Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

I see, well maybe he is that guy that I enconter in the reddit lore forum some time ago but honestly I find weird to enjoy this expansion as a forsaken because they don’t have much spotlight besides of the darkshore plot and with the menace of Calia lurking nearby.

Give me a reason not to.

Oh, but there is.

Killing Alliance? Right.

Not killing them? Wrong.

I mean… Is it really genocide if it’s the Alliance on the receiving end of it?

Like, can you really look at them and with a decent moral compass even try to consider them as actual people? I guess if you were really, really sick in the head, but I shudder to think of someone so terrible.


No, she doesn’t.

Sylvanas was raised to the position of Warchief through a deception, now exposed.

The Horde as a whole is appalled by her actions. Not just racial leaders, but commoner NPC conversation, has been in place for some time to demonstrate this.

Popular support doesn’t make a Warchief, in any case. The Horde is not a democracy.

Thrall created the Horde. If he can depose her, it is his once again.


to us, not all the npcs and still it is cloudy who did it, for all we know it could have been Nzoth or Elune 50% 50% for everyone, I for once bet that was Jaina the dreadlord, and you don’t have proof to counter my argument as of now.

but guarantee that your actions are taken with good eyes, even if they’re questionable from the very beginning, you see power is not just the one to enforce, but the one that can turn your own against you.
tell me what is good for a warchief without ppl to lead? nothing so the population does hold some level of power. or we would have no need of ppl to lead.

No? hell No…
Gul’dan/Kil’jaeden created the horde by the shadows using Ner’zhul and Blackhand.
the horde was shattered but not erased, thrall merely gave it a new purpose and a horizon to aspire, he do used some old laws and costumes, like Mak’gorah, hell the f$#ing warchief position was not created by him, he did has his value but if you continue a system that was created long ago with the same, same rules, just different rulers, you did not created something new. you can say that he reinvented things but the flaws of the horde are with the horde from the very beginning. by ill or joy the horde is THE horde.

yeah, just too obvious for a position that is taken by force or indication, if he can( what he cannot cuz he is weaker than ever before) the sit would be his, that is the whole point of Mak’gorah take the sit by force and force alone, blood and thunder!

In the best way possible!

That can be the hardest part. Disgusting.



why must you hate me like this, i am good pupper girl


Logically abandoned like the Mor’shan Rampart were.

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But that’s not logical at all. The purpose of the Mor’shan Rampart was to stymie the Night Elves, if the factions were at peace it has no real purpose in being manned. The same can’t be said for the actual settlements in Ashenvale.

If they were at peace, the Warsong weren’t needed for their lumber theft operations in Ashenvale any more.

    Tyrande Whisperwind: I am willing to allow the Horde the use of Azshara's lumber if they abandon Ashenvale for good.
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The Horde needs lumber for more than just fighting the Alliance. Not to mention they were settlements in their own right.

Again, someone suggesting something before the treaty was made doesn’t mean that suggestion made it as a term in the treaty.

We both know that’s factually incorrect.

Killing Alliance is wrong, while killing Horde is right, since everyone knows the Horde is clearly evil and must be stopped. Clearly the writers sure think this way, and the word of god is always correct.

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Wow, so considerate. Maybe next she’ll gasp actually help get wounded Horde soldiers on a battlefield get to safety?

Nah, what am I saying, that’s what a good leader would do. I mean, it’s not like she has an army of winged, spectral, beings at her beck and call that can carry wounded soldiers to safety. Better to just blight them all instead and turn them into useless cannon fodder.


She did do that at the Broken Shore, yes.


Do you mind me asking when the orcs cared about fallen brothers or sisters in battle?

Garrosh was as Orc bro culture as it could be and he did not care feeding orcs and other Horde into the Theramore meat grinder.

  1. Orcs don’t intentionally kill their own soldiers
  2. Orcs don’t pervert their own dead after they’ve died an honorable death in service to the Horde.

And what stopped her from offering that same level of “generosity” during the Battle for Lordaeron?

If you want peace, prepare for Warsong.

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Do you have a reference that demonstrates that?

Like it is in the heat of battle and the orc commander does not use archers on the off chance it might his own troops?

Because both Blackhand, Doomhammer and Garrosh had no problem sending lines upon lines into a pretty hopeless defense and did not mind the losses.
If I recall Doomhammer accepted them and was kind of happy about not having as many mouths to feed.

Getting worked up about the “genocide” of fictional characters in a game is weird, and thinking that people are evil because they don’t care about or even enjoy playing the evil side in a game is weird too. My character has over 250,000 HKs. That doesn’t make me a bad person. I enjoy watching horror films. This also doesn’t make me a bad person.

If you are fine with genocide in real life, then you are a bad person. What you enjoy in your entertainment is irrelevant, as long as no actual people are hurt.

Also, SC2 genocides are not “bad” in themselves, because they aren’t real. They are only “bad” in the context of the story. i.e. when you imagine the story to be real, then it also makes sense to imagine them as bad. The burning of Teldrassil is only “bad” in the context of this story. It is not objectively “bad” because it is just a piece of fiction.


How far would you extend this?

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