Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

A better question is why on earth would most Horde citizens choose Sylvanas over some of their most decorated heroes like Saurfang or Thrall? Just why?! What has she done to earn their hearts and their faith? Like, I’m sorry to tell you, sister, but calling some Val’kyr to salvage the initial assault on Broken Shore is not going to banish any skepticism most Horde members would still have for her since Wrathgate. Or her EXTREMELY minimal role in “leading” the Horde against the Legion. None of this grants her automatic exemption from her previous deeds. Respect is earned, not given freely just cuz of her title, that’s not how leadership works.

Great, he KNOWS what they are about to do is wrong. At the very least if you-or are going to-do something wrong, the least you can do is acknowledge the fact that it is wrong, at least sound like you give a crap, instead of ignoring it completely. If Sylvanas could show even a 1/10th of the thought or consideration that Thrall shows here, some of her war crimes would be somewhat able to be overlooked by “Honor Horde” people like myself.

By your logic, this means the Horde ALWAYS works for the Alliance, cuz they ALWAYS team up to deal with existential threats.

-We served them to fight C’thun at the end of Vanilla
-We served them to fight Kil’jaden at the end of BC
-We served them to fight the Lich King at the end of Wrath
-We served them to fight Deathwing at the end of Cata
-We served them to fight Garrosh at the end of MoP
-We served them to fight Archimonde at the end of WoD
-We served them to defeat Argus at the end of Legion

No, these are the real options:

A. Work with the Alliance.
B. Work with Saurfang and Thrall
C. Work with Saurfang and Thrall, then expose them as traitors to Nate

Or how about the fact that rebellion is naturally going to happen if your leader doesn’t know how to lead for jack. A good leader serves the people, not the other way around. I don’t care if it’s not in character for Sylvanas to care about anything other than herself (at least with her current characterization), she can’t be so dense as to think that people aren’t going to try to overthrow her if they see that she no longer appears to be serving their interests.

Sylvanas has been a pretty trash Warchief from Day 1, abandoning her obligation to avenge Vol’jin, and the Horde by extension, for personal gain. She should’ve been booted from the position the second the portal to Argus was closed.

What the hell are you smoking, dude? Ik pot doesn’t cause delusion on this level.

Gallywix? A self-serving, greedy, sociopath, is the standard of being a “better” leader of the Horde. Gallywix is NOT a standard ANY Horde leader should be held to.

What do i think?

I think I no longer care:

-I don’t care for Warchief Sylvanas
-I don’t care for killing members of my faction
-I don’t care for this rehashed rebellion plot
-I don’t care for the rehashed rebellion plot benefitting the Alliance more than the Horde
-I don’t care for Sadfang
-I don’t care for Bane
-I don’t care for Elsa
-I don’t care for King Brad Pitt
-I don’t care for Shaw’s mustache
-I don’t even care for the amazing GoT voice talent they hired

Legion and BfA has utterly decimated any reason for me to care about the story. It’s all about flashy moments and not about actual character growth and development. Friggen WoD, for all it’s half-bakery, had more integrity than this fan-fictional garbage we’ve been given as of late.


probably a mixture of controlling the flow of information and propaganda, but they don’t show us enough to know this for sure


When have Orcs ever not supported whoever will give them war? Thrall literally stepped down in Cata because he knew he was too peaceful for his own people.

Orcs are a Warrior people. Rexxar’s description of Orgrimmar at the first sight of it was that it was a “Warrior city.” You can’t build an entire society around war and then act surprised when those people like war.


Reasons i side with Sylvanas

  1. I like her(war of thorns was bs though)
  2. Anti-blizzard
  3. i hate baine and saurfang(bfa ruined him)
  4. I will not be a slave to the alliance
  5. I hate humans
  6. did i mention Anti blizzard?

it doesnt really matter who you side with, you will be forced to work with the alliance and rebels to the very end, i wouldnt be surprised if ends with “now champion! play along and strike me down”

such is the way of the illusion of choice


i hate the play along crap. it makes zero sense for 8.2 but whatever.


thats likely because they originally didnt have a separate choice and only put one in due to player feedback but also put no effort into making that choice mean something. they likely also already have the ending written out, so they would have to make both choices reach the same conclusion


I am just getting numb at this point from all the stupid coming form blizzard.


i think a lot of people can relate to you on that.


there is 1 thing that still annoys me. they admitted(i think alex said it) that deleting characters who picked the wrong side was considered.

but thankfully a few people at blizzard saw that it was a bad idea so it was shot down quickly.


i think he was just joking, imagine the outrage if they deleted characters if they made the wrong choice.


if it was a joke it was an extremely bad one.


wouldn’t be the first one.


the only joke here is BFA.


that is true. the expansion has been a joke so far.


the zandalari stuff was cool(thats about it). i am not sure about the alliance leveling.

i dont really hate the alliance to be honest there are a few alliance races i like. i do have alliance alts. i just hate the human focus of the alliance. it feels like every other race is just slaves to the humans.

Bfa has just made me anti-blizzard and anti-alliance.


Yeah, and idk if it was you or another poster who made a thread on this awhile ago but: Show, don’t tell.

Like, they need to SHOW us Sylvanas actually having the peoples’ support, WHY she has the peoples’ support, WHEN she garnered such support. These are important questions that are important when it comes to storytelling and world building. Nowadays it’s just one flashy moment after another, with no intrigue, nuances, or buildup.

WoW has just become a brainless, cash-grab story, that simply exploits the fans’ affection for their favorite characters to make an extra buck at no ones’ expense but the player base.

It’s just sad how Activision has literally ripped the soul out of blizzard defiling everything that made it great, and has turned it into another soulless, corporate husk of a company. Many of the developers who laid the foundation of this company have since departed, and it all started with Metzen imo.


drustvar was good, stormsong was boring as hell. i liked drustvar reminded me of old stories i was told as a kid, so it had a bit of a nolstalgic feel to me.

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maybe i will try it at some point. i am in a phase where i want to play WoW but i just dont feel like dealing with the stupid crap anymore.

if you ever do drustvar questing, use the inky black potion, it makes the atmosphere even better