Sylvanas' Loyalists are Not Horde Soldiers

He’s not mindless. He knows Sylvanas is making the Horde a villainous faction and should she continue, it won’t be worth fighting for.

I agree it’s silly to have such a strong reaction to Derek but not Teldrassil or Undercity. Which is another reason Sylvanas sucks. Because Blizzard isn’t ready for the rebellion plot to overthrow her, the Horde leadership doesn’t defend its own integrity.

Which is why I am doing it for them.

And now she has thrown the Horde into a world war in order to have more corpses for her army.

Actually, he tells us they are extremely loyal to Sylvanas. Better we kill them now and save us the time later.

Ofc not. They aren’t actually loyal to Sylvanas over the Horde. In their opinion, they’re just caught between a rock and a hard place. (Follow Sylvanas and live another day, or challenge Sylvanas and die soon.)


Warcraft 3 Horde > Scourge 2.0 Horde


He never even remotely indicated that undead and blood elves shouldn’t be part of “the club,” or that he didn’t like them being the focus right now.


Except it is very much worth fighting for.

You know what isn’t worth fighting for? A Horde that rolls around in dirt and poverty because it’s too busy worrying about what the Alliance might think if it tries to do anything because honor.


Wonder if the 99.9% of Horde soldiers that are loyal to the Warchief are considered Horde soldiers to Yagarr. I mean 99.9% of Horde soldiers are still carrying out Warchief’s will, are they Tauren, Orcs, and Trolls that arrested Baine considered Horde soldiers?

At the end of the day this is nothing more than a desperate attempt to absolve the fact that Baine slaughtered Horde soldiers to help Jaina.


At least we can agree on something.

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You know, I’m sure it’s getting hard for even the most die-hard of Sylvanas fanboys to justify her actions. Before Cataclysm she was a flawed, complex character . . . but after Edge of Night it was clear her motivations shifted to a more psychopathic mindset.

I remember arguing with friends about how I personally disliked her because she basically viewed the entirety of the Forsaken as a meatshield after seeing “hell”… and how after she became Warchief that view would extend to the entirety of the Horde. They defended her and then we got the Siege of Lordaeron cutscene where she blights her own forces to drive back the Alliance before plague-bombing the entire city.

It’s frustrating seeing the ignorance of players who defend her at this point, really.


Have you considered that people had a different interpretation of EoN than you did? Because I didn’t get psychopathic mindset out of it. To me, her mindset in EoN was basically “i just wanna die. they can’t exist without me? must I do everything myself?” I saw Sylvanas coming to terms with the fact that she started the Forsaken and now that Arthas (their number 1 priority) is taken care of she doesn’t get to just slink away into the darkness. Her priorities needed to be shifted from Wrath to Cata and they were. Prevent the Forsaken from dying out as a race, use the tools the Valks have given to strengthen the ranks, and look for ways to prevent her people and herself from ending up where she did.

When you do the questing with her in Silverpine she’s not talking about how scared she is of dying (which seems to be the only thing some people got out of EoN). She is telling you that she refuses to let the Forsaken die out and that she will never give up their territory to the Alliance. Which actually tied in pretty nicely with BfL as she did just that.


Kind of feels like it is when you get to twist and bend the narrative meaning behind what constitutes a “Horde soldier” and what constitutes a “SYlvAvnAs lOyALiSt”.


So it was Horde soldiers that blighted their fellow soldiers at Undercity not Sylvanas loyalist. It was Horde soldiers that tied Trolls on a post and used as target practice not Garosh loyalist. So Horde soldiers committing atrocities towards their fellow Horde not some loyalist.

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Agree the horde is the scourge

Why do people are saying that OP is against some races? He never said that… I can’t believe how people here like to put words in the mouth of other people lmao. He’s talking about loyalty, honor and moral, not races.

Those who follow Saurfang are merely Alliance Acolytes who wish to serve as Anduin’s wet nurse. They are not Horde soldiers.

They can keep their jailhouse love scenes between Saurfang and Anduin and serve their Alliance. As the Warchief said, they are unfit to stand among the Horde.


If doing what is right means being a traitor, Blaine should wear that title proudly.

Treason against Tyranny is Justice and the Highest Honor. The Forsaken he killed were “just following orders” but that WAS their crime.

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There isn’t really a universal what is right here, doing what is right by Jaina and the Alliance isn’t doing right by the people of the Horde, since as far as he knows he is undermining the Horde war effort and ensuring more soldiers and civilians die.

As for the thread’s premise, yeah no, your Honor Horde isn’t the only Horde. The Horde is an amalgamation of all the races, not just the interests of one subset. This is the exact same mistake Garrosh made, pandering only to one group as the “True Horde” is the path to the Horde’s defeat.


Who are you to decide what is and is not horde?


But he’s not just doing right by Jaina. Hes doing what’s right by BLAINE.

I look at it like this. If I were a Soldier and I found out my Government were conducting inhuman experiments on captured enemies, I would also take offense to that and I wouldn’t care that it’s “for the war effort.” It’s wrong and I’d do whatever was in my power to put a stop to it.


Yeah, I don’t think Camp Sylvanas fully gets this…

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He’s a big boy, he can speak for himself. I never said he was against other races, I made a snide insinuation that purported to say that he may perhaps, possibly, probably, may not, might not be the biggest fan of a certain race of festering corpses and their bosomy goth waifu Queen. Don’t put words in my mouth!


I wasn’t talking about you, there are other posters that said that OP is a racist.