Sylvanas login music (potential spoilers)

This is a fustercluck pity party flame war here.


Ehh, the music sounds pretty neutral to me.

I mean, the music’s written way in advance. That could be evidence of the “rewrite” theory.

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Npe orc and human music is great tbh.

I feel like the music team will keep carrying this expansion. but those are really REALLY good music pieces.


Sylvanas could always get the Darth Vader treatment. In the final battle, The Jailor will Pit Sylvanias against one or both of her sisters to fight for his amusement but in a moment of hubris, will let it slip that her has do plan of ever keeping his side of the bargain with Sylvanas to which she’ll turn around and blast him into the DeathStar… er, Maw.

Despite the recent foreshadowing of alleria joining the hunt for Sylvanas I honestly believe its more likely blizzard will forget it.

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I mean, going straight to the Maw?

Yeah, my bet is Arthas was slated to go to Bastion. He was very duty driven, and I’m sure while he was under the influence of the Helm of Domination his actions weren’t entirely his won. Sent to Bastion to have all the evil things he did purged from his mind so he could ferry souls between the universe and the Shadowlands.

One thing I wanted to post in here because there is a lot of one sided speculations:

We have had similar datamines in terms of Sylvanas (and other characters) before, indicating some obvious story paths and in the end it turned out they were used within some flashback scenes or visions. (I don’t remember exactly anymore the details though)

So what we will certainly get are like 4 or 5 high res cinematics with Sylvanas telling her story at some point again and again like we have had with Saurfang in BFA sind this is the end of her storyline and Blizz will most certainly use a lot of storytelling till that point in regards of her.

So I can for example see that we will see her live, her heroic stance, her downfall at arthas hand, what happened in edge of night and so on during SL. There are thus a lot of opportunities where this music piece would suite without changing the story of her ultimate demise.

I myself fear Blizzard would pull of some Kerrigan nonsense, but even though it might have been considered at some point, I don’t think they will anymore. They really, really tried so much to even disgust away her hardcore fanbois (with surprisingly little success) that I am pretty sure the story of her will end linearly.

The only thing where I am uncertain is wether or not she really dies.
It seems to be a rather hot ground to let a female character die these days. Jaina, Azshara etc didn’t die either. So we might see her sealed away somehow for maybe future use. Like with Illidan for example.

So what coud Sylvanas free will mean in that regard?
One this would be a flashback Scene with Arthas where she finally breaks his grasp over her this leading to the creation of the Forsaken we know from classic, certainly a point in history where she was indeed a hero for some.


You know how many people are going to be extremley angry if Sylvanas gets the redemption treatment after all she’s done, and Arthas doesn’t even get a chance at it?


Blizzard could always redeem both of them. And then they fall in love. :smiling_imp:


Probably all of the above, blizzard gonna hand out redemption like Oprah.

Sylvanas - You get a redemption
Arthas - You get a redemption
Ner’Zul - You get a redemption
Kel’Thuzad - You get a redemption
Vashj - You get a redemption
Kael’Thas - You get a redemption


I’m up for it. Never been a fan of redemption stories. But I am interested in redemption stories for characters (Kael’Thas, Illidan, and soon Devos to name a few) that never should have been villains in the first place.

Illidan pretty much was redeemed during Legion. Now he gets an eternity to bully Sargeras till we need another WoW saving expansion.

KaelThas, i don’t know really, would it be benefitial to the bloodelves? I mean they do have one auf the cooler leaders with Lor Themar.

The blood elves could finally get back their og leader and a AAA character to keep up with the literal gods as leaders the alliance have.

They already made bfa, what makes you think they wont do it?

Prepare for the worst and dont hope for the best.

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Why come up with new characters when you can ‘redeem’ older, iconic characters?

Just the idea that Blizzards writers don’t intentionally want to screw up their players and be hated and seen as absolute garbage writers.
Noone wants that, your intention and goal is to be good.

They have seen and felt the reactions towards BFA and that players don’t want that type of story.
So out of shere logic that the writers don’t want to intentionally be hated and spat on, I think they do take that feedback seriously and change the direction accordingly.
I really think when they came up with the ideas for BFA they thought players would love that. So their issue is they seem to be at times rather disconnected … on the other hand it might be even hard to predict what players want before you tried something.

Now they deffinately know this wasn’t it and they allready did changes.
They are small ones but you can see them directly approaching the overwhelming feedback:

  • Tyrande been portraited as weak stupid and not fullfilling her revenge -> she is dismanteling and overpowering pretty much everything currently from Nathanos to her catpors to even thorgast.
  • Calia should not be forsaken leader -> she isn’t Voss is and might remain so, sure Blizz can’t just erase the story line that was set in place but they adjusted it.
  • Voljon as Warchief -> while jhe himself is dead they made Rokhan at least the speaker of the Horde now and maybe build ontop of that

So surely they can’t just make a 180 turn within shadowlands since the development of this expansion was done even before BFA started so the feedback from BFA can’t lead to a complete change of jow SL was allready developed, but they seem to change the narrative and the things where it is possible still and will do deffinately continue to do.


I… kind of just want Sylvanas to go away. It feels like the Horde only gets real focus in faction war expansions, and this one was largely about Sylvanas repeating what Garrosh did and leaving the faction afterward, killing off/taking the only other Horde characters who got focus before she left.


But that would mean we have some hope of Thrall killing Sylvanas since he got his powers back and all. And everyone resenting him some more for another kill steal. :slight_smile:

It’s not the login music therefor the title of the thread should be changed, but as Kat said all this person posts is “SPOILER” bait to try and get people to fight so they can laugh about it on a Discord server.


Sylvanas can best be summarised by this video: