Sylvanas is a raid boss

Genocide / the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group

Which doesnā€™t really fit with the destruction of southshore and the village I canā€™t remember the name of in Hillsbrad that turned into the sludge fields.
It could possibly fit with Ambermill if we really stretch how culturally different they were from the surroundings.

yeah sure killing off the last reminds of lorderan

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Glad to know Stormwind didnā€™t actually have any Lordaeron survivors then.

with the aim of destroying that nation

I can do this all day, thanks to blizzard arming me with the fact that they themselves consider sylvanas evil

That nation didnā€™t even exist at the time, and the Forsaken goal in Cataclysm was claiming the continent of Lordaeron, not destroying some cultural remnant.


So? When did evil enter this?

since warcraft is a story about good and evil and genocide is evil, I am not the one trying to get around the definition of it, I dunno why sylvanas fans try so hard, its just sad at this point

If tyrande goes around actually trying to kill all the horde, I am not gonna defend it, Iā€™ll call it out for what it is.

I donā€™t care in the slightest about ā€˜good and evilā€™ just the constant throwing around of the word ā€˜genocideā€™ like candy.

EDIT: Hells, Iā€™d gladly play the villain if Blizzard actually wrote a fun villain campaign.

Blizzard is the writers, and they can call whatever they want a genocide, its their story

Cool, that means we have one confirmed genocide as per ā€˜their storyā€™.

THeres a few that the horde all did

Itā€™s Blizzardā€™s story, if they didnā€™t call it a genocide how can we?

But they did thats the funny part, I dunno what your arguing, the devs literally talked about it before

When then?

the nelf one they did in a book, and the draenei one, weā€™ll you got be ignoring alot of blizzcons and horde story

So not anything to do with Cata then?

THat one too, with the worgen and the people of southshore, Sylvanas talks about it in her inner monologues in war crimes

So Sylvanas calls the attack on southshore a genocide in plain text?

Read my post again not just that little snippet to see what we were talking about, you need a spoonful of context not a teaspoon.

This is false. The Forsaken have no ill feelings towards the Menethil line and their only issue was with Arthas alone.

Despite your personal feelings about your think they should feel, we have to make inferences on the lore we have.
We do know that Voss still holds Calia in high regard and the Forsaken didnā€™t tear down the Statue of King Menethil that stands in their courtyard. So we donā€™t have much positive feelings in general in favor of them still loving and respecting the Menethil family but we have absolutely NO negative portrayal in game or lore.