Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

Why is the Alliance saving Baine? Isn’t in every Alliance leaders’ interest to let the Horde self destruct and force the Tauren to defect?

Anduin, how many conscripted farmers will die as you needlessly prolong this war?


Bring it! I’ll come at you like a spider monkey SON!

Side note: you are on the wrong server Alliance dog!


So that means that most of the Horde are the traitors not Thrall, Saurfang, Lorthemar, Thalyssra and Baine’s group.

Hopefully we wipe out all of Sylvanas’s loyalists(aside from Players who end up backstabbed)!


I hope we loyalist can at least kill some honor horde npcs, like zappyboi, I would gladly rip him apart with my warglaive and runed sword!


Given the opportunity and the circumstances, the Alliance will commit it’s own acts of genocide. Garithos tried to exterminate the Blood Elves by sending them on unsupported suicide runs against the Scourge and the Legion, The Alliance has openly prosecuted a campaign to exterminate the Forsaken, and various elements have advocated doing the same to the Orcs and Trolls. As for the Tauren, the Night Elves simply sat and watched as the Centaur nearly drove them to extinction. (Possibly because the Centaur have a lineage to Cenarius?)

How happy would you have been as a Horde member if the War of Thorns had accomplished nothing after Saurfang passed on executing it’s chief objective… the death of Malfurion Stormrage… after spending how many Horde lives to get to that goal?


Only Alleria(who loathes the Horde), Tyrande(who thinks Teldrassil could have been stopped if Saurfang was killed) and Shaw(who is displeased at Anduin saving Baine unlike everyone else) show a likelihood of doing that.

Genn shows camaraderie towards Lorthemar and ditched his racism towards the Forsaken, Jaina has lost her hatred towards the Horde(that was apparently fueled by guilt for letting her father die) and Anduin/Moria/Velen/Aysa… we know where they stand!

The majority of Sylvanas’s Horde will fall though not before Tyrande/Alleria/Shaw commit some atrocity against the rest of the Alliance Leaders’ wishes! Considering the majority of the Horde aren’t ditching Sylvanas that means the atrocity will likely be an attempt to kill Lorthemar/Baine/Saurfang that causes Civil War in the Alliance.

Tyrande has a replacement Night Elf leader in Shandris(who later joined in unity with the Horde against Azshara) at the least regardless of whether or not Malfurion joins her!


He told you how he felt as a Horde member. He was against the war and against the attempted genocide of the Night Elves because he felt it was both purposeless and directly contradicted the values of Thralls Horde. Why are you attempting to invalidate his point of view as a member of the Horde?


But he personally planned, and personally led the war from the front no less where he personally chopped a bunch of people in half…


I am not talking about Saurfang if that’s what you are implying. I was speaking of Draegar who expressed his unhappiness with the story forced upon the Horde.


What about the other Horde legend you’d be slaughtering, Sylvanas? Do you not feel any compulsion to rebel against the writers for manipulating you into just accepting this trash?


There is really no way to concretely rebel against the writers other than not paying Blizzard the monthly sub or play their garbage game. Even then it will not effect the writing much sadly.


the harder you rebel against the writers the harder they will push sylvanas down this path of M O R A L L Y G R A Y


I kind of want to make them go all the way to stupidtown like they did with Garrosh in the end. To show how badly they are handling it.


oh dont worry, it seems like they are on their way there


Even scandals won’t hurt them as Activision Blizzard’s CEO Bobby Kotick has been successfully sued for firing an Air Attendant who had been harassed by one of his Airplane Pilots!


Has the support of the Horde people…

So uh… how exactly are we going to get a redeemed Horde again? Why is everything Sylvanas’ fault?

This honestly screams that the rest of the expansion is being written as if the Burning didn’t happen, because if it isn’t, and the people of the Horde are so behind Sylvanas that even Lor’themar isn’t sure the blood elves will side with him against her, then it paints the entirety of the Horde as utterly impossible to have peace with, ever, and in fact it would be the in the best interest of the Alliance to completely dismantle it as an entity or risk being destroyed for some contrived reason a few years down the road.


I know you’re talking to Draegar but I feel the same way he does, and I’d think the horde would have got what was coming to it. It already effectively accomplished nothing regarding its stated objective, so the only way to make it “worse” would be fewer dead night elf civilians, which doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me.

Maybe it’s my bitterness talking but it almost feels like BFA wants to say the horde deserves to be exterminated unless it can prove otherwise. Because every time the alliance has had an opportunity to, it does the moral thing and backs down, only to get punished for it.


How about go burn down an orphanage to prove your loyalty to the Horde?
Sounds like you need to take the load off.

Yes she does. What forums are you reading? :rofl:

It’s almost like the horde view the alliance as their enemies and have no problem taking action against them. :thinking:


That is perhaps the most damning thing, really. The Horde is all for murdering anything blue at the drop of a hat. Why? Cause why not! Even wif by some miracle peace was made it makes it seem like all it would take is some Human or Gnome scuffing an Orc’s garroshes to send him into a murderous rage and from that it all goes to hell in a hand basket.

I expect a “Sylvanas fed them misinformation!” Twist to explain it all away. About the only way to make it so the entirety of the Horde doesn’t seem so murderhappy they could rival 40k Orks