I’m 50/50 on her dying.
Her being killed off would surprise me given its a .1 patch but at the same time Blizzard has shown that they don’t like finishing stories and are easily distracted so I wouldn’t be surprised if her story just kinda…stops.
I’m 50/50 on her dying.
Her being killed off would surprise me given its a .1 patch but at the same time Blizzard has shown that they don’t like finishing stories and are easily distracted so I wouldn’t be surprised if her story just kinda…stops.
the jailer is the big bad not sylvanas
Garrosh died early guldan died early
Easy mistake to make. They’re interchangable anyway.
If she dies, the villain side has no characters. The Jailor is blank void and nobody is stupid enough to think Anduin is sticking on that side.
She’ll be fine.
But it would subvert our expectations! That means it’s good storytelling!
no he isnt
Gul dan died on the nighthold, also they can do the next raid tier a drust thing while the jailer is on the last tier.
its currently on the air it could go either way, im half expecting a purified anduin to intervene before we kill sylvanas like varian on SoO.
Honestly, they never really could. I mean, Alliance has been losing their leaders since the stories inception. And Alliance was the first to lose a leader.
I’m not sure I understand. Blizzard rarely does anything especially outlandish or unexpected.
No, this feels very Battle of Darzalor with Jaina. Sylvanas will just be another museum piece in Revendreth. She can be buddies with Kael’thas.
Garrosh died because his story was pretty much done in a way that Sylvanas’ is not yet. Gul’dan as well.
I don’t think they’re comparable.
How is sylvana’s story not done? If she dies in the raid that means her ultimate plan blew up in her face, how is that not done?
I mean yes Kat, by definition, a story is done when it ends. You could have killed off Garrosh in 5.1 and his story would have been “done”. It would not have been a natural or satisfying ending, however.
And no I don’t consider “and then Sylvanas dies cuz she is poo” a satisfying conclusion.
They could’ve also made a lot more out of Garrosh though instead of killing him off immediately, doesn’t mean that they should have done it or that it would’ve caused a better ending.
Garrosh became warchief in Cataclysm, then got his spotlight in MoP and then died at the start of WoD. Sylvanas became warchief in Legion, got her Spotlight in BfA (even more so than Garrosh) and a good chunk of SL and it’s sooner or later time to finally end her story. Not to mention all the CGI cinematics and cutscenes that went to her. I’d like to explore the jailer a bit more as the main villain of the expansion instead of getting a few more Sylvanas cinematics / patches.
why wouldnt it, why are you assuming we just walk into the raid and kill her, without story or a cinematic
even when guldan dead it was poof he dead, there was quests, there was a cinematic, his whole fight was the ending
Honestly ethics aside I can see why they picked the Maw Covenant. The Jailor’s plate and mail set look really great.
Honestly the most surprising thing here is how early flyings coming.
I receive that news with mixed feelings, though. As that means either;
A. The new content will be flying oriented
B. The new content will take place where you can’t fly. Which means The Maw.
We both already know which it is, lets be honest.
Looks like Anduin couldn’t sweettalk Sylvanas. Good. Character development for him, and Sylvanas continues to spiral into the abyss. All is well, ish.
Another Horde character put the chopping block while Alliance characters are getting saved (Tyrande) and no word on killing DK Anduin. Looks like another alliance expac after all.