Sylvanas Ordered the Wrathgate Attack: Murdered Horde Troops

"I'm excited about the feedback," WoW creative director Alex Afrasiabi told me at BlizzCon 2018. "I've heard these discussions on the internet about 'she's going off the rails', but is she? I've been writing Sylvanas personally since 2006, and this is pretty much - the Wrathgate and the Blight and the Forsaken - in character. Those were all under Sylvanas' orders. What we're seeing now is an escalation of the plans Sylvanas has, clearly, and we're in the middle of that."

I'm having a serious mind-blown moment here. I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress. This was Sylvanas's plan all along? Talk about your political maneuvering!
4D chess, brah
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi

"I'm excited about the feedback," WoW creative director Alex Afrasiabi told me at BlizzCon 2018. "I've heard these discussions on the internet about 'she's going off the rails', but is she? I've been writing Sylvanas personally since 2006, and this is pretty much - the Wrathgate and the Blight and the Forsaken - in character. Those were all under Sylvanas' orders. What we're seeing now is an escalation of the plans Sylvanas has, clearly, and we're in the middle of that."

I'm having a serious mind-blown moment here. I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress. This was Sylvanas's plan all along? Talk about your political maneuvering!

Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi


I'm having a serious mind-blown moment here. I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress. This was Sylvanas's plan all along? Talk about your political maneuvering!

Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?

Yeah...I can't take that article seriously when I KNOW what really happened.
Just make it up as we go along, what could go wrong.
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi


I'm having a serious mind-blown moment here. I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress. This was Sylvanas's plan all along? Talk about your political maneuvering!

Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?

I might be missing something, but, she did not have anything to do in the original story at the warthgate it was the professor guy and the dreadlord that tried to instill a rebellion.

Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?

Yeah...I can't take that article seriously when I KNOW what really happened.

This isn't about the article itself, it's about what WoW creative director Alex Afrasiabi said. Googling it, it's been suspected by never confirmed that Sylvanas ordered the Wrathgate blighting, but denied doing so. Alex just confirmed the suspicions, she ordered the Wrathgate and used Putress and the Dreadlord as scrapegoats. This means essentially that Sylvanas ordered the Blighting of Horde troops at the Wrathgate when she wasn't even Warchief.
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?

I might be missing something, but, she did not have anything to do in the original story at the warthgate it was the professor guy and the dreadlord that tried to instill a rebellion.

Unless she ordered them to do it. Which was implied by Varimathras. I had this pegged since Wrath.

Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?

I might be missing something, but, she did not have anything to do in the original story at the warthgate it was the professor guy and the dreadlord that tried to instill a rebellion.

She wasn't at the wrath gate but did help reclaim under city before varimathras could summon a big bad.

Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?

I might be missing something, but, she did not have anything to do in the original story at the warthgate it was the professor guy and the dreadlord that tried to instill a rebellion.

I remember after the Wrathgate was a scenario where she was fighting with you. I cant remember the whole thing, but it was about breaking back into UC via the sewer entrance.
During WotLK, there was a questline where we lost Undercity to Putress and Varimathras. Thrall (Warchief at the time) stepped in to help Sylvannas get it back. King Varian and Jaina also stormed Undercity from the back sewer pipe. The Alliance killed Putress and the Horde killed Varimathras if my memory serves right. Varian was about to engage Thrall since he didn't like orcs at the time. Jaina forcibly ports all Alliance away to stop the fight. She probably regrets doing that today :P
Well well well, turns out she really is a bad apple.
11/09/2018 02:34 PMPosted by Matildâ

I might be missing something, but, she did not have anything to do in the original story at the warthgate it was the professor guy and the dreadlord that tried to instill a rebellion.

Unless she ordered them to do it. Which was implied by Varimathras. I had this pegged since Wrath.

I thought she was going to use the Blight on everyone, just not at that particular time, and Putress jumped the gun.
Putress more or less was the fall guy.
11/09/2018 02:34 PMPosted by Matildâ
Unless she ordered them to do it. Which was implied by Varimathras. I had this pegged since Wrath
Oh yes, a Nathrezim is just the most reliable source for facts.

Honestly, I wish they'd checked their facts before they go feeding people's confimation biases.
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?
And this surprises anyone? She killed horde soldiers at the start of this expansion.
11/09/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Chikishi
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?

THat's not 100% confirmed. Also the dragons were on the way so.
11/09/2018 05:51 PMPosted by Sinelus
11/09/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Chikishi
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?

THat's not 100% confirmed. Also the dragons were on the way so.

The dragons only came to fix the blight. They were literally just chilling out next door the whole time Arthas was slapping people around.
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi

"I'm excited about the feedback," WoW creative director Alex Afrasiabi told me at BlizzCon 2018. "I've heard these discussions on the internet about 'she's going off the rails', but is she? I've been writing Sylvanas personally since 2006, and this is pretty much - the Wrathgate and the Blight and the Forsaken - in character. Those were all under Sylvanas' orders. What we're seeing now is an escalation of the plans Sylvanas has, clearly, and we're in the middle of that."

I'm having a serious mind-blown moment here. I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress. This was Sylvanas's plan all along? Talk about your political maneuvering!

Nope.. This whole storyline was a Blizzard writer forgetting their established lore yet again.