Sylvanas is a raid boss

But Shadowlands is literally all about a Horde character? And so was BfA.
What Alliance character got 4 CGI cinematics again?

Also neither Tyrande or Anduin were saved.

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Sounds like the horde version of night elf COPE to me imo

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Weā€™ll see.

Honestly I liked how 8.3 was flying oriented. I actually thought the big worms were great because my only annoyance with flying is itā€™s basically invincibility. Thatā€™s also why I loved the addition of the net gun. WPVP was nigh unplayable when if someone could get on their flyer they were free to hover 15 feet above you making rude gestures.

As long as flying still maintains a sense of danger to it Iā€™m game. Granted though I say that as a Priest. I have to have a silly amount of gliders on my alts as Iā€™m far too used to navigating terrain by throwing myself off cliffs.

I mean, it is certainly possible that Sylvanas is a raid boss, but there is a fair amount of leeway in the wording that Blizzard used:

ā€œā€¦come face-to-face with the Banshee Queen herself in a fateful confrontation.ā€

That could be a raid boss fight or it could be Sylvanas telling us ā€œWe just donā€™t get itā€ and flying away or it could Sylvanas getting stabbed in the back by the Jailer.


Sylvanas is getting raid bossed, time to cope simps.

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Cope shes getting raided

The most logical outcome is a battle between Tyrande and Windrunner. They are both in Torghast and the story has been building towards it through cinematics, quests, etc.


I am once again asking you to remember cutscenes do not have a higher narrative presence than other content just because they look pretty.


Well yeah there is some ambiguity but they cant just say ā€œcome and spank sylvanasā€™ cheeks on this new raidā€.

The wording ā€œfateful confrontationā€ sounds quite final so the fight is definitevly happening, she is a raidboss, whatever happens after its another issue.

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CGI was appeasement given the amount of in game air time for Alliance and making them out to be the heroes yet again. Hell, remove the CGI and itā€™s just one giant alliance family story about a little girl who could. And she survives her chopping block. Sylvanas isnā€™t the face of the expansion and only appears in CGI (see a pattern?) and few cutscenes, and isnā€™t even the center piece in the latter.

Itā€™s an alliance expac. Sylvanas will finally die, Tyrande will survive the big bad curse, and we will go back to another cycle of Horde being crapped on.

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its literally listed in the raid section tho

  • Raid the Sanctum of Domination - Brave treacherous, unexplored reaches of Torghast in a new 10-boss raid: the Sanctum of Domination. Encounter the true Eye of the Jailer, turn the tide against the Tarragrue, and come face-to-face with the Banshee Queen herself in a fateful confrontation.

its literally cope to say we wont be fighting her

like how is this ambiguous

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Yeah, if it were anything other than Sylvanas Raid Boss, itā€™d be her sicing a giant loot pinata on us while she cackles maniacally and twirls her mustache, then runs off shouting, ā€œThis is only a set back Iā€™ll get youuuuuuuuā€¦ā€ ā€˜Fateful Confrontationā€™ definitely sounds like weā€™ll be fighting her.


And then we kill Anduin, ressurect him and install him as the new leader of the Forsaken


Go tell your discord terrorists buddies about this thread, I wanna see them cry about being wrong.

I remember when I AFKed while flying in one of those zones and got wormed into next Tuesday. :rofl::rofl:

I am already making fun of some of them

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And Iā€™m telling you that this is your view. Iā€™d have loved to have my favorite lore characters in multiple beautiful CGI cinematics.

This seems just as likely as Sylvanas surviving and Tyrande surviving, so I donā€™t know :woman_shrugging:

Iā€™m not a fan of making fun of other people because of the story, but after they made a thread that was called something like ā€œdab on the hatersā€ where they made fun of others because they thought that Sylvanas was confirmed to get redeemed Iā€™d say theyā€™d deserve that.

It showed me how toxic the Sylvanas fanbase truly is and how they immediately make fun of others if something bad happens to their characters or their race. This is also part of the reason why I hope that Sylvanas doesnā€™t end up justified with her actions.


i dont know, her redemption is still on the ropes, until we see her head on a pike or a 4khd cinematic of her dying i wouldnt be so sure yet.

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I regretted not getting one of the worm mounts. Because they were great at giving people minor heart attacks when you just briefly caught them out of the corner of your eye flying toward you.

A lot of those morons play Horde too, yet they donā€™t realize itā€™d be better to take down the character that ruined their faction instead of cheering her on. All because they canā€™t handle some Night Elves. Spitebrains are gonna spite though.

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