Sylvanas Ordered the Wrathgate Attack: Murdered Horde Troops

If you think sylvannas didn't order the wrath gate attack you are gullible. Ya, things didn't go as planed. That is why she had a probable deniability card to play. Well played Sylvannas, well played.
11/09/2018 07:42 PMPosted by Lorash
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You mean that dreadlord that we beat up during his eternal damnation in the Burning Throne? Punished for his failure? That guy? Who blizzard clearly didn't forget about until just now?

His Burning Throne bio even says "he submitted to an ill-fated alliance with Sylvanas Windrunner, and then made one last bid for power before facing a humiliating defeat."

I remember the wrathgate, it's blurry but I remember it. We raided him with thrall. I don't actually remember what Sylvanas was up to at the time.

Standing next to him :P

Of course, I assume you mean the Battle for the Undercity. Neither Thrall nor Sylvanas were at Wrathgate.

Ha. So basically, Varian was an a-hole confirmed.

"Now that we hung back like true alliance heroes while you fought the dreadlord, we're here to murder you."
11/09/2018 07:06 PMPosted by Seije

<span class="truncated">...</span>A rumor is just that, a rumor. Does it also get retconned that she was almost killed when the RAS forcefully took over the Undercity?

Imo, the mistrusts between the forsaken and the rest of the Horde was always a thing, I still remember how forsaken players started as neutral with the rest of the Horde save for the blood elves. That's what gave flavor to the faction so to speak, but to claim that what Alex said in an interview can be taken as official retcon, it's a bit of a stretch.

didnt play horde-side in LK, did the players actually see sylvanas fleeing for her life from undercity? because if not, whose to say this is another one of her lies? I mean, she could have easily made it seem to Varimathras that she was weak, and now was the time to make his move, and the alliance deals with Putress before he would have a chance to see Sylvanas and say "wtf, we were following your orders!"

i dunno, i've never really trusted Sylvanas, and even before they confirmed/retconned/whatever you want to call this, it made complete sense to me that she's very much planning to take out every living being so she can be queen of azeroth with no one to oppose her, quelling any chance at rebellion, and securing her immortality.
From what I remember, you went to Grommash Hold to tell Thrall and Sylvanas was already there. I don't remember her saying much of anything, or any details about how she was ousted being mentioned.

11/09/2018 07:56 PMPosted by Chikishi
Ha. So basically, Varian was an a-hole confirmed.

"Now that we hung back like true alliance heroes while you fought the dreadlord, we're here to murder you."
Alliance forces were fighting Putress while the Horde forces were fighting Varimathras. arent going to assume the logical conclusion that he simply meant the events of wrathgate..?

But rather some conspiracy?

11/09/2018 11:07 PMPosted by Darthaes arent going to assume the logical conclusion that he simply meant the events of wrathgate..?

But rather some conspiracy?

Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug.

11/09/2018 07:06 PMPosted by Seije
didnt play horde-side in LK, did the players actually see sylvanas fleeing for her life from undercity? because if not, whose to say this is another one of her lies?
No one saw a proof of the opposite. We were told this, and I believe Thrall comments on it too, but I've done that quest back in 2010.

11/09/2018 07:27 PMPosted by Enekie
I enjoy criticizing Blizzard's story as much as the next person, but I'd hold off until there was another confirmation on this.

I think the writers forgot their own lore again.
Ok... kudos for this one. I hope this post means it will rain over here at least.
11/09/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Chikishi
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?

....How? The Dragons were on their way and even though arthas was forced to back off everyone at the wrath gate ended up dying anyways. It didn't change anything.
During WotLK, there was a questline where we lost Undercity to Putress and Varimathras. Thrall (Warchief at the time) stepped in to help Sylvannas get it back. King Varian and Jaina also stormed Undercity from the back sewer pipe. The Alliance killed Putress and the Horde killed Varimathras if my memory serves right. Varian was about to engage Thrall since he didn't like orcs at the time. Jaina forcibly ports all Alliance away to stop the fight. She probably regrets doing that today :P

Yes, she does. There's even a scene in BFA where she regrets it.

When you go with Katherine to Thros to save Jaina, there's a scene with Jaina where you watch her as she says something like, "I could have stopped this all back then. If only I had let Varian..." or something along those lines.

sadly he also admits the developers love her tho. smh.
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Remember her part of wrathgate? The whole removed content because it was exclusive to those that actually did the dragonblight quest line when current?

Yeah...I can't take that article seriously when I KNOW what really happened.

Do you though? In before the storm and in chronicles its suggested she was behind it all along. We see what she wants us to see.
All of you people heavily discussing lore while the writers at Blizzard just uses auto-correct to write storylines.
11/09/2018 11:17 PMPosted by Lokhir
11/09/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Chikishi
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?

....How? The Dragons were on their way and even though arthas was forced to back off everyone at the wrath gate ended up dying anyways. It didn't change anything.

The dragons only came because of the blight. The wrathgate is like a 1 minute flight from where they were. They were happy to just sit there while Arthas one-shot Dranosh and was about to do the same to Bolvar. It wasn't until Putress spread the blight that they decided to go do something.

I mean, they were sitting up there in Dragonblight *the entire time*. If there had been jack the dragons could have done about Arthas, they would have long ago.
11/09/2018 10:41 PMPosted by Kyveli
11/09/2018 07:56 PMPosted by Chikishi
Ha. So basically, Varian was an a-hole confirmed.

"Now that we hung back like true alliance heroes while you fought the dreadlord, we're here to murder you."
Alliance forces were fighting Putress while the Horde forces were fighting Varimathras.

Sure, but you didn't see Thrall spontaneously just decide to kill Varian for shiggles like that.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a lazy writer forgetting story from 10 years ago.

But I also wouldn't be surprised if Sylvanas actually did order it and Putress/Vari were patsies.
Given that hints that this crap was going on have been getting dropped since vanilla… yeah, it’s not surprising. While it’s possible that Alex meant something else, Sylvanas ordering the use of blight and then denying that she did it doesn’t seem particularly out of character. Sylvanas is very much an “ends justify the means” sort of character and it would be pretty strange for her to suddenly grow a conscience. All she cares about are her goals, absolutely nothing else matters. She’d probably go full Ner’zhul and blow up Azeroth if it guaranteed things going her way.
Blizzard has become a joke.
11/09/2018 11:49 PMPosted by Sevaryn
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a lazy writer forgetting story from 10 years ago.

But I also wouldn't be surprised if Sylvanas actually did order it and Putress/Vari were patsies.

It's Afrasiabi, he's the creative director and he's been here since launch. Pretty bad if he can't remember the events of Wrathgate, something that pretty much everyone who played Wrath can remember because there's an iconic cut scene attached to it.
11/10/2018 12:34 AMPosted by Lorash
11/09/2018 11:49 PMPosted by Sevaryn
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a lazy writer forgetting story from 10 years ago.

But I also wouldn't be surprised if Sylvanas actually did order it and Putress/Vari were patsies.

It's Afrasiabi, he's the creative director and he's been here since launch. Pretty bad if he can't remember the events of Wrathgate, something that pretty much everyone who played Wrath can remember because there's an iconic cut scene attached to it.

He forgot, because like the rest of the company, they just don't care anymore.
Okay, for the sake of argument I seem to remember pretty much the entire Forsaken quest lines from Classic all the way to Wrath you were working to perfect the Plague of Undeath aka the Blight. To say she was unaware that Putress may use it is well turning a blind eye. I for one think she did order it's use at the Wrathgate. I will point out the the only Horde present at that Battle were the Kor'kron Vanguard which was comprised of Orcs, & Tauren so it would not have been used on "her people" at all Just the Alliance, The Scourge & The Kor'kron Vanguard
It was obvious, even then, that Varimathras was just her scapegoat. Glad it's finally officially being acknowledged.
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"People still support Sylvanas and not the precious crybaby traitor orc? That's no good! How can we make more people hate her? Oh, I know.. SYLVANAS DID WRATHGATE!"

Bravo, Blizzard. Bravo.