Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

If you’re like me, you should feel completely numb to he story by now and focus purely on the gameplay. Which in all honesty, isn’t as bad as people say, it’s really just some azerite traits kinda suck and the grinding for AP.

Thrall stepped down in Cataclysm because he was focused on trying to calm the elementals.


Thrall stepped down in Cata because Blizz wanted to push the “Faction war that’s Horde’s fault” story, but didn’t want to kill him like Cairne and Vol’jin.


I dont think “decorations” matter. I dont even know what you are referring to. Where is there a list of awards won by these folks, and how do you tabulate their weight? Perhaps you mean “well regarded”.

At any rate, Sylvanas did save the Horde at the Broken Shore.

Sylvanas was appointed by Voljin - and only a handful of characters even are aware of an irregularity involving Voljin’s choice. So far, even Sylvanas believes Voljin and his Loa appointed her. Most of the Horde probably still does. And the Horde soldiers are meeting Loa in Zuldazar. So even a typical Orc grunt might have respect and reverence for the Loa, as far as Voljin’s choice goes.

Sylvanas did participate in the rebellion against Garrosh, as much as any leader.

And she did win the War of Thorns and destroy Teldrassil.

Meanwhile, Thrall went galavanting around with a woman, and abandoned the Horde. Saurfang abandoned the Horde as well. He ran into Anduin’s arms, and would not escape with Rokhan and Thalyssra. He preferred obeying Dungeon Master Anduin.

Those are some reasons I can think of off the top of my head.


Some people are fans of genocide, sadly.


Oh, they’ll just tweet in a year or so that only a few diehard Forsaken actually supported her.


I think being the Hordes’ original founder and being a cherished war hero/veteran very much matters. They are symbols to their people, it’s hard for those symbols to be defaced.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd wars? War of the shifting sands? Campaign against the Lich King?

Same deal, people in the Horde regard them highly is what I’m getting at, yes.

Aaannnndddd what else?

This is the problem.

No, but the appointment was made without any consultation with them beforehand and they sure were all aware that not a lot of them have any reason to trust her.

Burning Teldrassil is not something to be proud of. Killing defenseless civilians is not an achievement and should not be seen as such.

A reward well-earned for saving the world from the Cataclysm, Is he not entitled some reprieve like any great hero deserves?

Well for one, he didn’t run into Anduin’s arms, he tried to break himself against the Alliance, so he could just die a hero, with honor, the way he desired and wouldn’t have to live with being complicit in a massacre like Teldrassil. Second, the rest of the Horde does not know about his refusal to leave the stockades, the mission was top secret as described by Nathanos upon briefing the PC on it to be a mission of “utmost secrecy”.

Those are the ONLY reasons. Half of which isn’t known to the majority of the Horde and the other is simply a heroes reward.


I’m only a fan of “A Good Genocide”, like Saurfang.


Imagine being so blatantly wrong on something


No. No one should give up leadership and then be able to insert themselves at any whim. I certainly disagree with you, and I see why many in the Horde would disagree with you.

I dont revere Thrall any more than Sylvanas or Voljin. They were/are all leaders of the Horde. But only one is currently. And while Garrosh had a ground swell of nearly every non-Orc against him, Sylvanas remains supported by various races and “the people”.

I do not feel any character should give up a job (Warchief), pick a replacement (Garrosh), replace that replacement (Voljin), have that replacement choose his own replacement (Sylvanas), and then stick his nose back into command.

If your personal opinion is that every Horde character in the story should drop trou and kneel for Thrall and Saurfang - I am here to tell you there are many who disagree. And the story depicts that. Thankfully.

Again, your opinion. It seems your questions boil down to :

“Why isn’t everything exactly how I deem it should be?”

There are some in the Horde who helped Teldrassil burn even more efficiently. There are many in the Horde who are happy to seek the destruction of the Alliance.

That is your problem. Saving the Horde recently can be weighed against any of Thralls actions. Heck, he would be dead too if not for her. Saving the Horde seems to be enough for the Horde she saved.


Don’t start with me, Calias, it’s subjective at best. There really is no “right” or “wrong” outlook on this at a technical level, but using real life human-made standards, Teldrassil would be considered “wrong”.


Jesus H Christ. Genocide is bad. Its a bad thing. This should not need saying. Ever. What the hell is wrong with you?


Yikes to you and your 3 stooges.


I mean, their response is just going to be “This is just a video game”
Just a heads up.


But then they’ll froth at the mouth regarding their waifu, and write paragraphs about Alliance sympathy, Baine is a cow (see what I did there har har), etc.

Never disappoint, WoW Story Forums :hugs:


Killing off my favorite video game character is personally humiliating to me but celebrating fictional genocide is okay because it’s just a game.


He’s not “inserting” himself as Warchief or any other position of authority as far as we know and it has yet to be known if he’ll be involved in installing anyone to the position once Sylvanas is deposed. But as a revered figurehead of the Horde, his word still matters to those that still revere him.

I literally was not inferring to that at all, I was simply saying that most races in the Horde should acknowledge who they are before coming to conclusions. They are still highly regarded Horde figures who’ve garnered more respect within the faction than Sylvanas, lorewise. I’m not saying people need to drop on all-fours and beg for forgiveness, im saying it’s former-warchief and world shaman, Thrall, and renowned war veteran and paragon of the orcish people, Saurfang, they’re not just random upstarts.

Umm…no. The story TELLS us that, but doesn’t SHOW jack.

There was no transition from post-Wrathgate, “nobody trusts Sylvanas and the Forsaken” Horde to “wow everyone trusts Sylvanas and she’s a great hero now” Horde. The story skipped point B, and went straight to C.

Yeah, I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say. This has NOTHING to do with my opinion, and more so to do with the bloody continuity of the faction and story.

  1. Why do the Hordes’ people trust Sylvanas? This is never explained, the backlash from the Wrathgate incident was massive. Not only did Thrall, and later Garrosh, banned production of the plague but even sent a contingent of Kor’kron to keep them in check. Additionally, pretty much 80% of things Sylvanas has done while in the Horde was usually out of self-interest but was conveniently beneficial to the Horde. It was never for the purpose of actually benefitting the Horde as a whole and they weren’t very big contributions either. So the seemingly whole-hearted faith the Horde is putting into her simply doesn’t make any sense from a development standpoint. Vol’jin can give her the mantle of Warchief, but not the respect of the people, that still has to be earned.

  2. Why did something like Teldrassil occur? We essentially purged the Horde of bloodthirsty, extremist, Orcs back in MoP, so how are they not only back but also happen to more prominent than the less violent Orcs who sided with Thrall against Garrosh. Other than Orcs, alot of the other races don’t crave the same war and destruction other than Forsaken, of course. The less violent should be a majority of the current orc populace, right now, taking a stance against the same baseless war that Garrosh waged. Except this time, it’s someone they should trust even less than Garrosh, who at least had Orcs’ interests in mind. With Sylvanas, they don’t even know what the heck their fighting for, they’re just mindlessly killing Alliance for whatever reason. Likely because Saurfang agreed to it earlier and they’re just following his initial command, not knowing that he’s not really a big fan of the way this war is being waged. Either way, it’s not explained at all and doesnt really make much sense at tge point we’re at in the narrative.

Doing a simple thing with very little self-risk and, admittedly, sizable reward can NOT be weighted against the numerous selfless risks and actions that Thrall has taken in defense of the Horde and the world and was successful in protecting both multiple times.

Yeah, no it’s not. It does not explain jack about how the Horde went from not trusting her like, at all, and literally sending the Kor’kron to watch and police the Forsaken in Undercity and make sure they’re not up to no good. To no suspicions or reservations at all, cheers, praises, and singing kumbaya, “all hail to the queen”.


In SC2 you wipe out many planets of people as Kerrigan. Are all SC2 fans evil?


My answer? A definitive yes.


Your snide tone aside, at least all that is in context to characters and events in the story.

And not just that. A video game that has genocide level events as a regular event every few years.

Draenei in Draenor. Blood Elves against the Scourge. Night Elves against the Horde.

And then we have the massive amounts of death we deliver for gold.

Not many of us would steal, kill, and genocide for new shoes and some gold. But we do it regularly in game.