Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

Turns out to be casus belli, though.


Not a valid one, considering it was based on a falsehood.


By your own words:


Anduin spoke with Sylvanas and Baine. He has expressed understanding that Varian would have died no matter what that day.

I guess the Blizz dev realized that Alliance players are ignorant of evidence - or simply dont care.

That may be why Anduin leads that violent and terrible aggressive Alliance. They would be more brain dead and destructive than the Scourge without Anduin.


We were actually having a decent debate, why do you feel the need to be so hostile, exactly? I’m addressing that the Horde is being portrayed as such, but the Alliance isn’t. That the writers are trying to stick to a certain narrative in regards to the various member races while at the same time stating that they are also majority-wise in favor of a war that seems to be intent on wiping out another gathering of races.

The real world does not have undead, or races who are literally portrayed as being so in tune with nature that they can talk to animals. Nor does the real world have threats so vast that it means the end of all life attacking on a regular basis. To say ‘the real world’ is a false equivalence, I didn’t even mention the real world in my post. I said ‘a logical universe’, ergo in a universe where we have eeeverything that has happened in WoW, where there are literal world-ending threats on a yearly basis, logically people would want peace, or at least not immediately want to fight.

I said logical because the writers are putting forth these ideas and then saying one side, the Horde, is actively for the war when they’ve faced threat after threat that could not be defeated by the Horde alone. That they support the starting of this new war for no other reason other than to have it, when they’re less than a year off of a massive invasion of the Legion, and a few years off of fighting alongside the Alliance at the Dark Portal against the Iron Horde. And three years removed from the Alliance supporting the Horde Rebellion against Garrosh. And so on and so forth.

The Blood Elves owe their entire existence, the entirety of the Sunwell, to the draenei and the naaru. Long lived beings for whom the entirety of WoW is probably not even a tenth of their lifespan. If the blood elves are now turning around and supporting the kind of war that will end with the draenei in general being destroyed, for being part of the Alliance, then logically the writing is out of whack, or the Horde isn’t redeemable.

Which would lead back to my prior point of what exactly do the writers think Thrall and co. can actually accomplish?


Genn can break his word and start a war based on a lie all he likes, but doing so doesn’t make either of those things untrue.


That is clearly not this universe, WoW universe, or any universe other than the perfect one you are inventing, and no one has access to it but you to determine its accuracy.

This “logical universe” you speak of is basically just you passing off your opinion as the logical conclusion.

Again, you seem to confuse your opinion with “logical”.

It is perfectly logical, to me, for a nation to be hostile to another nation which attempted to assassinate their leader during an armageddon level event.

But I dont claim some “logical universe” I conjured in my mind as an example. I have the story itself.


The main issue with the Horde is that they fight a war of extermination.
They kill for the sake of killing.


I don’t know, in a universe with this much war it may actually be more logical that people have grown irreparably attached to it.

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Also in your own words:

Just sub in anyone if you believe that.


Well if you want to argue that both sides are justified to do whatever they deem necessary to advance their own prosperity, who am I to stop you.


Timestamp 1m:23s:


Okay? Don’t really see how that’s a response.

Current example of a side feeling justified to do whatever they deem necessary to advance their own prosperity, and you said you wouldn’t stop me.


That’s exactly my issue with it, yes. The Horde gain absolutely nothing from the war at all, even the Stormheim attack was right at the start of Legion, and it was followed by Suramar, the Broken Shore, and then Argus as well.

They don’t need resources, they own all of Kalimdor barring Winterspring, Felwood, Ashenvale, Darkshore, and a sliver of Feralas. The Forsaken didn’t want for anything either, before the War of Thorns. The Horde was basically all set, but now its citizens are being portrayed as supporting the war anyway, just for the sake of wiping out the Alliance.

Edit: I didn’t mean to @Cursewords there, sorry about that.


Again, okay? I still don’t understand what you’re getting at.

When we look at the idea of the Horde being redeemed, we are in the same story where the Nightborne leader decided to join the Horde because Tyrande hurt their feelings, the Nightborne leader went to help recruit a navy to use against the Alliance in this war of extermination, and then this same leader turns around and goes “You know what? It was actually nice to work with the Alliance. Lets do that again.”


Did you not read A Good War?

Saurfang basically said the Alliance wont start a war tomorrow . But he did see that the Alliance was overly aggressive and the Horde was in danger. Up to the moment Teldrassil burned, he was all for the initiation of hostilities.

The Horde were hardly sitting pretty. Maybe to you, the Warchief being attacked when ever the Alliance sees her set sail is “sitting pretty”. But the Horde was understandably not comfortable with that.

OK. The point remains though.

Lets not dismiss the opinions of others as not part of a “logical universe” simply because you disagree.

There is plenty of logic going on in the Horde’s position. The Alliance has proven an existential threat to the Horde and any third party who parlays with the Horde, like the Vulpera.


Wanting to kill Sylvanas is a good thing. Is now. Was then. By your logic.


Whatever you wanna think, go for it. I’m sure Sylvanas’ head on a pike will make up for the thousands of charred Night Elves still sitting in that ash pile formerly known as a World Tree.

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