Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

Yep. Blizzard was super surprised when Forsaken players didn’t want to murder the Forsaken for some reason (don’t they know the Forsaken are the main villians of this expansion?), and did a quick band-aid for them.

But they didn’t plan for it, and aren’t really supporting it. Afrasabi even said there would be choices this expansion but liking the Forsaken was the “wrong choice”.


Blizzard being completely out of touch with their own fanbase explains a lot about what they’ve done recently.

Certainly would explain why they’d somehow be surprised that no one is interested in MoP 2: Now Even %%@#tier


i dont think they confirmed which was the wrong choice, granted the fact that even as a loyalist you still play through the rebel route regardless, it seems kinda obvious which one is the canon choice

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Sylvanas has the support of nobody. It’s going to be a lit party in Orgrimmar when Sylvanas is overthrown as Warchief by Thrall, Baine, Saurfang and most importantly the player character. The era of Undead and Blood Elves in the highest positions of leadership on the Horde is coming to an end and it dies with the Sunreavers. The Horde will be restored to greatness and glory.

Also how many threads are going to be made that are exactly the same as this and when is it considered spam?


You should tell Lor’themar and Thrall that since they literally say the opposite in the next patch.


This reminds me of those people who argue that technically it has not been scientifically confirmed that brushing your teeth prevents cavities, since no one has shelled out money for that study.

edit: I don’t know why this is a reply to Haha. I still dislike the new forums.


An unpopular leader has some support. What’s new? If she was so extremely popular and her actions hailed by every member of the Horde then how come all the citizens of Orgrimmar don’t rush to rally behind her and prevent Thrall from rescuing Baine? It seems to me the citizens of Orgrimmar know who their true Warchief is and support the rebellion against the tyrannical Sylvanas.


I will make sure to tell them that and charge in to battle to lop off loyalist heads side by side with these two Horde legends, Saurfang and Thrall.


Lor’themar Theron: Sylvanas has the loyalty of the people. So long as she is warchief, this war will rage within their hearts. We cannot stop it.

Just a weird thing to add.

Probably because civilians don’t typically have full access to a military installation or know they are the target of a covert rescue operation. And also, it was according to plan to free him, apparently.

Nathanos Blightcaller: Saurfang, Thrall, the Alliance… it is vexing to allow our quarry to believe they escaped us. But we must trust in the warchief’s plan.


While he was beaten by the Korkron, Kor’jus is very much still alive.

Blizzard is really bad at telling us something over showing because the only ones I’ve seen support Sylvanas are her Forsaken. Granted we see other Horde races involved in Baine’s arrests and Overlord Geya’rah does voice approval of Sylvanas’s actions but they come off as the minority instead of the majority like Blizzard is now trying to portray them as.

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I mean, I’m happy to kill “loyal Horde soldiers” aka Sylvanas loyalists. I would’ve been happy to do so during the prepatch. I was begging for an option to do SOMETHING in game to demonstrate that I want no part of this war or the subsequent ethnic cleansing. But all I could do was just not play the pre-patch - and then I was FORCED to stand beside her at Undercity, even though the last thing my character would do is be a thug for her genocidal army, just so I could have access to the new zones. So the ‘rebellion’ now, spurred by, uh, Sylvanas raising Derek Proudmoore, is way too little too late. The Horde story is already irredeemably ruined.


Thrall created the Horde that players can now be members of - he defined what it stood for and how its members were to behave. He spent all of vanilla telling us every time we went by the throne room in old Orgrimmar. He can’t commit treason against the Horde - the Horde is what Thrall says it is. If he’s acting against Sylvanas, then Sylvanas is the traitor to the Horde.


All of what you said bro. Amen.

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Thrall said the Horde supports Sylvanas, and he said he’s a traitor…


But she doesn’t have the support of The Players, which is more important.


Wrong. Quote it lol

“Most will see this as treason, but if we fail to act, all that the Horde stands for will be lost.”
“Go carefully, I don’t want to leave a trail of bodies in our wake. These loyalists are Horde.”

Things Thrall says during the Orgrimmar murder spree. I assume those are what OP is referring to but there might be something else too.


Remind me again why Alliance leadership is even considering peace with the Horde at this stage of the war?


None if which says “I am a traitor” which is what you claimed he said :grinning:

And again, he reasserts that what he is doing is the correct path for the Horde because “… if we fail to act all that the Horde stands for will be lost”


I guess he doesn’t say exactly that, he merely says he’s committing treason against people loyal to the Horde. Sorry.