Sylvanas Loyalist Quest Line Gone?

And make it skippable! Siding with Saurfang? Suarfang? I’m not even sure of the spelling of his name but siding with him for some people is :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: but I love your suggestion!

That or a title. I could wear it as a badge while continuing on with whatever arc they chose. Now, the choice never mattered in the first place.

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Most of them were rounded up. There are still some that are pretending to have turned over a new leaf but are still loyal. For example, there’s one in Org near the flight master that whispers you when you get close if you were a loyalist.

With that said, while I enjoy being given some narrative options I do think it’s a good thing that they’re not carried too far forward. If you don’t start fresh every expansion you’ll end up in a situation where you need a full army of alts just to see all sides of the story.

No problem.

Well, here is where we’re having a disconnect moment. SWToR was designed as a narrative tight story within an MMO frame-work; on the other hand, WoW wasn’t intended to be, and never really has been, a strictly narrative-driven story.

We could compare different MMORPGs all night, it ultimately doesn’t change that WoW isn’t designed the way other MMORPGs might be, it’s designed for itself.

I say the best thing anyone could do in this situation is keep making their voices heard, and let Blizzard know that they want more story-driven choices in the future. Tell them that you want these kinds of things, they might listen! So, keep up the great collaborations! :four_leaf_clover:

Banshee Loyalist, Most Loyal, Loyalist of the Dark Lady, Banshee Queen’s Elite, Banshee Queen’s Favor, Favorite of the Dark Lady

LITERALLY just any title to wear tbh


The thing is there’s a ton of ways to reward the loyalist, from an achievement, to amog, to access to pro sylvanas whispers etc that dont break the narrative.

You can easily have a generic narrative while giving the player some character agency, blizzard is just incapable or doesnt care

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Maybe it’s a bug?


That’s true enough, I never thought of that. Things like titles, achievements, mogs, and such don’t really interest me as a player. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. It could be a nice reward;

“Servitor of the Dark Lady”



I would wear it on my Void Elf too to let it be known!

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Well, it would likely be restricted to only Horde characters, I think the guards might have an issue if they see you going around muttering about the Dark Lady under your breath! -giggle-



Honestly one of my biggest complains in WoW is the lack of character agency when it comes to who my character is instead of nameless good guy pawn #5213

I honestly thought they were going to change by adding that option in the horde questline and would keep adding more and more choices even though they are meaningless at the end and only benefit player RP, but the removal of that tells me otherwise. Sad

I’ve never seen titles be restricted only mogs and such??

And technically Void Elves are former Blood Elves so I very well could be a former Loyalist that’s how I play Lannisteros anyways!

But I suppose you might be right there was Conqueror of Orgrimmar vs Liberator but it makes me sad to think about I couldn’t wear it on my VE

Well, the one that springs to mind is “Prelate”. It’s only usable by Alliance players.


Oh, well I guess its never personally effected me before for me to notice, but then I’d have to switch Lannisteros back to a Blood Elf, sigh I’d do it though for my title

It’s not a matter of Sylvanas caring or not its an rp option.

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Or the OP did something wrong and didn’t realize it.

Maybe! But idk this OP but I know their posts on the forums before and are a Sylvanas loyalist so I enjoy when they post so I’d give the benefit of the doubt to know they did everything correct in leading up to the Sylvanas story arch

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No, I just took another through. There is no option and you have to go the Saurfang route. Very very sad, especially after this quote at Blizzcon

“These choices, they have to be meaningful. The last thing we want is to have a choice that doesn’t have any ramifications down the line.”

Did you take Zekhan’s quest?

I talked to him but did not chose his quest. He only had one option. Went back to Sylvanas, nothing.

Honestly, it would be fantastic to be fighting Sylvanas in the next xpac with the “Sylvanas Loyalist” title. She’d understand, I mean hey “In the end, we all serve death.”