Sylvanas' Loyalists are Not Horde Soldiers

Eh. It’s own ideas are half baked at best. Otherwise what got carried over from Legion is still alright to good.

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Orcs are part of the “non-core Horde races” Yagarr is qqing about?!?

I think I’m not the one lost in the argument, dear tiny Goblin.

Sylvanas swore to get vengeance for the death of Vol’jin, she led the Horde to victory against Vol’jin suspected killers(The Burning Legion). I hope she continues to pursue Vol’jin killers and get pissed at the entity that put her in that a position she didn’t want in the first place.

As for the OP, no just no.

That’s like saying Forsaken defectors are not Horde members.

When we’re tallying up, who has killed more Horde members those defectors always get lumped into Sylvanas tally.

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To be fair, the only time I saw our sweet Warchief actually active within Legion was when she was off doing some personal chore within Stormheim. Makes a huge speech about getting vengeance for Vol’jin by defeating his killers (the Legion at the time), then goes and dicks around with trying to enslave a titan-keeper (likely endangering the battle against the Legion had she succeeded).

Also, Vol’jin’s death by Trash-Mob and Sylvie’s ascension to the Warchief position were apparently manufactured by some sort of entity behind the scenes. Sylvanas is not aware of this (from everything we can tell), but it doesn’t change the fact that Vol’jin was killed and she was put on that chair for a purpose. Likely, it was hoping/knew that if she were Warchief she’d start a conflict like the one we find ourselves locked within (while Vol’jin would not have) … and that benefits that entity in some way.

There is a LOT wrong with BfA, but at least the Loa’Jin story thread is interesting…


I’m not sure if you’re knocking down strawmen or genuinely confused as to how paragraphs work.

The reason I separated those two paragraphs is because they were… well, separate. The remarks about orcs weren’t directly tied to the “non-core” Horde race remarks prior.

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Yagarr barks “They are no longer part of MY HORDE!” unwittingly parroting Garrosh to justify his fee-fees.

Movie at 11.


No, he really can’t.



Forsaken soldiers=Forsaken soldiers

Forsaken soldiers + BE, Gob, Orc, Taur, and/or Troll=Horde soldiers

It’s not complicated guys.


It’s not complicated, but it is illogical.

Stormwind soldiers loyal to Anduin aren’t Alliance then right?


More like:

Forsaken = Horde soldiers
Blood Elves = Horde soldiers
Orcs = Horde soldiers
Trolls = Horde soldiers
Tauren = Horde soldiers
Goblins = Horde soldiers
Pandaren = Horde soldiers
Nightborne = Horde soldiers
HM Tauren = Horde soldiers
Mag’har = Horde soldiers
Zandalari = Horde soldiers

And they’re all REAL HORDE too, it’s crazy.


Not at all, actually, no.

If you were to refer to them as “Horde” soldiers, your adressing them as a collective group of different Horde races that form a unit. Like for instance, when Baine was being apprehended, he wasn’t only being taken by an Orc, but also a Tauren, so can’t refer to them both as an Orc, because that would be untrue. They are a collective unit and therefore are Horde soldiers.

Dotzy, you must not know me at all, have I ever been in the mind of claiming certain races as “not real Horde” cuz i don’t.

Point is, if the ship is full of ourely Forsaken, then you’ll refer to them as they are, same as you would refer to a purely Orc-based unit as Orc troops/soldiers or Troll-based unit as Troll/soldiers, there needs to be one different race in said unit in order to qualify as being reffered to as Horde troops.

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Not every Horde soldier is Forsaken but every Forsaken soldier is Horde.


Which is kinda my point. Yes, they’re members of the Horde, but they’re only Forsaken troops.

It’s about reffering to the collective. If it was a squad of Forsaken and Blood elves teaming up, they’re Horde troops, because its’ more than one race and therefore are a collective.

If it’s only a squad of some Tauren, you’d refer to them as Tauren troops, they’re still members of the Horde, but there is no reason to refer to them as a collective when it’s a racially exclusive group.


I’m sorry it seemed like your point was that killing Forsaken soldiers isn’t the same as killing “Horde” soldiers or that Forsaken soldiers don’t count as Horde soldiers. You are just pointing out some kind of unit naming convention?

Yup, pretty much.

Didn’t say they don’t count, just that it’s incorrect the label them as simply Horde soldiers, if it’s only comprised of one ethnic group in the faction.

The EK horde is more horde than the KL horde… cuz you know blood elves and forsaken are 65% of the faction, good luck raiding or doing dungeons if we remove ourselves from the ‘’ true horde’’.


Seriously you have no right to say who is horde or who is not, if they’re in the faction, fight and live(unlive) for the faction they’re horde, like it or not, they at least do not keep crying for the old ways, the old same sins and crimes… orcs are the least race able to complain about ANYTHING in this game, your fake sense of honor and pride has only one ending… be an alliance 0.9 cuz you’re not even at their level.

alas you’re suffering enough by being a ‘‘my honor’’ kind of player… i’ll leave you to your internment camp cuz thats all you green skins are this day, all words little action…

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Any soldier that would put loyalty to Sylvanas and her evil agenda over loyalty to the Horde and its heroic principles is not a Horde soldier.

They are nuScourge filth and should be eradicated.

This isn’t about race. It’s about whether you will defend the integrity of this faction or follow Sylvanas in destroying it.

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I\d like to focus back on the fact that we are told in questlines that Vol’jin had his Shadow Hunter powers either withdrawn or nullified and on his death bed he was tricked into making Sylvanas Warchief by something impersonating the Loa.

It does call into question her legitimacy and makes one wonder if she was behind it all. Helya has been pointed at more than once as a possible cause and we know Sylvanas made a deal with her.

Completely disagree. You can have Horde members that are loyal to their Warchief (keyword in case you miss it), but still against some of her questionable decisions. The Horde needs to think about their own security and not just be another mindless Alliance sympathizers like Baine. Burning down Night Elf home? That’s fine! Helping Sylvanas defend Undercity? Sure!! Defending Zandalar from an Alliance invasion that killed countless civilians and Horde soldiers and the king of the Zandalari? Of course. Using Derek to hurt Jaina and the Alliance? NEVER! FORGET ABOUT WINNING THIS WAR! KILL THE HORDE TO PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING!!! lmfaooo

Sylvanas and her Forsaken have been part of the Horde since the very beginning, and they’ve helped with numerous causes that have benefited the Horde. As far as SANE and LOGICAL people are concerned, the Forsaken are still part of the Horde and Forsaken soldiers are therefore Horde soldiers. You cannot justify Baine murdering them on that ship by saying “bu-but they were Sylvanas loyalists” because that you cannot confirm that in any way.

Are you going to call Lorthemar and the rest of the Horde leaders “Sylvanas loyalists”? lol!