/09/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Chikishi
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?

?? why
its not like tirion was there, hmmm
11/10/2018 09:31 PMPosted by Dougherty
11/09/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Chikishi
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?

?? why
its not like tirion was there, hmmm

Ok this is a good point, I guess it was just you (the royal you, the raid group) and Tirion there at the end (with Saurfang quitting halfway up and Sylvanas dropping out after, what, Halls of Reflection maybe?)
I'm no expert but it was the putress guy not her. Unless you suggesting there's a new attack there against the new king.
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi

"I'm excited about the feedback," WoW creative director Alex Afrasiabi told me at BlizzCon 2018. "I've heard these discussions on the internet about 'she's going off the rails', but is she? I've been writing Sylvanas personally since 2006, and this is pretty much - the Wrathgate and the Blight and the Forsaken - in character. Those were all under Sylvanas' orders. What we're seeing now is an escalation of the plans Sylvanas has, clearly, and we're in the middle of that."

I'm having a serious mind-blown moment here. I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress. This was Sylvanas's plan all along? Talk about your political maneuvering!

….What? That...why? Why bomb Horde forces at the Wrathgate? What...? This...makes logically no sense what so ever, at all in terms of writing and character. What was the whole point of ordering it if she was only gonna deny it and then to somehow brand a large portion of her army as traitor, including Putress and Varimathras, that...what?!
I mean, I can see her ordering the blighting at Wrathgate, sure. do it while their were Horde forces present and were directly in the line of fire just doesn't sound like right to me.
Blizz is making all this stuff up as they go along.... next week they'll change their minds again saying that their little zombie fantasy woman is actually a nun in secret service to the light but wait the light she's in service to isn't our light it's from an alternate universe run by a militant cult of Teletubbies bent on the destruction of the holy red herring of clan McGuffin from Star Control!!

Until they change their minds again...

Seriously, the writing has gotten bad beyond words.

Cookies anyone?