Sylvanas login music (potential spoilers)

Maybe after “freeing” us from whatever and accomplishing her goal, her moment of heroism ends in sacrifice by powersliding into Tyrande’s blade?


It doesn’t necessarily sound heroic to me. At least not for the whole piece. Starts that way, but it starts to feel more tragic as it goes.

Overall, Blizz music department does it again! Now give us unique boss music you genius cowards.

They need to write Sylvanas in her final moment as a fragile woman, a defenseless and pitiful soul IF they ever want us to feel empathetic for her again. Otherwise a kerrigan’ arc won’t help, it will just create more hate for her and also for the writing team.


The only possible direction they could take with her in a ‘redeeming’ light for me at this point would be a self-sacrifice to save her sisters or the Forsaken.

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I love this. I love everything about this. I love how much it drives anti-Sylvanas types insane to hear heroic music in relation to “sHe’s AlWaYs BeEn a VilLaIN” Sylvanas.


“It’s Kerrigan 2.0”

Yeah? Welcome to the last 2 years of “Please don’t do Garrosh 2.0 Blizzard!”

Reap what you sow.


It was obvious from the very beginning that they’d redeem Sylvanas and glorify genocide while also denying the Night Elves their revenge.

Wonder if they’ll also kill Tyrande then, most likely yes.

It’s sad when writers write with one hand in their pants


I regret to inform you the song is in G minor, which means she’s doomed in some capacity.

But yeah she’s getting the Kerrigan treatment.


They won’t kill Tyrande or make her weak ever again for the same reason it cannot ever happen to Sylvanas.

Well they have 2 options:

  • Kill Tyrande off

  • Make Tyrande forgive Sylvanas and make her in the wrong so that the Night Elves fail once again and never get their justice or resolution

Both of these awful


Well how else is it going to work? Sylvanas is going to return to the Horde and then the Alliance will just sit by and accept that. Tyrande has to be either dead or accepting of Sylvanas. And I’m pretty sure Tyrande’s voice actress is getting old.

Maybe Elune knew what Sylvanas was doing and approved? Maybe genocide just doesn’t mean much when you are dealing with a literal physical afterlife that at least in the case of the Night Elves provides everything their nature loving souls could ever want?

Perhaps the Night Elves will end up playing a bigger role than narrow-minded Tyrande could ever dream of?

I don’t want to get off-track, but after years of hearing about the Kerrigan thing I don’t understand what the problem is? Kerrigan in Legacy of the Void didn’t even remember anything she did as Queen of Blades. She had essentially been possessed.

Something similar seems to be happening with Sylvanas having been soul-wounded by Frostmourne. If that gets cured, it’ll suck that there’d be no catharsis of tearing Sylvanas apart for what she’s done, but it would bring forward interesting questions about justice and retribution vs revenge that would be a fair deal more fun to explore than vague honor stuff.

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Tyrande deals with Sylvanas being godqueen of all of death. She kills Nathanos’s soul after killing his body in EPL. Tyrande continues to war against the forsaken forever.

There’s plenty of possibilities. Certainly more than two.

“Kerrigan 2.0” did not become a thing until after “Garrosh 2.0” became a thing and its just the anti-Sylvanas way of saying “wow this is lazy writing” without acknowledging that BfA and Garrosh/MoP 2.0 was “lazy writing” through and through.

I would argue 95% of the people that say “Kerrigan 2.0” never played Starcraft.


They are just pawns in Sylvanas game, and many Night Elf souls have already been obliterated, only some were saved so they can’t just say all is good.

Tyrande’s sole purpose at this point is to get justice for her people that were genocided.

We already know that this won’t happen, so she will once again fail and wars are usually started by the Horde and if the Horde does lose something, it’s to themselves.

If Tyrande started a war against the forsaken, she’d probably have Hyjal blighted and burned.


Won’t happen. Tyrande will deal with that, kill Nathanos’s soul, continue killing all forsaken in perpetuity, or perhaps all three.

Man I wish, but that won’t happen either. Blizzard will never destroy another Alliance city ever again.

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Yea not happening when Nathanos is literally one of the writers.

Blizz would never burn down Teldrassil
Blizz would never genocide a playable race, then ignore them and deny them their revenge and/or justice
Blizz would never give an Alliance zone to the Horde
Blizz would never make the Horde start another genocidal war


Nathanos is pretty irrelevant and impotent for an author self-insert. He’s kind of everyone’s smirking punching bag.

That’s because he’s not a self-insert and the accusation that he is is pretty cringe-worthy.

Also I predict Nathanos will be perfectly fine. We’ll see when the cinematic actually plays who is right.