Sylvanas login music (potential spoilers)

The login music is a mix of all the themes of every covenant and the heroic song is bastion so ha no

So puppies once again is jumping the gun lol, typical


Her opinion is still valid even if I don’t agree with it

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a opinion that has factual things wrong, is useless, if she reforms it now that she knows more facts than sure, it will be valid

and she has a history of posting fake leaks to watch us fight on the fourms, so they can laugh about it in the discord


whether or not it is in the login screen is unimportant. what is important is that a song called sylvanas free will has heroic themes to it

i made no implication that the leaks were real, often putting quotations around the word leak, to imply it was more than likely false. just because a leak is fake doesnt mean it isnt fun to discuss them


I swear elesana this is your 3rd alt.


Well if you read the books you’d know sylvanas literal thinks she is always right and knows best for everyone
So yes, sylvanas 100% thinks she is heroic
She thought she was heroic when she burned teld, when she started the war, when she killed those innocents to make the plague

it doesnt matter what sylvanas thinks she is, what matters is what blizzard thinks she is, and blizzard wrote someone like kerrigan to be heroic

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So what does blizzard think she is? Oh thats right you don’t know, I can just point to all the interviews that shes evil, and you can point to one interview, and a song, wow

you know as much about the story direction as I do, which is nothing, probably should look at how wrong you where about bfa, before you start talking about how much blizzard is gonna reedem her


the most popular character they have left.


Can it considered a hint that Sylvanas must gain her free will back?


popular character hmmm? they killed arthas and garrosh, they where really popular. lol and jaina is more popular than sylanas


arthas was a favorite as a villain, he was somebody we liked to fight, and garrosh was no where near as popular as sylvanas is (sorry garrosh fans) and the same goes for jaina, i dont think she is as popular as sylvanas.


You know, with someone griping as much as they are here, I’m surprised they haven’t left for something with a better story and more investment, like Final Fantasy 14.


Wrong, I don’t have any character on that server

Who is this person anyway? Someone accused me of the same thing yesterday

“Not evil”

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Sure thing, sylvanas is sooooo popular that people where soooo happy that she beat bolvar in the cinematic, oh wait

whatever you say elesana

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im sure some people were upsetti spaghetti that she defeated him, but i am willing to bet its the same people who dont like her, like you. blizzard put in a alternate route for the horde war campaign likely as a result of her popularity.

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yeah some. You dont go outside these fourms much, should try Reddit, youtube or amongolds streams Amongold has such a pull with the wow community that the caterpillar went from last to 2nd in the mount thing lol

haha you know why they put in that sham of a route lol, why dont you ask any sylvanas fan if they where happy with a route that literally slapped in the face for picking sylvanas HA

whether or not they were happy isnt the point, what is the point is that it was placed in because she was so popular, if she wasnt they wouldn’t have done it because blizzard is extremely lazy.


no they placed it cause people complained and complained so they put it in