Sylvanas login music (potential spoilers)

this part of the song named sylvanas free will sounds a bit heroic, so perhaps she will be redeemed or vindicated by the end of the expansion


Kerrigan: “I choose freedom… for all of us”
uh oh spaghetti-oh


I thought everyone assumed that was happening anyway.

Blizzard only writes two types of villains: good guy turned evil by corruption, and villain who was actually a secret good guy. And Sylvanas literally says in the SL cinematic “I will set us all free”.


Did people seriously believe Sylvanas wasn’t going to get Kerrigan’d?


I suppose we all kind of hoped she wouldn’t because Kerrigan was terrible.

But, we all are prepared for it. Which in turn will validate everything she did up until now, and invalidate everyone opposing her. Hell, Arthas might get redeemed this expansion with how things are shaping up too. Nothing quite like magically absolving people who have literally committed (or succeeded multiple times) genocide.


All Kerrigan did was kill a few billion people by having a swarm of rabid animals eat some planets, nothing that can’t be undone by becoming an angel and shooting Sargeras. She felt kind of bad about it years after the fact, and that’s what really counts.


Sigh … it just goes to show that there is nothing more hazardous to creativity than a safe-space echo chamber. Its fostered a bizarre disconnect between how Blizz thinks something is received, and how their players actually receive it. I am also starting to wonder just how deeprooted the lack of new influential voices are within the writing team.


I don’t think that music necessarily indicates a heroic moment but maybe I’m just in denial.

I mean, they couldn’t possibly be so brazenly lazy that they’d recycle a Kerrigan-esque redemption plot.



Did you forget we literally just played MoP 2?


All those “AzErotH IS frEE” memes are going to become a reality.


Followed by the “Ex-Warchief goes to another dimension, creates a doorway, invades, we invade back” plot.


worst part of kerrigan wasnt the redemption but the story focus for me
there wasnt even a zerg campaign really it was more like the kerrigan campaign.

sc2 spoilers you save kerrigan
then she goes sorta bad again
then she becomes an angel

legacy of void protoss campaign best campaign, also least focused on kerrigan, coincidence i think not

One day I’ll get around to buying LotV. Maybe.



No perhaps about it. She was justified and correct to mass murder everyone.
And understand that I write that as sardonically as I possibly can. I don’t agree with Blizzard. But they will never, ever write Sylvanas as weak, muchless defeated, ever again.


Jeez, You know man, I honestly glad you’re admitting this…now only if everyone else on this forum could come around.

Sure we as Forsaken, Night elf, Horde, and Alliance Fans went through heartache on this crazy roller coaster of emotion, but atleast at the end of it all…it was worth it and Sylvanas was justified in her actions by freeing us all :slight_smile:.

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Alright, I’m going to post a wild idea.

Sylvanas isn’t going to be redeemed so much, but have a moment of clarity as she realizes the extent of the Jailer’s plans, and how much of a pawn she was in the end of it all. In a desperate move to attempt to absolve her of her own sins, she makes a calculated strike against the Jailer, which causes a massive backblow on her, allowing us to defeat him.

Cue emotional cinematic where Tyrande or whoever approaches a weakened, reeling Sylvanas, who, in a massive moment of pain and regret slowly looks up and says “Do it. End it all. I deserve as much… for what I’ve done…” With a final blow that destroys her outright, but leaving the playerbase wondering if she truly redeemed herself with that final act.


It does have a heroic tone to it. I’m guessing they are going to redem her. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: This would have gone over SO MUCH easier had they not villain batted her for the sake of this last horrible expansion. Whatever.


I like your idea but I’d make one small change…

*Tyrande kills her.


Okay, listening to the whole piece. I don’t get the whole “heroic” business here at all. It’s more a calm, grand sinister piece invoking a person with grand, deliberate plans that go far beyond anything you, the player, could possibly devise.

I think people are reading too much and fearing something that may more than likely never happen. I think Blizzard knows there’s a lot of justified hatred for the character, and would likely tick too many people off if they played that card.