Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

More horde should be like you.

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The Warmongers are the majority of both Factions with the only Races that aren’t Warmongers as a whole being the Highmountain Tauren, the Nightborne, the Dwarves and the Gnomes.

We might be seeing Civil War in both the Alliance and Horde. I imagine the Alliance will decimate itself crushing it’s own rebellions just as Lorthemar, Saurfang, Thrall and Baine’s rebellion will decimate the Horde.

Haha sweet! I can’t wait to mandatorially work for Lor’themar, hero of the Alliance! He’ll teach me to shrug off genocide as I save Baine, Hero of the Alliance, at his command!


It’s just a really bad line when there is nothing in game to support it (non-leaders never talk) and anytime we fight Sylvanas it’s all Forsaken essentially. There’s no random npc Orcs, Tauren, Blood Elves, etc. All the trash mobs are Forsaken. And I believe there’s only 2 named non-Forsaken with the Baine scenario .

It reminds me of the opposite with the claim that the Orcs supporting Garrosh were a minority.

I’m sure at the end of BfA the whole Horde will be against her so what’s the point of the statement?


Alliance civil war?


The mushroom vendor wasn’t killed.

So she has the support of “her people” even though her immediate second in command is confused by her actions?

Why do I repeatedly expect them to actually show the story through sequential, logical steps, instead of just telling us information that doesn’t line up with the way the characters behave in-game?


The point is Lor’themar is correct in that the people of the Horde do not support Baine and Saurfang. Here is a line from the 8.1.5. Horde leatherworking quest:

"When I heard that the Alliance attacked Dazar’alor, I couldn’t help but think of those lost when they attacked Camp Taurajo. No longer can I sit idly while they continue to slaughter us!"

That attitude exemplifies the average Horde citizen’s opinion. Every Horde race participated in the WoT and Tel’drassil, several Horde races were depicted arresting Baine (the only Forsaken in that scene was Zelling who isn’t even really a Forsaken).

Sylvanas is what the Horde has wanted for a long time, a Warchief that is able and willing to take the fight directly to the Alliance. She’s the most effective Warchief the Horde has ever had. Somewhere along the way the Horde lost its fighting spirit.


This, other than spite at the writers, is my basis for supporting Sylvanas. At this point, the Horde is damned no matter what. It’s stupid, and I hate it so much, but if Blizzard tries to pull a fast one and say peace is possible within a year of thousands of night elf civilians burning to death with the power of Human Friendship, I’m actually going to lose my mind and just start eating Alliance babies to drive Blizzard’s point home for them.

If Blizzard wants us to be evil, then fine. I’m owning it. My anger at the story comes purely from my unflinching conviction (despite the Sylvanas haters arguing ridiculous points otherwise) that Sylvanas’s side is the losing side. Blizzard has set up a story in which the Horde CANNOT WIN. I liked the Sylvanas Warbringer, from the perspective of a villain making a grand speech for a dying hero. But from the perspective of a Horde player, all I could think of was “Oh Christ, Blizzard is going to kill her. The whole point of Warcraft has been killing Bad Guys.” The Horde literally CANNOT be evil. It’s not allowed. If they’re evil, then it’s blamed on the Warchief or somesuch, that character is corrupted, twisted, wrenched from the hands of the fans and then crucified on the insane cross of Blizzard’s oh-so-complex-and-deep, heavy-handed allegories, with such thrilling entries as “Racism is bad.” “Wanting power is Bad.” “War is Bad.”

“Anyway, here’s some racism, power hunger, and warmongering in your favorite character! Hey, hey, hey, guess what’s going to happen to them? You’ll never guess. We’re working with such complicated moral questions here. Ooh!”

Sylvanas fans were losers from the start. If another Saurfang fan tries to imply this isn’t the case, I want them to personally bookmark this f***ing page for six months from now.


Then why is the Horde “weeks away” from being defeated by the Alliance, per the current patch?


That’s honestly the most annoying part.

Even for me.

Like, if you’re going to be baby-burning-bad, can’t you at least be effective at it?

Right now, Slyvanas looks like a total chump who picked a fight for no reason and got PLASTERED by the guy who was punched.


Eh, consider the source (the worse spymaster in history). Sylvanas is about to show how untrue that is in 8.2.


The source is Baine. Talking to Sylvanas.

And the current raid is the Alliance running rampant over the Horde in the Horde’s home base for the expansion.


Considering you just killed a bunch of your own people to rescue Baine, I would hope that the Sin’dorei do not like this option.

You are going along with Sylvanas’ plans here so you want to keep up the ruse of being their ally.

Again. Eh. Baine is not a very good source as he has no real leadership experience on the battlefield and is generally naive and dull. Also the Alliance sacrificed a ton of their soldiers to get the Horde away from the city. As soon as the Horde returned the Alliance tucked tail and ran without having accomplished much except murdering an elderly king.

So Baine and Shaw think the Alliance is winning in a few weeks, I wonder what the trained generals on both sides have to say about that?

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Do you think these facts will stop all the Horde fanboys trying to convince us “this isn’t the real Horde” or the Horde is just misunderstood?

It is pretty clear that Blizzard are putting their foot down that no this is what the Horde always was and will be.


Hey Orc girl there is this camp for people like you.
You get to spend your time running around with the other wildebeests grazing on grass and do yoga in the afternoon. It does wonder for your psyche and mental health.

This camp is government funded and non-profit by the wonderful folks at the Durnholde initiative.
Would you be interested?


Well, Sylvanas doesn’t disagree, or she probably would have corrected the morale-wrecker.

We have two characters saying the Horde is getting creamed and LITERALLY no one disagreeing with them. Of course, there will be a dues ex machina to even the score, but right now… Eh.


Oh cares, armies and tactical advantages change at the drop of a hat.

Garrosh was probably more effective. The Horde never really started losing until SoO despite Garrosh v Alliance taking place over 2 xpacs. Sylvanas has had loss after loss after Teldrassil.

Regardless, Baine is back in Thunder Bluff after the scenario to do the heritage armor scenario. And honorbound troops commanded by Lorthemar and Thalysra fight alongside the 7th Legion in the Eternal Palace raid.

There is no in game indication the Horde supports her. That is the main point. It needs to be in game for that statement to have an impact. There need to be non-Forsaken fighting against Thrall and co.