First and foremost Uther had an entire team assisting him in restoring his soul. Meanwhile Sylvanas was suddenly blasted with the other part of her soul. I think she will need help in coping with what was done to her. I predict she will become remorseful for the things she did while her soul was torn, but afterwards who will help her on the road to recovery? Where is her Bastion? Where is her support team?
Sylvanas is also a victim and I hope cdev doesn’t neglect the support she will need.
What a terrible shame that she alienated and discarded anyone, living or dead, who was inclined to want to help her, starting with experimenting on live Tauren in developing her new plague, and ending with the nation for whom she gave her life.
I am tired of Sylvanas. Not inclined to cut slack or lend a hand. She’s a strategist - she ought not to have burned the bridges with the support she had managed to build, but here we are.
Sylvanas you are hereby accused of living a life devoted to protecting your people and as an ultimate sacrifice you died to protect them…
“Wait a minute” I see here that your soul was torn asunder after that; what are you doing here? Meanwhile RG Sylvanas is standing ready to instantly agree to atone for any sins that she racked up while she was under the influence of w/e soul twisting thing Zovaal and Arthas did to her. It’ll take all of a 2 minutes before her soul is ready to reassigned to the proper afterlife lol.
I hope Sylvanas is a part of the the story for another decade but if she is on the chopping board she should return to the same place she was destined before her soul was torn asunder and resurrected via necromancy.
Maybe her outlook has changed since her soul is fully restored. I’m also hoping that the ill effects of necromancy are also gone.
All we know for sure is that Zovaal restored a chunk of her soul. What that means we don’t know for sure. The only other example we have that even comes remotely close to her situation is Uther, but there are already slight differences in the two ie Sylvanas soul was further tortured by Arthas. Uther went to sit in a golden field for an eon or two.
It’ll likely take the Venthyr all of 2 minutes to realize she committed all those crimes after her soul was forcibly violated and torn asunder; and that she’s a completly restored and different person. Likely fully restored to her Ranger General self, pre soul twisting/manipulation.
Which supports my theory. Their is only one fully restored soul free of whatever ill twisted things Zovaal and Arthas did to her soul.
There are no halves period; just a whole restored soul.
This is exactly the kind of sentiment that the Venthyr are charged with purging. The sentiment of “what I did wasn’t really my fault, it was because of X circumstance. I’m a victim too you know!”
The first step towards rehabilitation always comes from taking responsibility for your actions, not trying to deflect the blame onto circumstance. Sylvanas is not the only person in the cosmos who has had bad things happen to her that were beyond her control, nor will she be the last, but not everyone who has had bad things happen to them have done the horrible things that she has.
You act as though the things that Sylvanas did while her soul “wasn’t whole” are ephemeral and don’t really exist. Well those actions sure as hell existed for her victims.
No. The difference between you and I is that I believe we don’t have anywhere near enough information to conclude anything right now, whereas you seem to have taken Sylvanas’ eyes turning blue as carte blanche to retroactively absolve her of everything that she’s done, which includes the destruction of entire nations and the tormenting of literal millions of souls.
I think that it’s a really horrible thing to do that to someone, which is why Sylvanas needs to answer for the fact that she enabled the same exact soul tearing and twisting to happen on a cosmic scale in the Maw.
You guys ever notice how Deathisfinal’s posts require you to ignore 90% of context in the story in order for them to make sense? Not unlike Blizzard’s current writing style.
Stay far far away from“lawsuit” thread. The things certain posters are saying and insinuating about Sylvanas are jaw dropping. I’m putting them in that camp and I hope you are not one of them as I have a lot of respect for you.
I’ve said this on a different forum but I think it’s worth reiterating here. The “Sylvanas is a victim” defence is often used in comparison with Arthas… but I don’t think such a comparison can be fairly made, from a lore perspective. Don’t get me wrong, it’s interesting that her soul was stolen. It certainly explains a lot. But it’s absolutely not enough to turn her into a poor victim, or to absolve her of her sins.
Arthas did not fully choose his path. He took up Frostmourne to destroy his enemy, the enemy who caused so much death in his homeland of Lordaeron. At that point his soul was stolen, and he claimed that while he knew he should feel remorse, shame or pity, he simply no longer felt that emotion - only a desire to carry out the Lich King’s will. He was utterly consumed, the good aspects of him all but entirely separated out from the man he once was. In that sense, one can feel an element of sympathy for Arthas, who did terrible things but was ultimately manipulated into doing the vast majority of them.
Sylvanas on the other hand started out that way, forced into servitude… But she broke free. Yes, the absence of her soul means she might’ve been “darker” than she once was, less inclined to feel positive emotion. But at the same time, it was never fully gone. She despised what she had been forced to become, and was determined to avenge her death. She supported the Sin’dorei’s entrance into the Horde out of pure sentiment. She wept when an adventurer gave her a necklace that once belonged to her sister Alleria. She felt, and continues to feel, genuine sympathy for Anduin Wrynn. She clearly knows that what she is doing is wrong, and not just in a detached, factual sense. Arthas could identify that he’d totally betrayed everything that he ever stood for, but because of what was done to him, he didn’t care. Sylvanas clearly has the capacity to care. And yet… she still annihilated Teldrassil and everyone on it. She still calculatedly plunged the Alliance and Horde into a World War to benefit herself.
And because of this, it’s clear she’s a genocidal maniac, of her own free will, and is not a victim, no matter how sympathetic they made her.
In my opinion (and I say this as a huge fan of Sylvanas) she should have died at Sanctum of Domination. Players should have had the satisfaction of killing her.
You mean like compassion, empathy, sympathy etc etc? So how does 2+2 = 176,548,376 and 10 cents?
If she was forcibly turned into this walking ball of negative emotions by Arthas or Zovaal and every decision she makes has this baseline how exactly is she at fault?
I’m not talking about a do gooder undead person, because what you’re describing here would make that phrase an oxymoron. The person you’re describing my have a glimpse at a positive emotion on a rare occasion.
Well that’s just it - Arthas didn’t. Repeated attempts to reach out to Arthas’ good side by people he truly cared about were met with failure.
Sylvanas has displayed her good side again, and again, and again. And now we’re meant to believe she was purely and simply a good person turned to evil? She freely admits that she perceived people as ‘arrows in her quiver’ even as Ranger General. In undeath she has shown strong evidence of genuinely altruistic actions and positive emotions.
She was, to some extent at least, in control of her actions and emotions, despite missing part of her soul. That gave her the agency to make decisions for herself.