Sylvanas is a raid boss

Sure lets count him too

That’s phase 1 of the fight. Phase 2 a bunch of gnomish engineers come filling in and the tank has to pull her banshee form into their lazers without “crossing the streams”.


Nice ghostbuster reference. :smiley_cat:

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Its because his new look, dont you see his dashing icy eyes with that white fabulous hair? i bet chicks dig the byronic hero he apparently is now.

Plainduin? Goody two shoes and a pussy, always emotionally available for you so there is no drama meaning plain and boring.

Chaduin? he brings pain and suffering now, so dark and mysterious, obviously hurt so he has feelings but will ignore you so you gotta work for his attention.

Time to get those Boys Love authors to vomit a fanfic.

Personally I hope it’s tyrande, vol’jin and an assortment of alliance and horde chopping her up a la Vinland saga when the Vikings chop up that English village. That would be brutal. Oooo or maybe we can get some savage night elves back and they could blood eagle her! Oh so many ways she could go! What about the Roman screaming bull? That could be a way baine shows his tough side.

Honestly, I don’t have an axe to grind with Anduin or Sylvanas. The only thing I don’t like about them is the bad writing that’s basically turned them into near invincible super heroes. The faster we can move past that and get them more down to earth the happier I’ll be.

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Yeah not a fan of torture. Just kill her and get it over with.

So the first option then? Still a top pick imo. Quick and to the point. Another great option for that route is just to have someone shoot her in the middle of her monologue.

What’s sexist is the idea that a female leader has to be a pacifist to be accepted as a “good” leader.

That’s where the Calia hate comes from.

As an night elf player I would think you would understand that from the same perspective that vilifies Tyrande for wanting vengeance.

angry woman = Bad/crazy
passive woman = good.

that’s sexist.

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first, most complaints about calia are from the red faction and i dont blame them

second, i dont think it has anything to do with her gender and more about how she doesnt fit the normal forsaken aesthetic or story and being framed as a “second hand” good or a “hands me down” leader instead of a leader born from the forsaken plight itself like voss or… velonara or… really any other legit forsaken.


that is part of the argument for sure.
but there are other layers to it and the one I mentioned above is an added layer.

It’s one that affects all the female protagonists, even Alliance ones like Jaina and Tyrande for example. I have no qualms with the writers using female trauma as a plot device, but unlike other shows (most notably Wandavision because it’s hot right now) it’s how they handle that and the stereotypes it reinforces.

Calia can also be coded as a ‘white savior’ trope and that can also be problematic. It goes along the same lines as what you said above, she lacks the same experience as other fosaken and yet she hopes to govern them based on birthright.

Katiera also vilifies Tyrande for wanting vengeance, and largely believes that the Night Elves got great content over the past ten years. So, that ought to be taken into account.

But being a Night Elf fan myself, yes, I do sympathize with that concern, and agree that Calia is in no way shape or form the proper solution for the Forsaken.

Regarding Sylvanas, I think what Blizzard did when they removed her from the playable race, given how tied in she is to their identity, can best be analogized to this:

Warcraft has NEVER implied that. At best Warcraft implied a “good” leader doesnt start crud but will finish it if neccesary(IE Jaina).


You do realize Varian was also considered by many to be “bad” for being too aggressive. It was an entire flaw he had to overcome.


Well if i had an opinion about that its that yeah its currently not looking good on this department, i believe this is just a failing on the writers and theyre not trying to push a message, they just used the same trope several times… ffs the war of thorns was a redo of what sylvanas went trough, and i bet theramore was the same but lite.

If anything i would argue female protagonists are more fleshed out, if i compare those two to varian and garrosh just… died without that much drama or being fleshed out more, what i mean with this is that instead they got something more action oriented then died and i dont know which one is even worse.

I think ill just go with “unfortunate implications” on this one, its not like the forsaken are portrayed as savages and i think its more along the lines of her being a menethil and they thought it would be cool.

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Forsaken are warmongering evil people they literally need a pacifist

How is she a white savior can we stop pretending that forsaken aren’t white cultured they are a race of dead white medieval European kingdom

Why? They just need a less warmongering leader, not someone who literally stands in sharp contrast to their character.

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Cause they committed genocide

When did the Forsaken commit genocide?