Sylvanas is a raid boss

you should read the books, they do get involved, and its canon

which books are set in vanilla?

ARthas has a chapter of sylvanas testing her plague

I’m pretty sure, in the Forsaken narrative, the living are the N*zi’s. The living hunted the undead to almost extinction and it’s not considered a war crime because the fact that forsaken are not living their rights are constantly being invalidated. They are being discriminated and dehumanized for not being living.

And that’s been the norm for so long that there is a visible path from WC3 to the Wrathgate to Teldrassil. “Death to the Scourge and death to the living.”


wasn’t she doing that with Lydon?
Also that was like the main goal of the Forsaken, not sure how that counts as just Pro-Sylvanas.

we know that outside the scarlets the restr of the living did nothing to them, the horde literally helped them over and over, tried to even find a cure for undeath

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Her revenge against arthas was just for herself thats why she tried to kill herself after leaving her people behind

Oh that’s still too blood thirsty for me lol. I was thinking just a swift execution…lop off her head and toss it to Tyrande.

She killed herself because with Arthas being dead, and a new Lich King sitting on the throne, everything she fought for was pointless. (She specifically pounds on the ice that was encasing Bolvar before killing herself). I felt bad for her in that moment.

that is utter bullsh*t. The Gilneans invaded Lordaeron. The Gilneans attacked the Forsaken in Stormhiem. The Argent Dawn did the whole “opps my blade slipped while killing Scourge and wiped out a whole Forsaken settlement” then there is newer content. I suggest you re-read Chapter 26 of Before the Storm where Admiral Rogers admits to being so much of a racist towards undead she wants to wipe them all out, or how Turalyon doesn’t even give his mentor and father figure Alonsus Faol the benefit of the doubt. Or how about how Mathias Shaw sent assasins to kill his undead good friend.

Willful ignorance is a factor as well, people don’t want to believe the Forsaken are victims because they are coded as evil.

Which was a mean-spirited move on her part, true, but doesn’t really change that vengeance on Arthas was the prime motivator for basically all Forsaken through Wrath.
The difference being Sylvanas didn’t want to continue past that point, which ironically would be perfectly allowable under the doctrine of Free Will.

Can I just say that this always confused the heck out of me, some of these people are literally rotting away, it never seemed like something that could be effectively ‘cured’.

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You know that was retaliatory, right? The Horde invaded Gilneas because Garrosh wanted a harbor.


Lordaeron has a harbor though. That was likely a BS excuse from Garrosh

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Or Blizzard forgetting they gave the Forsaken a fleet in Wrath despite having entirely clear coastlines throughout Lordaeron.


Wouldn’t be the first time blizz has forgotten their own lore :smiley_cat:


Seems like the playerbase has the same problems,

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Players, I’m a little more lenient on though. Not everyone came into the game at the same time, can’t expect people to know 16 yrs worth of lore. But blizzard really has no excuse.


That is not even remotely accurate


I’d say what they did to the humans of Silverpine and Hillsbrad in cataclysm counts. And they have yet to answer for that.

A crime people can seek them to answer for, but not technically genocide (unless we want to count individual towns as an entire culture).
Really, only ambermill counts as a crime outside the war since they definitively weren’t part of the Alliance until after being attacked. The settlements in Hillsbrad were part of the Alliance since vanilla, so were generally acceptable targets (could probably get into the annoying anachronisms of the setting, what with the extremely modern sensibilities we are injecting into it; since the view of destroying small towns or driving out villages like happens in Cata was only really an ‘objectionable evil’ with modern wars starting with the 30 years war)

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