Sylvanas Cinematic... After Sire Denathrius defeat

so anduins blade is now a runeblade and the story feels more confusing.

If we are getting the maw raid or whatever next then Idk what to think was kinda looking forwards to something else.

Transcript below:


 they could have taken a more prolongued road with her, but 

She’s denied “that choice” to Thousands at this point. Of every race and every faction. They were plunged into the very hellscape she resents being thrown into, and judging by our lovely legendaries 
 their souls are being ground down into Iron Ore and crafted into weapons. What is with this weird fascination with Anduin? Ugh 
 god damnit, I knew she wouldn’t become a loot pinata, but 

A part of me hopes she just does make her choice and screws Anduin, and then we can go from there. If she’s so convinced that her “lack of freedom” and “lack of hope” is “The Way the World Truly Is” 
 then she should commit. Because, as she frames it, “she has no choice”. She’s convinced herself of that, and nightly musings with a naïve Teenager shouldn’t change that. Talk-no-jutsu always sucks.

EDIT: On a different note, Rune-Blade Shalamayne looks pretty dope.


at this point she is damned, her crimes are vast.


Kinda get the vibe that the only reason why she’s hesitating now is because Anduin is a main character. Seems awkward to try to make herself seem doubtful now after she did
well, everything before this.


I mean, She did discover the 4th wall in the last episode.


Anduin needs to get with Naruto to properly learn the Talk no Jutsu.


He is a little antagonistic with his attempts isn’t he lol? Its sort of funny that you can have Naruto literally beating his world-view into much older opponents (who have been convinced of themselves for a decade), but still come off as throwing less jabs than Anduin threw at Sylvie here. He’s not great


Kill him Sylvanas. Redeem yourself.


Called it
 so far back.

I’m annoyed that they squished this arc so thoroughly, if it had been over the course of four expansions instead of two, it would have been really great. This is what I think the writing team was speaking of when talking about their plot, that’s why there’s such a disconnect between us and them, because they see what their overall plan was, as opposed to what we actually get.

At this point there’s a serious disconnect between the Sylvanas shown here and the one we see in BfA, or any other time other than pre-Cata. On one hand they’ve been trying to retcon her as ‘always bad’ as far back as the Wrathgate, but on the other hand she shows real conflict here.

Anduin being able to shake her resolve doesn’t bother me too much, we’ve seen it happen before, and it’s not like characters haven’t been persuaded from their paths at the last minute before, or shown regret. Kil’jaeden, for instance, or in a more marked level, Alganon. But this Sylvanas, while (in my opinion) better written than BfA Sylvanas, is a far cry from what she was in terms of characterization seen in the latter version.


True. Nothing like a blindingly naïve optimist to shake up the beliefs of a bitter nihilist. Though, I don’t think it should be sufficient if she’s really convinced herself she doesn’t have a choice. Because despite Anduin’s claim here “That she holds the power” 
 she doesn’t really. The person who gave her the order to hurry the hell up and get things done holds the power. The system that she believes discarded her into the Maw in the first place, still holds power. Even with her power now, she probably held more power as Warchief as she does in that room. That argument should NOT work with the worldview they’ve portrayed for her.


Dang it blizz

Why are we upset now?


Given we made a being who had seen dozens of worlds become reoriginated change his mind by beating him up enough, it doesn’t surprise me, especially with Anduin.

Plus, I’ve thought for some time that Anduin isn’t entirely the goody-goody people label him as. He wants peace, and is a scholarly, gentle nerd trapped in the role of a warrior king, but there are moments where he’s pretty cunning and manipulative. My issue is the disconnect between the versions of Sylvanas, with this one aligning a lot more with Legion era Sylvanas, the one that fight alongside Varian and seemed to actually respect him, than any of the others.

I can see that Sylvanas being swayed by Anduin, but not the one from literally an expansion ago, nor the one from Cataclysm. Burning Crusade and Wrath Sylvanas I can see also being swayed.


I am laughing my *** off having trouble staying alive thanks to a lack of breath


Personally I’m peeved that now that it’s time for her to be more sympathetic, they gave this Sylvanas a more attractive model and armour set than before. She hasn’t looked this conventionally attractive since Wrath.

Don’t think I didn’t notice, Blizzard. I’m on to you


Because Anduin is talk-no-jutsuing down a woman who created a World War just to rack up as large of a kill count on every side as she could. And that hesitance and uncertainty in her (while even I, who expected her to Use us and Bail, feels more in character for her) 
 is not who’ve we’ve seen up till now. This Sylvanas has committed Nightmares and sacrificed everyone for her goals, yet she’s faultering on the precipice because of a Teenager. And, yes, it has been established that her first instinct with someone who she still sees as foolishly clinging to hope is to try to break them of that; however her second instinct is to try to force them through some antagonistic act to compel them to see things her way.

 Sylvanas should “commit” to whatever the Jailor plans to do with Anduin. Both in her personal trigger of trying to snuff out the illusion of “hope”, and her belief in her own powerlessness she’s convinced herself of. BOTH of these motivations should push her into “pressing that Mournlamayne Button”.


Anduin: “Hey Sylvanas, do you member that Arthas killed you?”

Sylvanas: holy crap he’s right
Sylvanas: maybe murdering people is wrong


Number one rule of fantasy. Hot people can’t be bad people. Only uggos like Orcs are true villains. Anyone conventionally attractive is just damaged or misguided, and just needs to “see the Light”.


My only major complaint about the cinematic is
why does it seem like Anduin is the only character in the WoW universe that is able to go all therapist onto people and make them second guess themselves and their actions or just make them slowly walk toward becoming a better them?

We have it with varian, Jaina, saurfang, garrosh, Sylvanas, Baine.

I think I’m starting to understand why tyrande doesn’t actually want to talk to him while she’s in nightwarrior mode.


Does anyone actually care about the characters anymore??