Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

So in the recent PTR changes it’s noted in the breakout scenario by Lor’themar that Sylvanas has the support of the people of the Horde. This would mean she has the backing of the civilians and army.

Likewise Thrall confesses what they are about to commit is high treason , wilfully understanding what he’s doing is wrong for the Horde. For some reason, you meet Saurfang and the former Warchief in the mushroom seller’s hut in the Cleft (the same place Garrosh killed the vendor there for opposing him). As you enter, Saurfang instantly begins killing Horde guards while yourself and Thrall start join in to kill Horde soldiers on mass as you move through the underbelly of Orgrimmar – meeting up with Jaina and the spymaster to help kill more Horde loyalists to rescue Baine.

At this point, you’re given opinions to choose:

A. Work for the Alliance?
B. Work really hard for the Alliance?
C. Work really really hard for your Alliance Masters?

Sadly, even if you pick loyalist you are forced to peruse these options. You eventually find Baine and kill his Blood Elf jailers as you and the Alliance escape with the former chieftains life.

You then return to the Blood Elf leader, Lor’themar, noting your success but reveals the harsh reality that Sylvanas has the support of the Horde’s people, and that he doesn’t even know if his own elves will side with him if he plans to rebel .

It has been suggested online that this vision the Tauren receives may have been a Old God trick, attempting to cause a civil war inside the Horde.

However, it looks like Sylvanas still has support of the better faction leaders, such as Gallywix, who controls the Bilgewater Cannon that is to be used later in the expansion. As we know, while it is in operation the Alliance and rebels cannot attack Orgrimmar in the lore.

What do you think of this story, are you excited for the Horde story as a Horde player?

You can find the videos to the scenario here:


Outside of Darethy (God rest his soul), I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Hordie say something nice about this expansion. Are there any Horde-main fans?


A couple of the people have been crowing about how AMAZING Baine is…but I think they are just trolling since they seem to actively hate the Horde and Horde players in most of their other posts.


Oh, right right right. I managed to suppress them from memory, thanks to all their talk of exiling Blood Elves to the Pale or something.

Well, OK, nevermind, I guess they exist.


I just had a sick feeling that that cannon is going to be used on Horde. I can’t believe that in all my pessimism, I never considered that possibility.

I haven’t felt enthusiasm for the Horde story since July 30, 2018.


This expansions story has been garbage (outside of a select few circumstances) from the moment they dropped the War of Thorns.

This is why you dont kick off a faction war, where you claim neither side is good or evil, with one side comitting literal genocide and the other unable to actually functionally retaliate because of game mechanics.

This expansion is &#%$ for Alliance and Horde because it’s the same tired nonsense all over again with a ^@%#ty new Sylvanas themed coat of paint.



looks at naked panda, looks at accusations of trolling coming from naked panda

hating sylvanas isnt hating the horde

get back to me in 8.3


I’m not upset about supporting Baine. I’m upset that I was ever forced to support Sylvanas committing genocide while the devs peed down my leg and told me it was raining (“faction pride” “no one will feel like they’re the bad guys” “morally grey”). I’m upset that I was given NO in-game way to register my utter disgust with Teldrassil, or any meaningful way to dissent. I’m demoralized by the fact that the devs have decided now that “the Horde” supports Sylvanas, reinforcing that as long as I want my main to be an orc, I’m forced to be a stooge for evil. I’m angry that the tipping point for this “rebellion” was a bunch of meh garbage involving Sylvanas raising some Kul Tirans, and not, you know, genocide.

I’m disgusted with this entire expac and I am increasingly unable to see any way for the lore to recover from it, as a Horde player.


What has she done exactly to earn the hearts of the Horde? I guess she could’ve been lying to them but the order halls existed in Legion because the factions were useless (Alliance included) and they are losing the war in BfA.


I’ll enjoy Sylvanas betraying the Horde.


i mean, alliance spies report the exact same thing that is in the spiritwalker’s vision. so i doubt it was a trick, and it seems sylvanas was also counting on it because nathanos tells how sylvanas ordered him to let the rebels think they have escaped their grasp.

you fool! you should have always expected it


See I find this kind of weird. Maybe it’s because I underestimate the writing of this game but I usually connect the leader of a race’s opinions with the public’s opinion. I get that Sylvanas is probably still regarded as a war hero by the general BE population but the parallels to the Scourge would turn them off to her imo. Guess I’m wrong.
Outside of the BE’s and Forsaken I’m surprised that Syl has the people’s backing. I guess everyone really digs the war? Even in a post-garrosh world? With a leader who has historically been antithetical to core Thrall-Horde values? Ok then.


I feel this very much. The story (amongst other problems with the game and Blizzard as a whole) is the reason I am unsubbed.

After the pre patch even I was unable to find any desire to log onto any of my Horde characters. From Vanilla through about halfway through Mists of Pandaria I was exclusively Horde.

If I wanted to play the Empire I’d go play my Sith in SWTOR and have an easier time finding ways to not be a sociopathic mass murderer than in the current Horde storyline (at least until the Saurfang stuff.)

Scourge lite is not why I loved playing the Horde way back when.


And a losing war.


Don’t worry bro, in 8.2 you get to mandatorially work for Jaina, hero of Horde! She’ll teach you how to be honorable as you kill loyal Horde soldiers at her command.


Well, Sylvanas tells us to kill them too.


“play along champion and murder all of my loyal subjects”


Sylvanas’ plan just seems so ridiculous even if she has some master plan.

  1. Arrest Baine and plan to execute him.

  2. Lead the Alliance and Horde leaders into a trap.

  3. DON’T attempt to kill them and let them escape.

Uh, why’d you arrest Baine then when only she knew what happened If you were going to let them escape anyways?


cause these options weren’t really suppose to be there lmao

the rebel route was meant to be the canon route but the tears came flowing endlessly in the forums so blizzard was like “alright give em some prank options where sylvanas tells them to play along the whole time”