You sound like the people that made the “dab on the haters” thread that made fun of everyone that wanted Sylvanas brought to justice / out of the story.
It’s not confirmed that she’s becoming a raid boss and especially not that she’s going to be brought to justice.
Ah man, we should have another one of those.
Yea, and then be the ones to call other posters or parts of the playersbase toxic.
Oh I’ve already used all their songs, so I’m onto Linkin Park now. From there, I’m going for Christian rock bands.
I’ve never called you toxic - I call you other things, like whiny and annoying.
Considering in nearly every raid announcement they tell you who the final boss is, the fact Sylvanas is the last name mentioned makes me thing she is going to be the final boss of the raid.
Luckily we don’t have to wait long, either they’ll flat out say we’re fighting her tomorrow, or they’ll hedge and prevaricate and refuse to confirm, which would be reasonable evidence to conclude she’s just a spectator/passive participant in the final fight against Arthuin.
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If by confront you mean ‘rescue’ then sure. But Azshara was the end boss of the previous raid (Eternal Palace). Considering that blizzard said “and come face-to-face with the Banshee Queen herself in a fateful confrontation”, it seems to imply that Sylvanas will be the final boss of that raid.
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Azshara and Jaina were also Raid bosses.
Yeah I hate that death has lost a lot of its significance and all of its mystique because of this expansion. If someone’s goal is to do evil stuff in the maw then we could kill them over and over and it won’t really matter.
Kill their Soul and they die permanently. As long as they are safely inside a new Body(Kyrian, Maldraxxi and Venthyr all get new Bodies) they can keep coming back(aside from the Venthyr who boobytrapped their Bodies to send the Soul into the sky upon death) but kill the Soul and they die for good.
Huh… but then what happens when (for example) someone dies in the shadowlands and is raised from the dead by a maldraxxian necromancer?
Or is that no longer possible once the soul is destroyed?
Also, why do we keep finding kyrians, maldraxxians and ven’thyr just hanging around intact in torghast? Did they die and go there or did they somehow get in there without dying?
Umm… lets see… Wrathion in Nyalotha?
A bait and switch? Yeah that is possible.
Please stop arguing with Katiera.
But I got the last word in!
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inb4 Sylvanas’s encounter ends with “Enough! You worms aren’t worth my time!”
The Kyrians deliberately have us destroy the Souls so that they can’t be raised by Maldraxxian Necromancers at the Temple of Courage in Bastion.
Incidentally the Undead that need Soul destruction include Ghost Elementals… It doesn’t matter if your body is a mass of Ghost Energy like a Ghost Elemental(or more comically a Death Elemental) a body is a body and thus protects the Soul.
Death Elementals that don’t have Mortal Souls bound to them die permanently while ones that do can be resurrected as long as the Soul itself lives.
Sire Denathrius threw the Venthyr into the Maw, Devos and Lysonia threw the Kyrians into the Maw and Kel’Thuzad threw the Maldraxxi into the Maw.
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watch it be that it was actually nathanos in disguise as sylvanas