Sylvanas is a raid boss

When sylvanas burned down teld and they supported her for it

You mean the attack they weren’t a part of?

EDIT: War of Thorns was Kalimdor Horde forces, not Forsaken; the Forsaken only got involved in the Battle for Darkshore.

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They where part of it they where in the short story

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That is not true. If you did the world event you would see Horde forces from every race. As I recall it we have apocatheries poisoning the moon well as well.

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The forsaken were the ones who specifically blighted Lord’anel and it’s moonwell(misspelt that) or whatever town that had the moonwell in it. They were very much involved

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Oh so the death camps that makes it so better right running death camps

Face it forsaken need a bit of denazifacation

So was the entire horde, but I don’t see people demanding pacifists on everything else.

I’m just sayin, we need to stop acting like the forsaken weren’t involved as you claimed

Literally all the other horde races currently have pacifist as leaders

And Stop acting like they were the only force involved

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You think Thrall is a pacifist? That’s rich.

He 100 is did you skip all his story with Jains or saurfang or what he told tyranda

Never claimed that. Just saying the forsaken weren’t innocent either. The whole horde has blood on their hands, and that’s a fact we have to deal with it.

Did you miss his entire Warcraft 3 campaign?
A pacifist doesn’t lead a military, doesn’t fight under any circumstance
that is the core point of pacifism.


Warcraft 3 the story who’s main plot point is that the mortals should stop fighting wars and work together ? Lol

Whose point is banding together to fight against a greater threat.
Pacifism holds violence under any reason is unjustifiable.


I think Thrall kills a lot of people in Warcraft 3.


And Calia literally wants to defend the forsaken so what’s your issue

My issue is you wanting to make the Forsaken leader a pacifist, when the faction as a whole and to the interests of it’s players is militant.

Calia doesn’t belong as leader to the forsaken. She abandoned them, what? For almost 20+ yrs and now suddenly wants to rule by divine birthright? Nah.

The forsaken aren’t the same people she left behind all those years ago, and I wish there was more pushback from the forsaken in game about her taking charge. The last thing they should want is a MENETHIL of all people leading them, considering what the last one did to them.