Sylvanas is a raid boss

Which is honestly kind of weird since Calia admits to being hidden away following her marriage to a footsoldier. How would Voss know anything about Calia to be genuinely respectful of her.

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Because the undead were trying to hunt the living to extinction.

This hasn’t been true since Wrath and was barely true even in Vanilla.


i have my theories about that, she just wants a figurehead that isnt HER and thinks calia is better than basically anyone else, since… well queen of lordaeron.

Because she was still a resident of Lordaeron and would of been aware that the Menethil’s had a daughter. This lends to the idea Voss respected Calia because of her bloodline, not because of anything particularly related to Calia herself.

Voss probably wasn’t aware Calia was alive until BtS.

Respect for the Blood is not exactly a good method of finding a suitable leader.
I suppose this just posits that Blizzard really doesn’t give the time to really showcase things. Voss gets one eavesdrop on Calia and is immediately all in, and Calia gets nothing but offscreen development.
A person could write an entire book off of Voss testing and pushing Calia towards a leadership role, but Blizzard has to push hard on ‘new horizons’ every expansion.

says the guy who wants a leader who just want vengeance lol

I said that my personal pick would be Voss, even above Sylvanas actually.

EDIT: The thing that seems to trip people up is that I just genuinely don’t hate Sylvanas (while also recognizing that she hasn’t exactly been a great leader).

You dont have to hate sylvanas to understand that shes been evil all this time lol

Again on the evil thing, can we just sidestep that so I don’t have to reiterate that I don’t care about being considered evil if it fits to the faction theme. I feel like it’s just beating a dead horse at this point.

But the horde isnt evil, why you think they over threw garrosh and sylvanas? Did you forget what game your playing? You arent playing chaos on warhammer

Never said it was. Only that it’s a reason the Forsaken wouldn’t hold any ill will towards her.

That the Forsaken are not the same people they once were is a good reason to reject her as leader, not because of Arthas.

Yeah, I’m playing the game that literally had the Forsaken intro include the idea of using your allies for your own benefit.

EDIT: The Forsaken have always been the token evil teammate on the Horde.

ah, misread the intention then, my bad.

and now the horde is well aware and also, what the hell is your point you literally spent a hour saying they wherent evil and now your like they are evil.

I spent an hour arguing about genocide, not whether or not the Forsaken are good guys.

Lol thats what bothers you, genocides been in the game since the orcs back story lol

Yep, it is, we all have our lines; mine happens to be with very real horrors being used in games necessarily dominated by the status quo.

EDIT: The minute devs use the word ‘genocide’ it pushes a very real weight onto the situation, and the nature of the game means this will always feel terrible to one side or the other to address.
Better to leave it in back story, like with the orcs and draenei.

Honestly a disgusting thing to say

As opposed to ‘Give us more genocides’?
Can’t really retcon backstory, just like we can’t retcon Teldrassil.

I read your “opinion” post there, it still does not change the fact that the Sacking of Quel’thalas, and The War of Thorns, are both two completely different events, with completely different motivations, goals, and consequences. The “context” of an opinion, and the “context” of lore facts, are two completely different things.

If you had stated that you “believe”, or were “of the opinion”, that The War of Thorns was a redo of what Sylvanas went through, that might have slid by. You want to make sure the “context” is not misunderstood or misinterpreted, then work on your wording.
As a lore fact, unless you can prove that this is Blizzard’s official stance on it, then your statement is completely wrong.

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