Sylvanas Cinematic... After Sire Denathrius defeat

I loved this line in particular.


Umm I want the story to go in a direction, I like because I like, it has nothing to do with spite lol

Hah, no, we’re good. :heartpulse:

If people were reasonable and could understand good faith arguments? Then my initial feelings wouldn’t change. You can’t “un-genocide” a character’s actions, and those actions should have consequences.

It is people like you who make us feel that way, sweetie.


its ok, I’ll gloat when sylvanas dies

Her thinking shes doing the right thing, her having feelings is literally villian 101 for wow, you know who else had feelings who else thought he was doing the right thing, Arthas

Sylvanas is literally fem arthas, and its soooooo funny that sylvanas fans cant see it

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Then I believe we both hope that Sylvana’s continues her current trajectory straight into the abyss. And make no mistake, that is her trajectory. As certainly as that rain falls, and that the sun sets, I proclaim here and now that Sylvanas is not getting a redemption.

As I used to say in dota, it’s in the bag mates.

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SO…anyway…I call dibs on her old skimpy armor after she’s redeemed. Fair guys? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The only great thing about these cinematics is the sexual tension between Anduin and Sylvanas.



You’ve been doing it for years, it’s why everyone’s tired of your shtick. You’re more one dimensional than the Sylvanas you’re asking for, Kat.


I mean, she does call him Little Lion in a rather fond way :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


We know it’s okay. It’s why we’re fine either way. We know people like you will still mope and whine about being denied justice for whatever shenanigan you’re self-victimizing over this week, so Sylvy dying won’t make you actually happy or even content. There’ll still be something for you to whine over, making even that victory akin to ash in your mouth.

And if she survived? If she gets redeemed? At least then you have a singular totem for your feels. You all can keep your ire focused on her. Literal win-win.


I have to say, I love the level of detail in the facial animations that we’re getting in these cinematics. The voice actors are knocking it out of the park as well. I am loving Josh Keaton’s take on irritated/angry Anduin, he’s got just enough edge in his voice in these scenes that he starts to resemble Varian a bit more.

I’m getting the impression that Sylvanas really, really wants someone to agree with her, to tell her that she’s been right all along, that her nihilism is correct. She wants to hear it from someone who still has control of their own mind, and she wants it to be that person’s choice to agree with her. She’s being going about “What are we if not slaves to this torment?” for years, but even those within the Horde who sympathize with her have not agreed that she has no choice about how horrible her actions are. She gave Darius Crowley the “choice” of surrendering or seeing his daughter killed, raised, and forced to serve Sylvanas, and claimed at the time that she was giving him the choice she was denied. She emphasized to the Forsaken that their living kin would never be able to reunite successfully with them, and when faced with evidence out in the open to the contrary, she ordered the death of any Forsaken who showed that she was wrong. She tried to convince Delaryn Summermoon that she was right, even as Delaryn was dying. When that didn’t work, she burned Teldrassil to make her point, and then later raised Delaryn and other fallen Kaldorei so that they could be shown that she was right, so that they could have the opportunity to tell her that she was right and give her the recognition she craves. Yet…none of that has been satisfactory. Saurfang contradicted her in their duel, and she decided to pull sour grapes and claim that she doesn’t care…but she still contacted the loyalist player so that she could go on about how she pitied the Forsaken, but that they are fools for not seeing things as she does. She craves that validation, that attention, and she hasn’t gotten it.

She’s trying to convince Anduin to agree with her, to serve the Jailer willingly as she does. The Maw is rather lacking in living people, and he may be her last chance at achieving that validation. She keeps emphasizing that he could choose to serve willingly, because she knows that it wouldn’t be satisfying if he only agreed with her after losing his autonomy. Unfortunately for her, Anduin has just figured at least part of that out, so he’s pointing out that he doesn’t have the freedom to make that choice as she claims he does. He’s being held captive and is being coerced, and both options she offers lead to the same ultimate result for him. By claiming that she has more power to choose than he does, he’s undercutting her rationalization for how she’s been treating him as she seeks her validation. He’s just told her, “No, I won’t give you the satisfaction that you seek, and moreover, I never could because the situation isn’t what you claim it is.”

Unfortunately for Anduin, I don’t at all fancy the odds that Sylvanas will have a change of heart at this moment in response (or ever, for that matter). I also think he’s smart enough to realize that. This is Anduin echoing Varian at the Broken Shore, refusing to surrender and refusing to cower before his executioner. Words have always been a better weapon for him than any sword, so he’s cutting away at his captors as best as he can before they finish him off.

I don’t think Sylvanas is getting redemption, and I don’t think she should. At best I can see her pulling a Vader and turning at the last moment right before she dies, but even that I don’t anticipate happening. If there’s anything left of her at the end of the expansion, I can see her maybe being sent to Revendreth for her chance to atone over the next several millennia if she also does something heroic at right before death, but that’s it. No redemption, no justification.


I ship it. Damn it I ship the hell out of it.

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But I am not asking for a one dimensional sylvanas, I just want her to not be redeemed, lol Sylvanas is never been one dimensional, shes always been evil but one dimensional lol none of blizzards characters are that, none of the main characters

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On a serious note, it’s not worth it. Some battles aren’t worth fighting.

So you want a character responsible for genocide to get a redemption, because you’re mad at like five night elf posters?

Posters who are understandably upset that something they’ve cherished since the beginning of this game is gone now.


But how will you punish her? Send her to the maw? She’s already there…and its boss is her buddy.

Like did anyone read the books with sylvanas in them, like lol this is 100% what sylvanas is like, how come I Know sylvanas more than her fans, this cinematic isnt a surpise to me

Yeah, Arthas really was known for being hesitant while using Uther’s soul as honing oil.

ARthas story is more than him just killing people with frostmourne


Want? Nah. Satisfied? Pretty much, yeah.

When those posters crap all over everyone else talking about things they’re upset over, when they go out of their way to crap on an entire subsection of the playerbase and paint them all with the same brush, when they mass-report anything that might question their need to feel offense?

God damn right.

If they’re allowed to crap all over everything that isn’t their personal feelings of victimization, I’d rather feed into it than fight against it. Let them have more things to feel victimized about. Let them have what they want.

Are you against people getting what they want now?