Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

Ironforge is finally on the editors block? I’m so sorry dwarf fans.

I’ve noticed no one has been complaining about little to no representation for their faves. I wonder if its from an increase of rep or they don’t want this cdev team to write about’em.

yup, was only a matter of time

I dunno. Maybe Anduin will get his way and we’ll all be one big happy family.

It’s gonna be great when forsaken and night elves are all singing together and trading stories about this silly little “war”.

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Tauren right in the middle, hugging them both.

Tauren giving pieces of their horn over.


You confess to the bull, you get the horn?


As much as we know Sylvanas can’t win, Anduin and Co. certainly can’t win.

And no doubt the forsaken will need people to hug others on their behalf, cause remember they fall apart when hugged or if they clap.


I dunno. Maybe Anduin will get fast-aged Khadgar style and that comic prophecy where he’s leading everyone against the void is actually next expansion.

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Nah cuase then Golden can’t drool over her pet boy toy.

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That is an interesting point. It wonder how that could play out.

Maybe Auntie Jaina teaches him to make waves, and Anduin spends his energy creating a big wave that turns all Undead on Azeroth into Lightforged Undead.

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Sylvanas would be a forgotten shade in a 5-man heroic dungeon and all life on the planet would have ceased to exist if Thrall hadn’t stopped Deathwing from performing his final Cataclysm.

No, it can’t.

Wait, wait, let me just take a wild guess at how you’ll respond: “Personally, Sylvanas’s actions served my interests more than Thralls’ did, therefore from my perspective, Sylvanas’s actions are heavier.”

Right? Because from your PoV if it doesn’t serve you, particularly, then the impact is diminished.

I chose to diminish that which didn’t exist in the narrative not too long ago is now all of a sudden in the narrative with very little to no context leading up to it. I could say the same about you expanding and exaggerating the importance of her actions to support your argument as well.

Did Sylvanas fund the orphanage in Orgrimmar? Did she commend the soldiers who died to protect her city?

What has she done to garner such immense respect from Horde races that they would choose her over their own racial leaders?

Ill say it again, cuz apparently you think I’m just making this up on the fly due to my great dissatisfaction with the sorry.

The narrative does not support the fact that Sylvanas has the favor of the people.

A funeral in which she vowed to avenge him, which is what got the crowd cheering? A vow which she neglected in favor of furthering her own personal agenda. A vow she failed to follow through on.

  1. A parade she barely wanted to host in the first place because it reminded her of something that Garrosh would do.
  2. That parade was “Sourpuss’s” idea in the first place and she likely wouldn’t have thrown if he didn’t advise her to do so.

A feast that she walked off in the middle of to scheme behind the backs of the other Horde leaders with Gallywix.

It was flattery at best, and it’s that same Baine who is now at the executioners axe beneath Orgrimmar because he undermined Sylvanas’s honorless methods.

Look where all those “good” deeds got her, absolutely nowhere.


I dawns on me that during the Legion pre-expansion Invasion events, Talrendis Point was stationed with Night Elves still, and even the Talrendis Ancient that the Horde players had attacked had grown back, so doesn’t really look like the Horde had access to Ashenvale through Azshara.

Kinda funny that the Night Elves had actually helped protect Orgrimmar from the Legion, though.

Of course. It was overly garish and reminiscent of Garrosh.

She conceded to Orcish custom by even having a parade that she loathed the idea of. That is how considerate she was to Orcish notions, and to the Horde as a conglomeration.


A couple of patches ago, Stormwind was down to its last batch of soldiers getting ready to recruit farmers next. And that was before the Night Elves and Worgen walked out on Anduin… so take all such pronouncements with a grain of salt.


I don’t see why the Night Elves being there would mean the Horde didn’t have access through that route. They were at peace, after all.

Not to mention the Southfury river runs right alongside the Warsong settlement.

and still showed up to aid the alliance in battles like dazar’alor and now the nazjatar fiasco.


Who is Darethy?

Forsaken Warrior. Seemed to like the current story a lot. As well as being evil? I can’t recall specifically. Used to post more.