Sylvanas Ordered the Wrathgate Attack: Murdered Horde Troops

11/11/2018 05:09 AMPosted by Grumbles
Seriously, the writing has gotten bad beyond words.

yup lol
11/11/2018 04:18 AMPosted by Chikishi
Ok this is a good point, I guess it was just you (the royal you, the raid group) and Tirion there at the end (with Saurfang quitting halfway up and Sylvanas dropping out after, what, Halls of Reflection maybe?)

I dont think we were actually there, because we would have died with the blight? or did we get away from that?
If the lich king struck down both bolvar and saurfang and large number of troops we would have retreated i guess.
11/11/2018 06:21 AMPosted by Dougherty
11/11/2018 04:18 AMPosted by Chikishi
Ok this is a good point, I guess it was just you (the royal you, the raid group) and Tirion there at the end (with Saurfang quitting halfway up and Sylvanas dropping out after, what, Halls of Reflection maybe?)

I dont think we were actually there, because we would have died with the blight? or did we get away from that?
If the lich king struck down both bolvar and saurfang and large number of troops we would have retreated i guess.

We where at wrath gate....... We just never participated as we where on a mountain.

This whole thing is kind of sad though as no lore indicates she caused Wrathgate but she MIGHT have known (from the book). The issue here though is that there is no indicator she knew about Putress potential betrayal, we all assumes her loyal forsaken would tell her but it was Veramathris (dread lord) and putress (who could easily tamper with an undeads mind).
His statement makes it where Sylvanas wanted Putress to kill all three forces when her ultimate goal was to kill Arthas at any cost so as long as Arthas died she wouldn't care about the other deaths.

Also note he only writes about Sylvans, that doesn't mean he would know everything as Putress, and Varimathris is not Sylvanas.
Other issue is, unless blizzard wanted something foreshadowed related to her he would not know anything just like us, so it does not seem 100% true to me.
This comes across much more like Alex Afrasiabi just casually rattling off past events and accidentally including Wrath Gate along with the Blight.

Sylvanas definitely ordered the creation of the Blight.

She definitely planned on using the Blight against the living and not just the Scourge (and she was okay with the idea of other Horde races being susceptible to it).

"Wrath Gate" is meant to describe not just the nature of the attack (the unleashing of the Blight on the living) but also the timing of the attack. Some people refer to Sylvanas being responsible in terms of the nature of the attack at Wrathgate rather than the timing, which causes confusion, and which I think is the error Afrasiabi made.

The canonical lore has been that she did not plan the timing. Puttress is definitely in rebellion against Sylvanas in the coup, and Puttress is definitely the figure who makes the speech and unleashes the blight in the in-game cinematic. They could ret-con it to be on Sylvanas's orders. But it would be a ret-con, nothing about this comes across as this long-term cleverly planned reveal.

Ret-cons are kind of annoying, but at the same time, I have to admit some of Blizzard's best work has been in the form of ret-cons.
So the problem is that Sylvanas could not have been a part of wrathgate was because Puress was in rebellion against her?

Like others have said:
She created the Blight.
Wanted it to kill all of the living - even allied Horde
She wanted it to kill undead - including her "Citizens"?

I just see Putress being an opportunist and thinking Sylvanas was a poor leader, endangering her people, leaving herself exposed enough to lose her position and he took a shot to take power. Sounds kinda like the current Horde warchief to me.

Imagine the story if Sylvanas has not been raised after she committed suicide and Putress kept leading the Forsaken. I mean we could have had an evil genocidal Forsaken leader since Wrath, without destroying the Sylvanas Character. It also would have left out Nathanos as well as a bonus!

I dont think Putress body pillows would have sold as well though. Maybe he could have gotten the Nathanos body upgrade to keep the Forsaken fanbois happy.
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