Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

How is that possible when she’s trying to assassinate Thrall, the longest-running Warchief we ever had? How do Blizzard expect Horde players like me who supported him since Vanilla, or even further since WC3, to turn on him?

It seems like the opposite to me. Those who support Sylvanas’ current endeavors don’t realize how much of a decent character she was when she worked from the shadows. Even the shady things she did in the past were all working towards the goal of taking down Arthas which was a noble goal. Now all that good development has evaporated as she becomes the next villain because Blizzard has run out of other ones for us to kill.

Trust me when I say I don’t want it either, not for her character, the Forsaken, and definitely not the Horde. Just because we don’t want to be hit with the villain bat doesn’t mean it’s not happening sadly.


It doesn’t matter what’s justified. The Horde has never really cared about a just war, only survival. Most of them aren’t obsessed with being good boys and girls like the Alliance. There are however still lines that shouldn’t be crossed and Sylvanas has repeatedly done so after becoming Warchief. Even if she reigned it in and did things the right way I wouldn’t have a problem with her, but things as simple as using the plague against the living is a big no-no for any rational faction.

This is kind of why I don’t agree that the other leaders are hypocritical. Those who think they are hold them to too high of a standard, that usually being the Alliance standard. The post-Garrosh amnesia was definitely a writing issue that was inexcusable but is going to be addressed more in the next patch.

Changing the Horde’s leadership style to a council or whatever might fix this issue anyway though. Even if you don’t have any faith in the other leaders at least they won’t end up with absolute power. It’d allows other voices to have more power over the faction as a whole… Assuming Blizzard can actually write some good ones for it to be worthwhile.

If all the Horde cared about was survival, they would’ve handed Sylvanas over rather than going full-hog onto a war they didn’t want to fight.


I think the answer is pretty simple.

The Horde doesn’t want survival. They want domination and quite frankly they like war and killing.

Survival through domination.

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This is just Blizzard telling a bad story for the Horde period. Let be real anyone could of burn the World Tree and the Alliance would of blame the Horde no matter what. But Blizzard went down the story line they wanted cause they think we need to relearn lessons from Cata and MOP.

Thrall saying that does not really matter cause him and other did this before, we do not know where the common Horde people stand overall with the war. That being said i doubt this story will end well for any Horde Player.

The problem Blizzard has now is how to end the current War and story with something that make sense cause there no way the Alliance will just be happy with the Horde getting a new War Chief and a sorry for what has happen during this war. I doubt that some of the current Horde Races will want peace with the Alliance after a certain raid happen.

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This is a good point. Not only do we not know where the common folk, the proletariat (/fistinair) stand, we don’t even know what they know about the conflict. Our characters are operatives, agents, given access to top-level intel and actively participating with friendly, belligerent and neutral forces: we’re privy to a lot of stuff and thus our opinions are (generally) more comprehensively formed.

The average Alliance and Horde? Probably not so much. Thus, I agree that it would be fascinating to see what the general population thinks of this.

We get a little bit of it in Before the Storm but mainly from the standpoint of the relation of the Stormwind humans with the Lordaeron Forsaken. Ironically we don’t get to see much depth about how the other races of the alliance reconcile the forsaken, or simply view them.


I honestly do not see a SoO2 happening; if only because of Sylvie’s temperament.

If it turns out (predictably) that this war (and her burning the Tree) were merely extensions of the pursuit of her own personal “True Objectives” … there is no way in hell she would risk those objectives for the sake of a Warchief spot she never even wanted (but would absolutely exploit while she had). There may be some twists in regards to who put her in charge, but Sylvie will probably bail on the Horde at some point (likely betraying us in some catastrophically large way).

Sylvie is not Garrosh; largely because she doesn’t really care about some grand vision of the Horde (or perhaps even the Horde itself, beyond its usefulness to her). Thus, she has no impetus to attempt to fight to the last for an image of a Horde that does not exist. Stapling the Warchief Title in front of her name will not in any way change that identity or reality.

To be fair, we’re already getting SoO 2.0 preemptively with Baine’s rescue scenario.

I’m still betting on Siege of Stormwind to be the final raid of BfA.


I haven’t been keeping up with events as much as I use to, so I’m a little out of touch but it sounds to me as though it’s peace through domination.

In A Good War Saurfang and Sylvanas made that quite clear. War will come and they want to be on the winning side of that war, even if the Horde started it.

Sylvanas not only has the support of the people but she has had the support of some of the leaders, even though some may not exactly agree with her they still support her.

That makes a lot more sense. It would be her trying to do her gambit of killing the humans of Stormwind and raising a new army of Forsaken. Something that would be a serious blow to the Alliance. Dwarves and Gnomes would have to turtle in Ironforge. Gilneans would either be dead or fled. The Night Elves would largely be on Kalimdor securing their lands. If she still has the Horde army, then she would benefit from it being too weak after the battle to ever have a chance of rebelling against her greatly reinforced Forsaken army.

Come 8.2 the leadership of five of the Horde races (Saurfang, Baine, Thrall, Rokhan, Lor’themar, and Thalyssra) are turning against Sylvanas versus the three supporting her and the three on the fence (and that’s being generous and saying Mayla isn’t siding with Baine and Ji is still busy off punching dinos).

That would be a good reason for the Horde to participate in the raid, too, to stop her, yes.

Thrall is far away from leadership as leadership can get, I hope it remains that way.

I will easily agree with Saurfang, Baine, Lor’themar, and Thalyssra, that’s why I used the word “some”.

This is the same Horde that was fist pumping at the destruction of Theramore and the Invasion of the NE homeland. Sylvanas genuinely believes that the Horde would not begrude her the bodies if she leads them in victory over their most hated enemy. I can’t say I disagree with that.

Besides that, she has the support of the people.

And Rokhan. He gives Thrall and Saurfang a stealth totem so they can save Baine.

And yes, “some,” which is why I emphasized more are against her than support her.

The raid needs trash mobs, after all.

Who, and can you provide a link? I’m trying to piece the scenario together.

I see what you did there but:

I definitely have a connection with her in a lot of different ways, and her just ending up as a raid boss feels like a bit of a letdown to me.

“Does that mean you will not fight her?” he added. “Not necessarily true either. The reality is you can fight her every day of the week in Grommash Hold, in a raid, right now. But I do think there’s a lot more to Sylvanas’ story that hasn’t been told yet.”- Alex

is this line still on PTR?

Someone else did in another thread:

At about 1 minute and 45 seconds. The video is edited oddly, though. You can catch a line in between transitions before the rest of what Rokhan says:

Thrall also says Rokhan gave the totem to them to use at 3 minutes and 35 seconds into the video.

We already had this conversation.


Why is Sylvanas the villain for the Horde?

She has united various races who pledge their loyalty to her, not just Forsaken. She disciplines Baine for not saving Horde lives during the evacuation of Lordaeron.

She’s a utilitarian who uses every weapon at her advantage to win a war, a strategy that would have worken if not for Horde treachery well into the expansion.

As a human paladin, I’d like nothing more to see her and Tyrande’s heads on a pike as their continued malice and bullheadedness are a direct threat to the Alliance, but I’d imagine Horde characters wouldn’t view her as Garrosh 2.0, but rather a well written character who’s being forced into an impossible position.

This is worse villain batting than Garrosh post Stonetalon.


The Horde has been getting wrecked so far, regardless of rebellion. “Pragmatic” can easily mean “do unnecessary bad thing that is poorly justified as needed”. The allied races have been other character’s efforts.


that’s Rokhan

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She’s not villain for the horde. She has support of the horde.

She’s villain for saurfang and people he convinced.