Sylvanas Cinematic... After Sire Denathrius defeat

Sylvanas’ end will be her betraying the Jailer and ‘saving’ us from him, before using that new power to try and usurp the Arbiter, thus breaking the machine she feels controls all destiny. We’ll fight her, and push her into the Maw and lock her there to be the new Jailer.

She becomes a goddess incarnate, completely safe from death or her destiny being controlled, but trapped in her own realm. She saves us from the Jailer, who will be revealed as having always been about to break free even without her help, and is thus partly redeemed, while also being gone from the story.

That’s what I’m very sure is going to happen.

Honestly, by this point, I’m down. Sure, I hate anything resembling a Syvlanas redemption, but I didn’t expect the path to redemption having a story beat as stupid as the one in this video. So, let’s go. The Jailer is actually their child from the accelerated Alternate Draenor timeline, while we’re at it.

How is it stupid, like did you even read war crimes?

I don’t know how to read :frowning:

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I used to be a huge sylvanas fan years ago, so for me there’s still a bit of admiration for her. I never hated her character and the forsaken are my second favorite race in game.

In short, a part of me is squeling with delight

I used to like Sylvanas too. Then, they said “how evil can we make her”, and I stopped.

::He would look at Lordaeron City.::
::He would look at Varok Saurfang.::
::He would look at Vol’jin.::
::He would look at Nathaniel.::
“yeah nah only night elves deserve revenge because vendor npcs are the most important.”


I was gonna say, I’m pretty sure Kat has specifically argued to make the horde experience worse to sate her ego.

So her accusing others of doing so is… ironic lol


See, this guy gets me. He really, really gets me.

We’ve already jumped the shark with the WoW story. So let’s strap on the water skis and see how far we can go with it.

Redeem Arthas and make him the new king of the united Horde and Alliance empire. Have Sylvanas and Anduin get married, spend a honeymoon on AU Draenor where they have a kid that gets sucked in a time vortex to become the Jailer. Have Kael’thas see that portal to Orgrimmar in Obonobo and step through to lead the void elves. Have Baine turn out to be the strongest character in Warcraft, and also be Anduin’s side piece. Have Jaina be a dreadlord, and have the dreadlords be a secret police force that keeps the Warcraft multiverse balanced through keeping the six “forces” in constant conflict. Redeem Sargeras while we’re at it, and have him lead the Army of the Light.

If it pisses people off, don’t just do it. Do it to eleven.


Nope only with forsaken players cause forsaken want to screw over the alliance, and thralls horde for fun

I will say I did like snappy Anduin with his “and here she is again.”



I never personally got how a bunch of NPCs, which the vast majority of never interacted with and most can’t even name without looking them up on WoWpedia, are some how more important than actual lore characters we come to love.

It’s a massive magical tree with it’s root system intact still. It’s not like the loss was ever truly permanent


Like it isn’t even a debate: Sylvanas overwhelmingly caused more damage to the Horde than she did to the Night Elves. She definitely caused more damage to the Gilneans than she did the night elves.

So… why is it that only night elves get revenge?
Why is the entire Horde, who she spent multiple expansions screwing over in secret and in public, not deserving of revenge over Tyrande?

It is with this alone that I welcome her redemption. Night Elf fans can go fish.


Hold up, now. Hold up. I was onboard until this. You accidentally let a good idea get in there. If she had some emotional-control voodoo, it might explain why everyone suddenly forgot that she also tried to commit genocide.

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Your snarkyness, it’s a beauty to see. No wonder we get along. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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You shouldn’t take Treng’s claims as hard fact on why Night Elf fans are as upset as they are. In case you haven’t noticed he’s determined to miss-represent them at every avenue possible.


Oh, I understand why you guys are upset, it’s the whole No Conquence and not being able to repay the horde in kind, ten fold.

I was just poking fun at the people who are obsessed with just the tree.


No one other than extremely fringe minority has ever asked to repay the Horde ten fold. This is just more of Treng’s propaganda.


Can we all just agree that Danasuers unholy love for Syl is just not good for story content? lol