Sylvanas' Loyalists are Not Horde Soldiers

It would be like one of those moving sidewalks at some airports. What’s not to like?


Alliance players like the OP thinking they’re horde. Kek.


Dudette, he literally dismissed Carm’s post as “the words of a non truly Horde individual” simply because she doesn’t drink his narrowminded racist kool-aid.

It is very well known Yagarr despises the current narrative more because it’s the dirty second rate citizen Forsaken the ones on the spotlight and not his “truly core Horde races”. The actual strawman is him dismissing the narrative while he looks at the other side regarding the original blame of the Orcs in this “lose of Horde’s morals” narrative. Cause yes, no matter how much you people love to pretend it didn’t happen, fact is Orcs dragged everybody through the mud, and this never stopped. We went from SoO to Orcnors of Orcnor that showed us how canonically those Orcs love to conquer, pillage and kill stuff for the lols.

And then A Good War puts extra emphasis on how much Saurfang loved his little wars and how hyped were everybody (including an Orc mother of 6 and a Tauren) over being called to participate on the invasion and pillage of another nation, so spare me the double standards.


Fallacious, seeing as how there are members of the Forsaken and others who aren’t Sylvanas’ loyalists and there’s no call from Yagarr to get them out of the picture (i.e. Zelling, Voss, Valtrois, Thalyssra).

Except the orcs we played as/with were against the orcs that did all that. We fought against Garrosh, and we fought against the Iron Horde. What’s your point, exactly? Yeah, orcs are capable of being bad. A lot. But that has literally no bearing on the topic title, because he’s not saying “all of [race] is the enemy”, it’s “people who lick Sylvanas’ boots are the enemy”.


I think this depends on intent of the soldier more than anything else. Sylvanas loyalists who are willing to act against the Horde for her sake, are NOT Horde soldiers. Granted, they don’t really have to worry about finding themselves in that situation right now (as Sylvie IS the Horde with how she runs it); but it is important to consider their reasons and motives for their actions.

However … Forsaken Loyalists (who would choose to do something for their own people, over the benefit of the Horde as a whole) ARE still Horde soldiers. The entire point of the Horde is for protection and the well-being of the individual cultures that comprise it. Admittedly, with how much influence Sylvanas really wields over the Forsaken, its often hard to separate those that follow her blindly (and those that do what they do for their people); but … I can see that issue being addressed as BfA progresses (if nothing else). Looking at you Nathanos … I’m expecting something from yah.

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Sometimes the writers’ heavy hand is more obvious than others. And putting it on the characters smacks of letting the writers off the hook, which I refuse to do.

Also, it means that no part of the Horde is safe from their meddling, so there’s no reason to point fingers at the elves and zombies specifically. It could just as easily have been one of the so-called core races.


Since when are Valtrois and Thalyssra members of the Forsaken subfaction? Also, newflash for you both: right now EVERYBODY on the Horde sans Sadfang and Baine are “Sylvanas loyalist” consideting she’s the Warchief and the faction isn’t in open civil war to depose her. Including the PC btw…

Except we played WITH and SIDE TO SIDE with those Orcs (Garrosh, Nazgrim, Archimonde’s fight, do I need to continue?). If his argument is “people that follow Sylvanas’ orders aren’t truly Horde”, then sorry but then there’s no true Horde sans 3 individuals and a body.

That was Carm’s argument: Yagarr can’t issue such broad arguments cause simply put it, the narrative doesn’t allow it, period. It is insulting to call the orphans in Orgrimmar the nuScourge simply because our loon Warchief lost it and the writers haven’t had the decency of making the rest of the cast rebel properly.


Dude gets a lot of flak for being a lapdog but I don’t think he blindly follows Sylvanas. He just legitimately believes in her goals. Which you can plainly see in his “stay awhile and listen”. He has been involved in all of her major plans going back to Stormheim. He is for war against the Alliance, he is for the conquering and raising of Stormwind, but sometimes he disagrees with her methods. There’s already nuance in the character it just doesn’t seem to be enough because he’s not trying to kill Sylv or something. I like that Sylvanas has someone she trusts 100%. If they ruin that for a lame moment of betrayal well I’ll be pretty peeved.


I’m pretty sure only the Tauren and Darkspear qualify for Yags vision of the “true horde”. The Orcs certainly don’t after all their dishonorable scumbag phases.

At least he got this right:


They were part of the “non-core Horde races” that you were railing on OP about being racist to.

The Point

Your Head


Why? You act as though the relationship between the two is in anyway healthy for Nathanos himself? Not only that, he was a Champion of Lordaeron in life; his duty is to his people … over even he duty and feelings (if they still exist) for Sylvanas. Should it ever become apparent that what she’s doing is not for the benefit of the Forsaken (and in fact, may actually hurt them) … then Nathanos Blightcaller is duty bound to oppose her. Or are you suggesting BLIND loyalty is the most important thing?

And … considering her LONG history of using others as tools for personal motivations, then discarding them when they are no longer of use towards those goals (and the Forsaken are certainly amongst those she’s used) … it is entirely possible that whatever her personal objectives for this conflict are are NOT in the Forsaken’s best interest. Also, Sylvanas trust NOBODY 100%. There is no way she’s not keeping at least some secrets from even him (thats been pretty evident lately).

Nathanos has his own personal motivations and goals with this war, even Garona mentions as much to him (though she’s not sure exactly what is driving him). He also clearly does care for the Forsaken people in his own curmudgeon-y way. If EVER a time comes where Sylvie forces him to choose THEM over HER, I don’t doubt for a second he’d choose THEM (and lodge an arrow in her back). By the end of BfA, I would not be surprised if even HE no longer stood by her side.


Your posts are exasperating tbh. Usually I’d respond with some actual substance but based on my past interactions with you it seems pointless. We clearly see two different characters.


As your local Scarlet #KillEmAll rep, Sylvanas is actually the only sane Horde choice to me. Sure she got you into this mess, but there’s no way anyone could (IC) think the Alliance would let them off the hook after this. Conspiring to kill her after the war is probably a good idea (as others have mentioned, she’s both supremely dishonest and entirely self interested), but you can’t risk civil war now.


You can do better than this Yagarr. 5/10


Yes they are. They’re just not traitors.




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I should just stop coming to the forums.


But then you’d miss my high quality and deeply though out posts, like this one:


I should definitely stop coming to the forums.


Not really. I think its a pretty good expansion. Not excellent like Legion, or great like MoP, but I find it good none the less.

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