Sylvanas: official traitor to the horde

Looks like I’ll be able to gank alliance and horde soon. For the Banshee Queen!


I’m honestly interested to see where things go with the forsaken without Sylvanas. She’s domianted the forsaken story so much, and I was never a big fan with the Cata to Present ‘plague everything and raise new undead with valkyr’ approach.

Apparently she’s better than Saurfang.


We all know Saurfang’s great at melee so if she’s able to block one of his axe swings, it’s likely because she’s become scarily strong. It’s possible it came with this new “Death Power” she’s wielding, or she’s always been that strong.

This video is wrong. Where is Sylvanas in it?


She was never truly forsaken.

This has nothing to do with insulting a faction that turns on its leader for fighting the enemy and enforcing basic laws about treason, telling off the Alliance and Honor Horde or winning the Mokgara when Saurfang cheated and brought 3 weapons to her 2 (Shalymane is afterall 2 swords that combine to function as a great sword).

This is all about scapegoating Slyvanas and Nathanos to sell the lie that nobody else is at blame for the faction war and the things that happened or else Anduin and Baine’s precious peace doesn’t work.

The record also shows it was the Alliance and Honor Horde who were willing to throw victory to Nzoth by fighting until the end with the armies needed to fight him.

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Man… give it up. You’re trying way too hard. :joy:

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First no more civil wars… and secondly do you really think that Blizzard will kill Baine?

In the loyalists ending she revealed that she wants N’Zoth to line the streets with corpses and make the old god serve Death. And that can’t happen if theirs no army to combat N’Zoth.

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Actually, strangely, there is a bit of a twisted logic to the idea of shifting blame to Sylvanas in the WAY that they did it here. As demented as it may seem, there is a narrative impetus to making the Horde the victims of her too. Yes, they share guilt in this conflict (of course they do, as Alliance NPCs discuss) … however they are also the unwitting pawns the game they didn’t know they were playing; of an authority figure they trusted to work in their best interest.

Saurfang dying the way that he did (seemingly sacrificing himself to prevent the armies of both sides from slaughtering themselves for his and Sylvie’s mistake … in a VERY Doomhammer like way btw) as well as the re-contextualization of Teldrassil … also helps (clunky admittedly) sell this strange dilution of culpability. She pushed for this War; she burned Teldrassil; she did ALL of this … for herself (and the Horde was meant to die just as much as the Alliance).

Its weird … but it was predictable that Blizz would go this route after Teld.


If they all died before that she wouldn’t need N’zoth to kill anybody.

This isn’t even trying, its merely stating the inconvient truth and lies this peace is built upon. It wasn’t Slyvanas and Nathanos tag teaming their way through Stromgarde, Darkshore, Stormsong, and every other battle field.


There would no one around to kill N’Zoth for her though.

Just get the neutral factions to do it. Or the players, they always come back. Or, hey, who knows if she even needs him dead?

It all feels premature, Blizzard fail to realise that the Alliance wants some Justified vengeance. We are sick of having to be the ones to break the cycle when its always the Horde initiating the conflict for hollow reasons.

I really hope that Blizzard has the Alliance do something next pactch to really give is some vengeance. Let the Horde have to overlook this one to maintain peace. Also don’t have Anduin whine to us about his stupid peace as well.


Night Elf Sentinel (1) : All this talk of the war winding down… Sylvanas is still out there. Have they all forgotten what she did?

Night Elf Sentinel (2) : Not Tyrande. She is still out there, too. Hunting Sylvanas and Nathanos like the dogs they are.

Night Elf Sentinel (1) : May the might of the Night Warrior lay waste to those walking corpses.

That can trigger in Boralus according to wowhead and I can think of no better vengeance than Tyrande killing Sylvanas.

sounds like you need to see the alliance lose some cities and heroes before you realize what the horde is getting slapped in the face with

I’m fine with the Alliance losing some hero’s we have so many that some of the good ones don’t get any screen time. Also helps balance us with the Horde, considering they have none.

If you walk around Orgrimmar afterward, you can see that the entire war is being blamed on “Sylvanas tricked everyone!” The Horde’s scapegoating of the Warchief is part of this cycle they supposedly wanted to break.

Jaina still wanted to kill the Horde despite Garrosh being ousted, because it takes more than a Warchief to commit war crimes. For a while, Saurfang just stood by and let Sylvanas do everything.

And now Baine and the other leaders are insisting that everyone in Orgrimmar get along with each other and that there should be peace with the Alliance… all the while Tyrande is conspicuously absent and will likely not be on board with all of this. The Horde goes back to it’s faux honor and not actually paying for it’s crimes.

Sylvanas isn’t a traitor, she was right. The Horde is nothing.


Blood Elves. It’s always Blood Elves. The Horde is better than ever now that Sylvanas the traitor is gone from it.