Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

They can’t really do a true Sylvanas Horde in a game like WoW which by design the Horde and Alliance have to face the same threats.

Azshara’s a great example. Sylvanas may want to take advantage of her somehow and it may be good for the Horde buuuuut the Horde player has to kill her. We’ll always ruin her plans.

So idk why people are so intent on it being that way.

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Just a quick point, we do see an Orc female and the Blood Elf Sunreavers fight against Thrall in 8.2. The fact that Thrall and Saurfang have to sneak around in Orgrimmar like rats proves the Horde supports Sylvanas in my opinion.


It’s just an incredibly strange and annoying narrative to take. The current Horde, the citizens, have very, very little reason to be supporting such a massive and wanton slaughter that happened at Teldrassil. And if they do their reasons must be incredibly petty.

In a logical universe, people who live their lives in war generally don’t want there to be more war unless their backs are too the wall or something super egregious has been done to them personally. The only things the Alliance have done to the Horde were in retaliation/defense, or were spying measures. If Sylvanas has the support of the vast majority of the citizens of the Horde, then the following has to be true:

Orcs: A race that supposedly prides itself in honor, in victory or death, are fine with the use of Blight in battle, and the slaughter of hundreds of civilians without allowing them the chance to fight back.

Tauren: Fine with the burning of a World Tree and using azerite, the blood of the Earthmother, to make weapons. Also the attacks on the night elves, the very people who re-taught them druidism and brought them on the Cenarion Circle.

Trolls: Wanton raising of the dead in flagrant violation of Bwonsamdi’s own ways. Also the slaughter of the elves who also brought them on to the Cenarion Circle.

Blood Elves: Had the draenei literally save their race, draenei who are part of the Alliance. To say nothing of the Scourge attacks being little over a decade ago, and now the exact same thing is being done to the night elves. But this is fine.

Nightborne: Do I even need to say?

Pandaren: Don’t need to say.

Goblins: Get a pass, they’ve always been this way.

Forsaken: Are fine with this apparent Scourge-like behavior.

If this is the case, what the hell can Thrall and co. even do? The Horde members are either total warmongers for the sake of it or they’re the dumbest and most easily led collective alive.


It’s all Forsaken though we are sneaking through. And I believe it was a red shirt Orc. Did she even have dialogue?

If we get Gey’arah and the Mag’har siding with Sylvanas, (And not just 1 dialogue line then disappear) THAT would be different.

Because the two faction system is status quo and Anduin is high king as well as a writers pet.


People ALWAYS cheer victories. (Particularly when mob mentality is involved).

For that matter, there’s a lot of random soldier quotes on the Alliance that are quite violent. I think this was to a lesser extent illustrated in BtS. The majority of Stormwind’s citizens wanted nothing to do with their Forsaken relatives. Many of whom were peaceful. The normal people are not as philosophical as the major characters.

In WoW, it’s the leaders and important recurring characters who are the moral compass.


The Forsaken as a group had, if you recall, already gone full scale assaults into Gilneas and Hillsbrad. Southshore being a particularly egregious example, but for sure many from Gilneas would have relayed everything that had happened to them at the hands of the Forsaken. BtS also showed that some humans were willing to talk, and even Genn Greymane was swayed in his opinions of the Forsaken.

If the majority of the Horde are supporting Sylvanas and everything she’s done, not only does it ignore that many of the Horde races were in fact helped by Alliance ones several times, but it also means that for many of them the core values that narrative-wise give them a measure of equivalence to Alliance races don’t matter at all.


In BtS, most Humans who are asked to attend the gathering refuse. This, despite being personally asked by their own king, Anduin Wrynn, who was riding high in popularity after helping lead the war against the Burning Legion.


Again, think about the actual context. Some did, and Genn, who lost his entire kingdom, had his opinion changed. In terms of all the races, the Forsaken had interacted positively with the Alliance ones the least. In fact, I can’t actually think of a single example prior to the meeting where humans and undead of the factions (not the order halls) actually met each other.

Forsaken: Melted Southshore, killed and raised refugees from Hillsbrad, caused the fall of Gilneas.

Humans: Didn’t want to meet their undead relatives.

Which one would you say has a more reasonable outlook, given context?


I think Carmageddon was actually thinking about the quest “The Return of Derek Proudmoore”, in which it was actually Nathanos talking to Sylvanas.

    Nathanos Blightcaller says: My queen... reports are coming in from all outposts. The Alliance is tighening its grip. Victory is within their grasp.

Not the Humans. The fact Genn changed his mind or anyone decided to meet the Undead in that manner is completely absurd.

Frankly the most reasonable outlook for both sides is a war of extermination.


Please explain what has been done to the Forsaken at the hands of the Alliance that warrants them supporting a war of extermination resulting in undeath for the majority of the Alliance populations. Something that was not done in retaliation for something the Horde did, and actually resulted in mass casualties.


They don’t need to have done anything, it’s reasonable enough that the Forsaken seek their own prosperity at their enemy’s expense.

Stormheim. And no, the Broken Shore or Gilneas are not valid casus belli for retaliation.


Which, again, goes against what the Forsaken claim to be about. You know, not being the Scourge? Stormheim I’ll grant you, but again, is that actually a good enough reason for the Forsaken to want to slaughter all of the Alliance and raise them into undeath?

Because if so the humans who didn’t want to attend little meeting in BtS prooobably had the right of it.


Do they stock up the feeding troughs? Because the last camp I went to they didn’t stock up the feeding troughs, and the ankle cuffs were always too tight. Real nightmare lemme tell you what.


It really has nothing to do with being like or unlike the Scourge. Honestly ideals that are predicated on how similar or dissimilar someone or something is to someone or something else is a pointless sort of framework.

Wars have been started for less.

They did have the right of it.


I do not see how anyone can post such tripe. Spite and petty reasons are the most realistic and logical things in the story.

You expect the video game races of a game called Warcraft to be more sensible and humane than humans IRL? One only need look at a few centuries of human history to see how realistic petty spite is.

Where is this universe you speak of? It certainly is not ours. Many of the people who push for aggressive foreign policies served in the military.

Your points seem purely fantastical opinions based on a fictional universe that does not apply to real life or warcraft.


Remember when America nuked Soviet union right after WW2?
Boy I sure do.


We’ve already covered this to death, but for anyone else who missed this:

J. Allen Brack, now President of Blizzard Entertainment, at :

    Alliance. Alliance. You do not forget the Broken Shore. You do not forget the betrayal that lead to the death of your own King Varian.

The Broken Shore was not a betrayal and a PR man speaking PR from the Alliance perspective doesn’t make it truth.