To be fair, Blizzard said they’re not going to split Horde players apart to make three factions. Alex Afrasiabi would rather there be just one faction and everyone gets along for Azeroth.
Don’t care. Werewolf/Frankenstein teamup is go.
What recent revelations? This old one? That says the developers love her?
“She’s an interesting character and she’s a character beloved not just by our playerbase but by our developerbase as well,” - Afrasiabi
Them setting her up as a stupid, cackling Garrosh 2.0.
She isn’t Garrosh 2.0, unless by that you only mean the shallow comparison of “Warchief gone mad”. When we look at her motivations and character they are different. Garrosh was very upfront. Sylvanas is very deceptive. Her real motives are very kept hidden. There are parallels but they aren’t exactly the same story.
Also, this was all recent news to you? Did you not play through the prepatch? Hell even the Stormheim stuff frames her as being up to something shady.
Yeah but she didn’t seem to be doing dumb things. Sylvanas to me has always toed the line. I feel like I’m BFA she charged right across it. And to tie it all together, i kept expecting some sleight of hand to explain her actions but as this expansion has progressed, it’s becoming obvious there is nothing coming down the barrel.
I assume her actions are driven by self preservation and accumulation of power, which of course she will try to rationalize or justify in some way… like all villains do.
As Sy fanboiii i really love this part. Even though forum really hates her (well, part of forum are alliance and part of forum are saurfans, so it’s 2\3 against her already) - the devs says people love her (all people, not just one race like it was with h… garrosh), it’s canon, she’s proven to be great warchief for common folk
I’m just sad that there’s no way she will stay warchief. At this point i’ll take even garbage Kerrigan redemption plot over just killing one of the best character in warcraft Make her lightforged or something, whatever.
I don’t know what forums you’re reading, guy.
A good chunk of SF loves Sylvanas. But BFA is such an aborted mess that most of those players don’t play much these days and don’t really post so if you’ve only been browsing in the recent past, you might have missed.
It ain’t a majority, friendo.
but…you dont even pat my head, why would i team up?
I’ll start giving you pats when Blizzard lets me go vampire.
I agree with the part that says that her motivations are different but still it feels almost the same, almost as if a writer was charged with retelling MoP but his motivation to do so is a very stupid subversion at the end that will have most people dissapointed.
edit: with most people i mean, alliance, honor horde and sylvanas loyalists, 2 of those 3 are going to be very dissapointed.
well, they wont allow us to be bad guys forever. They’ll kill or remove sylvanas from her position, Saurfang or most likely Baine will become warchief and i would have to reroll to alliance because it’s better than serve those two.
This sums up my feelings on the current Horde storyline. Someone, please read this.
I have been reading this since before BFA launched.
That people were hoping Slyvanas’ burning down Teldrassil was actually an accident.
When your faction leader has the support of the NPCs and not the majority of your players you know you’ve messed up the story. Personally I’m very excited to dethrone her eventually and I highly doubt I’m in the minority when it comes to player opinion.
I’ll use a Star Wars parallel that’s simple to understand to explain why treason is good for not only the Horde but for literally everyone: Dethroning Palpatine who has become the leader of the Republic isn’t wrong or evil in any way, it’s just the right thing to do. We’re just dethroning a burgeoning Lich Queen before things get much worse for literally everyone on Azeroth. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if her plan is just to ally with N’zoth and hand him the Eastern Kingdoms on a silver platter as the new Black Empire to get rid of the Alliance.
I don’t even care what she does when she’s not a part of the Horde anymore. She can take as many Forsaken as she wants with her, form an army or whatever, get into some Old God stuff or even deeper into some Scourge stuff. I just don’t care. What’ll be more important is how the Horde recovers. If Blizzard just hand-waves away that the Horde’s system of leadership clearly doesn’t work and has multiple examples of it not working while we just get a new Warchief then we’re screwed. It needs to change.
It’s impossible to get rid of Sylvanas without harming the Horde forever, though.
I wanted Sylv’s head on a platter but Blizzard ensured I’d get no satisfaction from it by making all the Horde leadership fully complicit in all her activities and ensuring we’re all monsters that commit atrocities in her name with everyone being mum about the issue.
By the time the characters started protesting about Sylvanas, it was only due to her being mean to Jaina which is the least offensive thing in the entire expansion.
Now we’re slaughtering Orcs/Goblins/Undead who are just following the Warchief and being devoted Horde members, all the while they’re screaming how we’re traitors (we are) and our fellow traitors are talking about how we’re betraying everything Horde and that the common people would rather support the Warchief…
Well, it shows that the Horde as a faction can’t recover. The non-Sylvanas leaders are OOC as incredibly inept and hypocritical while Sylvanas herself is OOC mustache twirling evil. The fact the entire Horde would be onboard with going mustache twirling evil after Mists of Pandaria just shows that the Alliance has every justification in wiping the Horde out, there’s literally no other alternative that makes sense.
Except we’re going to scapegoat everything onto Sylvanas again despite the game going out of it’s way to yell at us that it wasn’t just her.
This line should just be removed before live build, it makes no sense at all. By now Sylvanas’ position in the Horde should be on the rocks. I hope it was just some stupid questwriter like the line about Tyrande as queen.
I’m quite sure you are in the minority, especially when you add Sylvanas loyalist + Horde loyalists tired of playing Warchief Roulette and being hit with the villain bat yet again. The only people I can imagine being excited to raid Sylvanas are the Alliance and freshly-minted Horde players who have no history with the faction.