Sylvanas is a raid boss

The irony of these quotes are not lost on me. :rofl:

In my ā€œopinionā€, I have always believed that it was more than just that. I will not speak for anyone else on that subject.

Sylvanas comfirmed 100% the final boss of the new raid, for those weirdo deniers

I really like how our execution preferences match our chosen races descriptors. You know the bloody thirsty savage troll and youā€™ve got the most humane option which makes sense for a Draenei

I donā€™t think Sylvannas is going to die in the raid. I think they are setting her up to be redeemed or have a redeeming moment.

Also, I truly think the Jailor will actually win and destroy everything we know. How else would it make sense to get the covenant races as allied races?

If all we know gets broken, and the cycle of death is broken, they are free to come back to ā€œlifeā€ if they wantā€¦via allied races.

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I think Sylvanas is going to get redeemed. Arthas is going to be in the raid and heā€™s going to have a heart to heart with Sylvanas or something like that.

Then weā€™re going to use Sylvanas and Arthas against the jailer. Itā€™s going to be like the final scene of Avengers Endgame.

Theyā€™re going to bring in everyone. Sylvanas, Arthas, all the dead night elf souls, Broxigar, literally everyone vs the jailers forces. Then Arthas is going to pull an Iron Man and heā€™ll be gone forever and ā€œredeemedā€.


Yeah currently its up in the air whats going to happen to her, no point overthinking, better use those brain cells for something else, i also think nathanos will be somewhere in there, there was a part of the livestream where they said zovaal had some guys in the dungeon basically and we were going there so its a given weā€™re seeing more dead people in there.