Sylvanas login music (potential spoilers)

and people complained because sylvanas is a very popular character, if the sylvanas fans were just a minority of players blizzard would just ignore them as they are an extremely lazy company


To be honest at this point I no longer really care what happens to Sylvanas, as long as she is removed from the story after Shadowlands is over.

Redeem her, Kerrigan her, kill her. Doesn’t matter to me as long as its finally over.

yeah and nelves are the 2nd most popular race, and the tree burned, your point?

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and blizzard spent the darkshore warfront trying to appease them


and, humans and nelf players want to see sylvanas dead, more people want to see sylvanas dead lol youtubers want to see sylvanas dead, but heres the line right, cause shes popular

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OR maybe it is just suppose to sound dramatic?

People are really scratching as straws now.


yep we are using music title to predict the future now didnt know the discord fell that hard

I could probably just as much write a essay about how those music notes signal that sylvanas thinks free will is a lie, and by destroying all life she is freeing everyone

Puke. Nice music but the thought of Sylvanas getting redeemed makes me want to vomit.


Anyone else seeing WoD 2.0 or is it just me?

  1. Have to go through a portal into a strange new land (SL instead of Draenor this time)
  2. Help a mage who likes to throw around ice spells and other things to help us through the first area (Jaina and the Maw as opposed to Khadgar and Tanaan, also an end game area)
  3. Fight for our lives along the way while freeing people
  4. Have to establish ourselves and help the natives. (Oribos is our ‘garrison’)
  5. Dead people we get to meet again (Draka, Kael’thas, etc like WoD with Draka again, Ogrim, etc)
  6. A villain who might have been tricked into the deeds she is performing (Sylvanas like Grom was tricked)
  7. Each step of the way we’re facing the evil bad guys in each zone (Jailer’s forces and allies like the Iron Horde)

This is what I could come up with at the top of my head. Is it a perfect parallel? No, but the similarities stand out to me.

So, why not the supposed villain stand at the end and say ‘We’re free!’?


Sylvanas stands atop the corpse of a Void Lord at the end of 9.2’s raid, raising her bow in the air while shouting triumphantly, “The Shadowlands are all free!”

Then everyone clapped.


Even in meta things, outside of the story. Like no new races or classes, but a cosmetic overhaul of the existing races. A release date that seems a bit
 rushed. Etc.

At least the transmog is more than 50 Flavors of Orc this time, and the mounts are more than “How many wolves and boars do you want?”, so that’s a plus.


Kat, you need to learn the art of seeing where the same vocal people post the same vocal opinions over and over and over again. That doesn’t make them large, it makes them loud.

You say look at the Shadowlands cinematic? Did you see the reception that actual fans gave at Blizzcon? People love Sylvanas. They don’t need every character in the game to be a boring goody-two shoes.

Yes a very loud, very vocal segment of the community hates Sylvanas. And they shout that from the rooftops every time Sylvanas is mentioned. On and on it goes.


LOL and when I gave the same argument about saurfang, nope it didn’t count, lol you sylvanas fans are crazy

nah bro, seeing these fourms, I think the people who love sylvanas are the minority and loud


Sure. All two of us. Please. The same handful of people post a “I hate Sylvanas I wish she would die” thread on GD every daggum day. Every day Kat.

The same people on Reddit post “Gosh I hate Sylvanas I wish she would just die and go away forever” everytime a Sylvanas drawing or tattoo rises to the top of the subreddit
and yet those posts get upvoted like crazy and there’s a new one almost daily about Sylvanas.

Face it, the anti-Sylvanas types are the vocal minority.


yeah sure whatever makes you sleep at night sweetie


It’s just a dumb meme people say since they can’t think of anything else to say. It’s not like every story ever made is fully unique.

I’ve been saying Sylvanas is Kerrigan for years. YEARS

Insert sad “I told you so” comment here

I disapprove of anyone who is not Faelinthia using this emote.


I don’t care if Vader saves Luke, he still murdered all those younglings.

I don’t care what they force feed us to try to redeem Sylvanas, she still burned children alive.

Some people don’t deserve forgiveness and redemption. The fact that they are limited is what makes them special. If you forgive and redeem everyone then they are no longer forgiveness or redemption.

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Another account then.

Dont need to prove it because well that involves account security. Its mostly a harmless joke about low lvl night elf posters imo.