Sylvanas login music (potential spoilers)

His whole purpose is to simp for Sylvanas, just like his writer does.
He’s just there to be Sylvanas’ boyfriend while Sylvanas gets away with everything.

Of course he will be fine.


Exactly. Too many Anduins spoils the stew.

Not every character can be a lame, boring, Alliance sycophant.

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Yea, that would have brought a single character to justice for Teldrassil and that’s 1 too many.

A*shole writers


Sometimes you don’t get justice or closure. That’s life, you can either accept it and move on or get stuck in vengeance.

It’s a story, written by people that hate night elves and their fanbase apparently and want to drive them away, and the higher up’s at blizz seem to be ok with that for whatever reason, it’s actively reducing their income


It happens in stories too. Especially in Wow, with apposing armies fighting each other all the time.

Almost every expansion has involved a Night Elf themed zone in one form or another. Most of the base lore involves the Night Elves. Night Elves are again getting an entire zone themed after them in Shadowlands, not to mention an entire storyline continuing the Tyrande/Teldrassil story-line. After getting an amazing Malfurion Tyrande cinematic in BfA.

Not sure how much more Night Elf fans want at this point. Most races are lucky to get one sentence of dialogue out of a character in a book once in a while. I don’t think its worth Blizzard’s time chasing after your approval for a bunch of dead maybe-characters that aren’t even really dead because death means nothing in Warcraft anymore.


We don’t have the cinematic but we know from quest text that tyrande kills him, though it’s kinda pointless in the shadowlands expansion

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You’re right. I’ve seen the quest text.

I’m going to need to see Tyrande tear Nathanos’s body into pieces and then absorb his soul, otherwise Nathanos’s “death” (second? third?) means nothing.

Because Anduin, Kael’thas, Uther, Kel’thuzad, Draka, Vash’j and Illidan are all “dead” and well and leaving the Shadowlands at will apparently Draka …, not to mention possiblyy Garrosh still being in the story.

Seriously Uther died almost 2 irl decades ago.


I doubt that will happen, so we will likely be seeing him again in the shadowlands. So again tyrande killing him is ultimately pointless

Somehow I missed that, but yeah you’re totally right. We had MoP2, time for WoD2.

I hope so. It would be a real shame to lose one of the last interesting Horde characters that doesn’t worship the ground Anduin walks on in a freakin pre-Patch.


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They will validate everything Sylvanas did just like with Illidan, and I will stand on the sidelines like;

Legion, while standing next to Illidan: So we’re just going to forget how he enslaved a planet right?

Shadowlands, while standing next to Sylvanas: So we’re just going to forget how she caused a World War to fuel her death magic right?


Forget the music, what does the name imply?

I don’t know how many years I’ve talked about Sylvanas and the Forsaken having free will but there’s a caveat. Sylvanas soul was forever changed by Arthas, while the Forsaken at large has had their souls partially attached to their corpses(where’s the other part and how does that affect their mental?).

In the Forsaken’s case, its like going in someone’s brain and snatching the parts that make a person good or at least have good feeling and thoughts.

I’m getting the same vibe from Sylvanas but Arthas threw in a little “hate life” sprinkles.

Technically they have free will, but they don’t have a full deck of cards, if that makes any sense.

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I believe it’s said that their souls are “imperfectly attached” rather than partially attached (I guess it could be both)- Necromantic power acts as a buffer to keep their souls from attaching “perfectly”, likely because if their soul attached without their dead body being healed, they would just die again. Necromancy causes numbness of ‘positive’ emotion, and loss of feeling…
Unless you’re Calia- the Naa’ru said that Calia will no longer experience the suffering of the living (which I think means she is numb some pain and negative emotion).
As far as the title goes, whatever it implies, we will find out pretty soon.

While I still am almost certain Sylvanas is going to be a ‘good character’ in the end, I don’t think they’d drop hints in a login screen so early. They probably think the moment of her turning is going to come as a big surprise to most.
Blizzard’s foreshadowing comes in the form of just deceiving the player in interviews, not dropping breadcrumbs in music.


This is the actual login music

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Yeah, but we’ve seen before that Sylvanas’ definition of freedom comes down to the same amount of freedom that hostages have: “do as I say and I won’t kill you.”


That’s the part I can’t really reconcile, if they really are going to pull “SyLvAnAz WuZ dOiNg It FoR mUh FrEe WiLl AlL aLoNg!!1”.

Because she sure didn’t ask the civilians of Teldrassil for permission before having the Horde burn them alive.


Idk. When the BfA music was released prior to the game launching, I thought there was a point in the music that sounded like Undead music and Orc music fighting. It made me feel like there would be a showdown within the Horde, and that bummed me out a little. I think I posted something about it back then. And there was eventually a showdown between the leader of the Undead and a prominent Orc.

I haven’t listened to all the Shadowlands music, but I think the themes and lore are all so new, I wouldn’t catch what the music might imply.

Its nice. I get a very “Edward Scissor Hands” / “Batman Forever” vibe from some of the music.

Around 4:30 - 4:50, it sounds like 80s rock almost. In a good way.