Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

Well… i killed a lot of murlocs.


And the destruction of Teldrassil isn’t? Girl what?

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Just look at Idra. Clearly evil.


Going into HoTS, you know right from the beginning what you’re getting into. You’re Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, Scourge of the Koprulu sector. You know you’re playing the villain the second you look at the cover of the box.

In WoW, the Horde was sold as being heroic savages. When we first logged in during whatever expansion we first played WoW in, both factions were sold as being heroes in their right. Now that dichotomy is so one-sided, the weight of it can create it’s own gravitational pull.


Can’t it?

I certainly can weigh them, and I do. All of Thrall’s previous actions would be but an ashen memory, if not for Sylvanas saving Thrall and the Horde that day. At Voljin’s pleading.

I think you choose to diminish what does not bolster your imagined narrative.

I recall the crowds cheering for her at Voljin’s funeral. I recall the parade she threw in BtS, where nearly all Horde members were pretty stoked with her performance (except Sourpuss). I recall the Horde cinematic at the end of Legion, where they have a celebratory feast. And Baine himself tells Voljin that Sylvanas led the Horde to victory over the Legion.

There is plenty there to explain the Horde public’s favor towards her.


It makes me smile how much Cursewords will rage for working with Jaina and Genn again.


If my words can cause a smile, then its almost worth it.


aww thats sweet.


Genocide is not a good thing. Enjoying a game with genocides in it is not the same as someone saying genocide is a thing to be proud of. SC2’s genocides are bad. If your brain is functional enough to recognize this, grats, you might not be evil.




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There’s a variety of Horde races working with Jaina in Nazjatar, too. Even Forsaken:


Even more impressive, is there are Night Elves and Forsaken working shoulder to shoulder in that pic. The Night Elves are easier to spot since they are traditional gear, so I highlighted the Forsaken:

Left is a human male. NE males hold their shields almost flat horizontal.


I believe that is the joke.

But he’s wearing the traditional Night Elf battle armor, often seen being warn by NEs in Krasarang, various Alliance bases, and in the current NE Capital City.

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wait what!? so forsaken are joining the rebellion? or are they playing along too

I think it’s more of that everyone is fighting Azshara.

Sylvanas is much smarter than Garrosh. She knew she just had to hold out until a bigger world ending threat showed up and then declare Azeroth is free at the end.


Remember those faces, those are the same guys that will genocideing another Alliance city and eating Alliance babies in the next expansion.


next expansion will be the wod 2.0 and then we will get the legion 2.0 and then we will get the expansion in which the burn ironforge