Sylvanas Has The Support Of The People And Thrall Knows He’s Committing Treason Against Them

But the track record isn’t retconning Alliance aggression, it’s simply ignoring it.

First of all, it’s not even slightly an unbacked declaration to say the Southfury runs just alongside the Warsong settlement, you can go into the game right now and see that it does.

Secondly, you seem to be confused, because when I’m referring to the “Eastern settlements”, I’m not talking about Zoram’gar, which is in the extreme West of Ashenvale. I’m talking about Kargathia Keep, the Warsong camp, Splintertree Post, and perhaps Warsong Gulch, though that’s a bit less Eastern than the others.

The point I’m making is that the evidence is inconclusive. Zoram’gar has contradictory information (As well as a logical reason to go unmanned, given it’s far removal from other Horde settlements and it’s purpose in war being made irrelevant), Mor’shan likewise has a good reason to be abandoned given a bulwark on the border of the Barrens wouldn’t be necessary any longer, and we simply have no information on the other settlements I noted.

If we don’t have evidence stating those settlements were abandoned, we must assume the status quo of how they were last known, which is that they were still active.

That’s the difference between us here. I’m saying, “We don’t know, so we should assume no changes”, while you’re saying “We don’t know, so we should assume these changes”. In the absence of knowledge on the matter, the first position is far more reasonable.