Sylvanas: official traitor to the horde

Oh and that makes genocide ok? Sorry I didnt know being mean to someone was grounds to attempt genocide


Considering that Alliance and Horde both have a history of genociding each other, this isn’t news.

Stop using buzzwords to supplement a poor argument.

Horde no like Alliance.

Then they suddenly do.

But Sylvanas doesn’t and that makes her “evil”.



The alliance has never ever genocided a single race of the horde

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So the way to go against that and side with hope is to… Give up hope for her and kill her.

Orc touching temple: “You can’t kill hope if there is none.”

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< Orc internment camps.
< They attempted to hunt down and slaughter all Forsaken when the Forsaken tried to originally sign on with the Alliance.
< Forced emigration of the Blood Elves.

The criteria for genocide:

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Taken from the UN’s definition of genocide. I’m apparently not trustworthy enough to post links.

So to rebuke what you’ve said: Yes, both sides have ‘genocided’ each other. Many times.


Lol the orc camps where to specially not kill them

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Is ‘specifically not to kill’ part of the agreed definition?

Orcs in camps follow these criteria:

#2. Throwing fecal material at as well as other atrocious living conditions were imposed on the Orcs.
#3. Orcs were made to fight against beasts and other forms of life in gladiatorial combat for sport.
#5. Orc slaves were indeed a thing, children, women, men alike. Where do you think Thrall got his name?


imagine thinking thats the same as the burning, or the road of glory lol never change sylvanas stands, I will miss you guys when sylvanas kicks the bucket in a year or two.


All aforementioned criteria meet the definition of genocide. Your argument was that it was not.

You seem to be wrong and are now altering your argument.


The Orcs basically sat in their own fecal matter by choice, they were lethargic and refused to move because they were coming down from the Demon blood.

Only Thrall.

Yeah sad that as alot of Horde posters like to point out Orcs grow quickly and are capable fighters as soon as they are 9-10. Both the women and men were aggressive and contributed to the war, there was no such thing as a Horde Civilian they were all on the demon blood and all fought in the war.

The only option would have been to separate the babies from their mothers, which would have probably be worse for the families. Though based how Thrall turned out probably would have been for the best.

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Incorrect. Humans were bombarding them with it.


So that excuses putting them in camps and making them fight?

Aggression doesn’t dictate civilian status or not. The Night Elves in Teldrassil would take up arms against a player if they went in the city. They would also call guards. Does that make them not a civilian?

Yes, because going back and murdering the enslaver and his crew is ‘for the best’.


You know sylvyanas reminds me of a goth teen hope is pointless everything is death leather and skulls all over preaching about how people just dont get her.

… so did Jaina and her staff…doesn’t necessarily mean they are great in melee.

Got proof of this?

Again where is this stated in the lore?

Again where were they made to fight? Blackmoore only ever trained Thrall to fight and put him the Arena.

Militia which are Civilians who arm themselves to defend a home or city, They cease to be civilians as they have take up arms. So no the Horde armed everyone one of their citzens and sent them to war so no they don’t have civilians.

If you are just wandering around a city In game killing random NPC’s and they don’t run away, thats just a game mechanic.

More in the sense he probably the only orc that seems to have had a moral compass worth a damn. Him killing Blackmoore was violent but atleast he didn’t butcher everyone in the city.


Check out RotLK. Arthas visits the camps.

Same book. Even humans fight in the arena.

So the Night Elves who armed themselves in Tel aren’t civilians anymore?

So violence is okay when it’s someone you dislike?


Ah, so Durnhold where Blackmoore was running the camp. So one of the interment camps not all of them. However again he was only running the camps in alterac, didn’t have control of the rest.

Those that armed themselves yes, Those who were hiding in the tree who didn’t raise weapons were certainly still civilians.

well he decapitated Theresa Thrall’s friend and his treatment of Thrall in general kinda give Thrall cause. He wasn’t a good person.


“It’s only one, so it doesn’t count.” That’s not how things work.

Does magic count as a weapon? What about those Elune prayers there at the end?

So then because the Alliance (humans) were hunting down Forsaken way back when the Forsaken initially tried to join the Alliance, the Forsaken (Sylvanas) are justified in burning down Teldrassil because NE are part of the Alliance?

‘Eye for an eye’ hasn’t been working out very well, ever, has it?


“Actually… actually it’s you guys who have no hope because you turn on the genocidal maniac villain who constantly speaks about killing hope and how everyone is going to serve death!!! Maybe have some hope for her?!” rofl


It’s the same mental gymnastics as the old “If you’re supposed to be so tolerant, why aren’t you more tolerant of my intolerance?” argument.


Yeah, because expecting people to not be hypocrites is such a crazy standard.