Sylvanas' Loyalists are Not Horde Soldiers

Do you generally make a habit of defending people others accuse of being racist?

If they’re wrong yeah.

Except this isn’t the first time Yagarr has expressed an opinion that members of the Forsaken aren’t “real Horde” and thus it’s ‘okay’ to kill them. He may not be spelling it out in this thread in particular but he very much has expressed the opinion that Orcs, Tauren, and Trolls are in some way superior to and more deserving of life than their undead allies. You can say that’s not technically racism if you like, but it is bigotry, and for a lot of people there’s not a big difference between the two when you are literally saying one race in particular doesn’t have the right to live because of who they are loyal to.


You might do a better job of defending him if you directly responded to the one, singular poster who actually accused him of being racist then. :upside_down_face:

I saw one post actually accusing the OP of being racist, where are you getting these alternative posters from?


Why should the Horde arbitrarily hold our races back just because being true to their nature doesn’t line up with the view of morality of other races. That is the advantage of the Forsaken, that they can turn any nonundeath resistant group into one of their race, you might as well argue that gnomes shouldn’t be allowed to build robots to supplement their limited physical stature.

Arguing Slyvanas shouldn’t use conventional brainwashing since it blurs the line on Forsaken being opposed to the Lich King’s Mental Domination that robed them of agency in their own actions is one thing. Freeing Derek however doesn’t mean you have to collude with the Horde’s enemy, sending Derek to Nazgrim for instance would have been a lot less a case of treason, and gives everybody protection encase Slyvanas foresaw Baine would try something like this.


How is this less treasonous?

He still kills Horde to get him free.

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As the the current cast of leading Horde characters suggest, they aren’t truly loyal to Sylvanas and find fault in her leadership. They’re tolerating her presence for now because Blizzard has decided to write the Horde as either too evil, stupid, or inept to stand up for their values and fight the Alliance at the same time.

NuScourge aren’t Horde. They’d kill every last Horde member for Waifu.

You know there is a certain irony of the Deathlord being the champion of “Muh Honor Horde”

Wanting to have learned something from Garrosh about the Horde being more than any one race and not turning on each other in the middle of a war with the Alliance, doesn’t make the Horde mindlessly loyal to Slyvanas.


Most importantly there are Horde Soldiers that aren’t truly loyal to the Warchief BUT are 100% carrying out the Warchief’s orders

Its a good thing Baine is locked up, but it would be better if he was executed especially if he thinks the Forsaken aren’t Horde and its okay to kill them.

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Kk Yagarr, and guess what? Nobody on the current Horde lore sans Zelling (a body as of right now), Sadfang and Baine have actively fulfilled this standards you preach about (especially the PC, those are the worse as usual). I suppose that makes ALL of us + ALL the Horde aligned NPCs the “nuScourge”?



when i think of horde soldiers, i think of those guys who were demon blood drinking maniacs who invaded azeroth and destroyed stormwind so thoroughly causing everyone to become boat people, then in a second war razed khaz modan almost conquered lordraeon, you know the guys who during both the first and the second war had a chap named Saurfang as second in command

cant really blame them though for trying to start forest fires to burn down quel’thalas during all of that, broken clock is right twice a day after all


Yagarr has yet to answer my question.

Who gave him the authority to decide what is truly horde?


I’m not deciding anything.

I’m just stating facts.

The “facts” would be that Sylvanas, the warchief, is the Horde. Those who are in her army are soldiers of the Horde, thus her loyalists are Horde soldiers. Yes, she is doing some questionable stuff, but that doesn’t make her soldiers non-horde. She is still the Warchief.

The one who ISN’T a horde soldier anymore would be Saurfang since he refused to come back(That surely will change by the end of BfA), and Baine, since he killed Horde soldiers, despite them being forsaken. I love Baine, I do, and what he did was great…but he did break the law, and Sylvanas did what was in her power. I am glad he will be OK and return to the Horde in the future, but ya.

OVERALL, claiming that the people Baine killed were not Horde soldiers is idiotic because they factually are. It doesn’t matter if they are her soldiers or not.


I assume, Blizzard does.

As to your first point, I think interpretation can be interchanged with “fangirl/fanboy bias” as to your perspective on Edge of Night, considering it’s specifically stated after she sees hell that she sees the Forsaken as a meatshield and would do just about anything to keep herself from dying.

"The army of undead that surrounded and protected the Dark Lady was still hers, body and soul. They were a bulwark against the infinite. They were to be used wisely, and no fool orc would squander them while she still walked the world of the living."

The Forsaken are HER bulwark against the infinite. She has no problem viewing them as a meatshield, and only sees a problem with viewing them as such in allowing some “fool orc” to “squander” them. They are HERS.

Regarding what she tells YOU, the CHAMPION OF THE HORDE, in Silverpine - remember that Garrosh just warned her about her use of necromancy and that she needs you, Garrosh’s champion at that point in the story, to believe she’s a just and fair ruler. Even the worst dictators have lied outright to cast their actions in a favorable light . . . it’s called propaganda.

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That is a very Garrosh way of looking at it. “They aren’t true Horde!” You should totally have team Baine/Saurfang start spouting on about true horde. That went so well last time.

So it is a fact that any player who chose to side with Sylvanas isn’t actually a Horde player, regardless of the fact that that is literally the faction they are and will be going forward. I think there is an issue with how you classify something as a fact.

Your stating opinions Yagarr. Seriously deal with it. Your playing the bad guy faction this expansion, just as you did in MoP. Posts like this make it sound like your in some kind of deluded denial.


Translation: It’s about whether you pass the Yagarr litmus test.

I refer you once again to the “no true Scotsman” logical fallacy. You just keep doubling down on it.


I doubt he knows what it means. In fact, I don’t think he will understand what a fallacy is even after he googles it.

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