So in the recent PTR changes it’s noted in the breakout scenario by Lor’themar that Sylvanas has the support of the people of the Horde. This would mean she has the backing of the civilians and army.
Likewise Thrall confesses what they are about to commit is high treason , wilfully understanding what he’s doing is wrong for the Horde. For some reason, you meet Saurfang and the former Warchief in the mushroom seller’s hut in the Cleft (the same place Garrosh killed the vendor there for opposing him). As you enter, Saurfang instantly begins killing Horde guards while yourself and Thrall start join in to kill Horde soldiers on mass as you move through the underbelly of Orgrimmar – meeting up with Jaina and the spymaster to help kill more Horde loyalists to rescue Baine.
At this point, you’re given opinions to choose:
A. Work for the Alliance?
B. Work really hard for the Alliance?
C. Work really really hard for your Alliance Masters?
Sadly, even if you pick loyalist you are forced to peruse these options. You eventually find Baine and kill his Blood Elf jailers as you and the Alliance escape with the former chieftains life.
You then return to the Blood Elf leader, Lor’themar, noting your success but reveals the harsh reality that Sylvanas has the support of the Horde’s people, and that he doesn’t even know if his own elves will side with him if he plans to rebel .
It has been suggested online that this vision the Tauren receives may have been a Old God trick, attempting to cause a civil war inside the Horde.
However, it looks like Sylvanas still has support of the better faction leaders, such as Gallywix, who controls the Bilgewater Cannon that is to be used later in the expansion. As we know, while it is in operation the Alliance and rebels cannot attack Orgrimmar in the lore.
What do you think of this story, are you excited for the Horde story as a Horde player?
You can find the videos to the scenario here: